The Administration of the Town of Belgrade brought to the Belgrade Town Court Nisim Alfandari, a money dealer, accused of fraud in collecting the bill of exchange from Neti, the wife of Abraham Levi.
The list of passengers on the 11th December 1889, compiled by the Railway Police. The list included also Solomon Azrijel, D. Hajim, Maks Kon, Moric Binder, Flora Almoslino, Jakov Almuli, Avram Levi and others.
11 December 1889
Document folio 5
List of Passengers
The list of passengers on the 21st September 1889. The list included also Avram Ozerović, Avram Talvi, Avram Levi.
21 September 1889
Document folio 2
List of Respectable Citizens in the Town Precinct
The head of the Town Precinct sent to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade requested list of respectable citizens. The list included also Samuilo Azrijel, Avram M. Levi, Samuilo Pijade, Leon Jakovljević, Živko Koen.
4 April 1901
Document folio 2
Lawsuit File of Avram Levi Dispatched To the Court
The Town Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events which occurred in the city: a lawsuit file of Avram Levi, a merchant, was dispatched to the Court.
List of passengers who arrived to the Town Precinct on the 3rd April 1874. The list included Jakob Albala from Timisoara, Avram Levi and Moša Altarac from Bijeljina, Jakov Barak from Banja Luka, Bukas M. Davidović from Požarevac.
The commander of the Belgrade Army dispatched to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a list of artillerymen. The lit included Avram Levi, Izrajel Ruso and Moša Kalesan, all merchants.
Laura Levi Got a Permission to Open a Perfume Store
The Department for Stores of the Administration of the City of Belgrade issued a permission to Laura Levi to open a perfume shop located in the No.16 Prestolonaslednikov Trg Street. The manager of the shop was Avram Levi.
Lawsuit of Avram Leon and Jovan Radojčić against Panta Milojević
The lawyer Jakovljević requested the Zemun Magistrate to schedule a hearing in a lawsuit initiated by a merchant Avram Leon and a cooper Jovan Radojčića against Panta Milojević.
Lota Lidži Filed a Lawsuit Against Sabataj Levi Over Debi
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a subpoena to Sabitaj Levi regarding the lawsuit Lota, a wife of Avram Lidži from Vidin, had filed against him, over debt.
List of passengers compiled on 4th February 1878 by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade. The list included Solomon Levi, Solomon Liđi, Markus Pinkas, Bernhard Hercl, Solomon and Avram Majer, Avram Kon, Avram Kalmić, Venjamin Ruso and others.
The Sava Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the passengers who arrived to Belgrade on 4th October 1901. Among others were David Demajo, Josif Talvi, Avram Solomon Majer, Isak Eškenazi.
4 October 1901
List of Passengers Compiled on 24th March 1878
List of passengers compiled on 24th March 1878 by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade. The list included Solomon Elias Kon, Anđel Levi, Avram Majo, Izrael Ruso, Solomon Levi and others.
List of persons who didn‘t settle their debts to the Town Precinct. Among others were Semajo Eskenazi, Moša Kojen and Isak Levi,over their poor material situation, Avram Maca and Bencijon, who bankrupted, Isak Adanja settled th debt, etc...
The Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade compiled a list of passengers on 20th October 1879. The list included also Berta Samo, Dr Pops, Nisim Aron, Jahijel Pijade, Avram Mevorah, Rubin Levi, Isak Pinkas, Solomon Levi...
List of passengers compiled by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on 5th May 1880. The list included Matija Suzin, Avram Mevorah, David Adanja, Jahiel Pijade.
Lists of Grocers, Innkeepers, Confectioners and Candy Manufacturers
Lists of grocers, innkeepers, confectioners and candy manufacturers working o the territory of the Dorćol Precinct. The list of grocers included also Navtali Levi, Avram Albakari, Isak Avramović, Samoilo Adut, Avram Kalderon, Moša Amar, Avram Adanja. The list of innkeepers included Josif Danon and Avram Mevorah, and the list of confectioners included Solomon Hazan and Bukus Kalderon.
Document folio 4
List of Passengers Compiled on 13th and 14th October 1896
A list of passengers compiled on 13th and 14th October 1896. Avram Mevorah departed on ship to Šabac.
List of passengers compiled by the Sava Precinct. Among the passengers were Jakov Čelebonović, the lawyer, Josif Avram, a merchant, Benko Davičo, a clerk, Avram Mevorah, a trade agent.
14 August 1900
List of Military Reservists
The 7th County Command sent to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade list of the military reservists who had to report to the Command on the 3rd September 1885 and had to bring with them cloths and food and the cavalry had to bring the food for horses. The list also included Avram J. Medina, Moša Adanja, David B. Josif, Manojlo Pops, Josif M. Kalderon.
29 August 1887
Document folio 5+(1)
List of Undelivered Letters
List of undelivered registered letters dispatched from abroad whose keeping period had expired. The list included letters sent to Elijas Koen in Frankfurt, Abram Hajon, Abram Medina in Odessa, Moša Kalev in Niš.
Lists of Soldiers Who Missed to Report to the Recruit Commission
The president of the Recruit Commission dispatched to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade the lists of soldiers who missed to report to that Commission. On the lists were
Jakijel Ruso, Hajim Suzin, Avram Isak Mišulan, Izrajel Ruso, Semaja Albakari, Hajim Hazan, Solomon Levi, Avram Albala, Biti Albala, Juda Levi, Jozef Levi, Isak Albahari and others.
Lists of military conscripts. Enlisted were Juda Alšek, Jakov Kojen, Avram Mošić, Solomun Juda Levi, Azrijel Mošić, Nisim Efraim, Josif Elijas, Samujil Ezra, Avram Josif Farki, Aron Isak Kojen, Isak Levi, Hajim Benjamin Pinto, David Benvenist, Biti Albala, etc.
List of the Property Owners in the Dorćol Precinct
Register of paid property tax for the period from the 1st November 1884 to the 1st November 1885. in the Dorćol Precinct. The list included also owners Avram M. Levi, a money changer, Haim Šalom, a merchant, Moša Mevorah, a money changer, Avram Albala, a merchant,
Mordohaj H. Kojen, a money changer, Moša Ovadije, a merchant, and Avram M. Nahman, a merchant.
18 February 1885
Document folio 10+(4)
List of Passengers Compiled on 21st March 1874
List of passengers compiled on 21st March 1874. The list included Moša S. Ozer, Moša R. Farhi and Bernhard Lebl from Belgrade, Avram D. Nisim from Šabac, etc.
List of passengers compiled on 16th April 1874. The list included Jakov Kon from Turn Severin, Jakov Fuks, Moren Azrijel and Moša Ozer from Belgrade, Avram D. Nisim from Šabac, etc.
Lawsuit of Avram Ozerović Against Đorđe Belkić and Stojan Jovanović
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fees from Đorđe Belkić and Stojan Jovanović against whom Josif Miović, a legal representative of Avram Ozerović, had filed, over debt.