Information Regarding the Goods of Solomon Šauengel
The Main Control delivered to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade data regarding the goods which Solomon Šauengel from Vršac dispatched to the Customs in Višnjica. The Administration was requested to deliver the documentation to the brothers Radović, the merchants.
The membership card issued by the Association of Commercial Agents to Sofija Alkalaj, the owner of a commercial agency located at 22 Kraljev Trg Street.
Income Report for the Apartment Building at 38 Dositejeva Street
The income report for the apartment building for 1939 and 1945. The building, located at 38 Dositejeva Street, was owned by Sofija Štajn, and in 1945 it was handed over to the National Hypothekary bank, Board for the Land Administration of Serbia.
Income Report for the Apartment Building at 20 Jevrejska Street
The income report for the apartment building for 1939 and 1945. The building, located at 20 Jevrejska Street, was owned by Sofija Štajner and in 1945 it was handed over to the National Hypothekary bank, Board for the Land Administration of Serbia.
The membership card issued by the Association of Commercial Agents to Stevan Demajo, the owner of a commercial agency located at 25 Strahinjića Bana Street.
The membership card issued by the Association of the Commercial Agents to Stevan Koen, the owner of a commercial agency located at 44 Kralja Petra Street.
The inventory and evaluation of the property of the late Stela Tuvi from Belgrade, with residence at 14 Dobračina Street, who died on the 10th September 1941
Izrail Albahari Requested the Dismissal From the Belgrade Residency
Izrail Albahari, the shoemaker, requested the Belgrade Municipal Court to be dismissed from the membership of the Belgrade Municipality due to his move away to Subotica. The request was granted.
Isak Farki Filed a Lawsuit Against Rakila Almuzlino
Jakov Nahmijas, Jakov David Pinto, Sunha, a wife of Samuil Hajm Adut, and Jakov Beniamin were interrogated in the Dorćol Precinct as witnesses in the lawsuit Isak Farki had filed against Rahila, a wife of Josif Almuzlino, over attack.
The Association of Commercial Agents requested detailed information on the company Tajtacak i Mandil Komisioneri from Smedrevo. The information was necessary for making a business recommendation.
Isak Mađar Filed a Lawsuit Against Jovan Negovanović Over Debt
The Commercial Court brought a decision in a matter of a lawsuit Isak Mađar, a flour dealer from Timisoara, had filed against Jovan Negovanović, a baker from Belgrade, over debt. The Court decided that in a ten-day period Negovanović settled his debt to Mađar and paid the associated court fee.
Tilda Finci informed the commissary of the Association of Pharmacists in Belgrade that her husband Jahiel Finci, a pharmacist, was captured, that he did not contact her, and that she heard that he was transferred from Ruma to Pecs in Hungary.
19 June 1941
Document folio 1
Izak Farki Entered Into the Voters Registry
The Belgrade Municipal Court brought a decision to enter Izak Farki, a day laborer, a native of Turn Severin, into the Voters Registry.
Inventory of the Seized Merchandises of Antonije Milić
Upon the request of Solomon Jakov Kojen and Farki, the merchants, the Ćuprija County Court forwarded to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a copy of the inventory of the seized merchandises of Antonije Milić from Svilajnac.
Investigation on the Fraud Committed by the Brothers Bril
The Ministry of the Interior reported to the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs on the investigation conducted against the brothers Eduard, Ferdinand and Dr Bernhard Bril, whom Miloš Vojvodić from Niša accused for fraud.
Information on the Company Maksim Flajšer and Majer
The official announcement of the extension of work of the glass and porcelain company owned by Šarlota and Benjamin Flajšer, Ferdinand and Isidora Majer. The name of the company was Maksim Flajšer i Majer, with head office at 13 Prestolonaslednikov Trg Street. The file contained the decision on the closure of the store.
Information on the Company Brothers Fuks and Ruben
The Association of Commercial Agents requested detailed information on the company Braća Fuks i Ruben, owned by Nisim Ruben, Filip and Ernest Fuks. Information was required for a business recommendation.
The invitation sent to the members of the Tinsmiths Guild to attend the meeting scheduled for 30 May 1904. The invitation was sent to Finci, Baruh, Adut, Nafusi, Demajo.
The Dorćol Precinct escorted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade Isak Papo who had come from Sarajevo and settled at the household of his aunt Flora Finci and started to work for Avram Pučino. Papo was to be deported to Sarajevo according to the regulation which banned the settlement of Jews in Serbia.
Inventory of Haim Avramović and Jakov Samuilo‘s Goods
the Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to inventory and evaluate goods of Haim Avramović and Jakov Samuilo, leather merchants, at the request of their partner Jovan Vučković.
Witnesses gave statements that Haim Avramović and Haim Avram Konfino was one and the same person and that Lezer Avram Konfino was his brother. Jahiel Ruso submitted the statements to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade for verification.
Ilija Mirković Filed a Lawsuit Against Haim Adut Over Debt
Ilija Mirković, the inn keeper from Kragujevac, had filed a lawsuit against Haim Adut, a tinsmith from Belgrade, who had made a debt amounting to 113 groshes during his stay in the inn in a month period, which he refused to pay. The Town Court instructed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the debt amount from Haim Adut.
The Belgrade Town Court, at the request of Ministry of Justice, requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to suspend the execution of the six week prison sentence to Isak B. Avram over fraud. The Serbian Prince decided to release him from prison at the request of Haim Avram Koen and Sadik Koen. The recorded also contained data regarding the lawsuit Anđelko Anastasijević from Smederevo filed against Isak Avram, over debt.