Moša Samuilović Arrived to Belgrade For Business Purposes
The Quarantine in Aleksinac informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade about the arrival of Moša Samuilović from Niš to Belgrade. Samuilović came for business purposes and he would be in a house of Avram Adut during his stay in Belgrade.
Milovan Marković Filed a Lawsuit Against Avram Adut and Benvenista Albala
The Commercial Court brought a decision in a lawsuit Milovan Marković, a butcher, had filed against Avram Adut and Benvenista Albala, the renters of the butcher shops, over debt. The Court ordered Adut and Albala to settle their debts. Avram Adut gave a statement that he had neither resources nor property to settle the debt and the household belonged to his wife Rakila.
Membership of Avram Ovadija and Avram Albahari in the Association
The Association of Merchants of Colonial, Deli and Grocery Merchandise informed the Ministry of Commerce and Industry that Avram Ovadije and Buki Avram Albahari were not their members, but rather members of the Association of Merchants of Manufactures Products.
The documentation compiled by the Association of Craftsmen for the City of Belgrade and the Vračar District on the tinsmith exam taken by Avram Almozlino, who served his apprenticeship in the shop of his father Josif Almozlino.
The Čačak Court communicated the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit filed by Mića Ilijić from Karanovac, whom represented Avram Anaf, his apprentice.
The Glaziers Guild delivered to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade the requested information, regarding the Guild‘s members. Avram Arueti was a member of the Management Board, and Moša Rubinović was a member of the Supervising board.
Meeting of the Association of Merchants of Various Specialization
The report from the fifth assembly of the Association of Merchants of Various Specialization of the City of Belgrade. Avram Bukiš was elected deputy of the Main Board and Haim Levi was elected deputy member of the Supervising Board.
12 March 1939
Document folio 3
Moša and Avram Demajo Had No Resources to Cover the Hospital Costs
The Belgrade Municipal Court issued a certificate that Moša Demajo and his father Avram Demajo, a drummer had no resources to cover hospital costs.
Medical Treatment of Avram D. Majo in Vienna Settled From the Hospital Fund
The Ministry of the Interior instructed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the hospital bill amount from the Hospital Fund for a settlement of medical treatment of Avram D. Majo in Vienna.
Merchandise of Eliša Koen and Avram Elijas Inventoried
The Belgrade Town Court instructed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to inventory again the merchandise located at the store of Avram Elijas and Eliša Koen. Elijas sued Eliša Koen and his son Salomon for the breach of partnership contract.
The Belgrade Commercial Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fees from Moša Levi, for a lawsuit he had filed against Avram Eskinazi.
List of members of the Luxury Products Merchants Guild, among whom were Avram
Kojen, Aron Levi, David Buli, Ferdinand Bril, Haim Jozef, Avram Mošić, Jovan Melamet, Menahem Anđelo, Avram Eskinazi, Avram Hahman,
Haim Levi, Samuel Pijada, Avram De Majo.
Mijailo Simić Reported on Avram Jakovljević‘s Conduct
Mijailo Simić, a policeman, reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that Avram Jakovljević, a money dealer, was rude and impolite at a delivery of a court decision made upon his request.
Moric Jakovljević, Jakov Koen and Avram Kavison Sentenced For Wandering
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Moric Jakovljević, Jakov Koen and Avram Kavison were sentenced with 5-day imprisonment for wandering around; a chimney on the house of Hajim Ruso in the Dušanova Street caught fire.
Mihajlo Vasić Accused Isak B. Avramović For Stealing a Wallet
Mihajlo Vasić, a peasant from Pinosava, accused Isak B. Avramović, the apprentice to Avram Kalderon, for stealing of wallet. The investigating judge decided to terminate the investigation related to this case due to the lack of proof.
Membership Fee Collected from the Belgrade Colonial Merchants Association
The list of members of the Colonial Merchants Association that paid the membership fee for the first half of 1923. The list included Ilija Konfino, Avram J. Kalderon, Rašela Lebl, Regina Lebl, Vidoje Albala, Naftali Levi, Rahamin Levi, Bukus Levi, Hajim Alkalaj, Jakov Adanja, M. Nahmijas, Avram Adut, Ješa Jeušua, Rudolf Ruso.
28 April 1923
Document folio 18
Moša Kalderon Filed a Lawsuit Against Nikodije Krstić Over Debt
The Court in Aleksinac communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding a court decision reached in a lawsuit Moša Kalderon, represented by Avram Koen, had filed against Nikodije Krstić, over debt.
Moša Kalderona Filed a Lawsuit Against Avram Mihajlović Over Debt
The Court in Kruševac requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver the court decision to Avram Koen, a legal representative of Moša Kalderon, who had filed a lawsuit against Avram Mihajlović from Kruševac, over debt.
Moša Kalderon Filed a Lawsuit Against Manojlo Mijalković
Correspondence of the Court in Ćuprija and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Avram Koen, a legal representative of Moša Kalderon, had filed against Manojlo Mijalković from Paraćin, over debt.
Moša Solomonović Gave a Power of Attorney To Avram Koen
Moša Solomonović submitted a request to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to verify a power of attorney he had given to his apprentice Avram Koen to represent him in lawsuits.
Menahem Efraim Filed a Lawsuit Against Kosta Stoičević
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade investigated the lawsuit of Menahem Efraim filed against Kosta Stoičević over treats and insults. Avram Koen, Josif Elijas and Solomon Levi were interrogated as witnesses.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the collection of court fees from Jevraim Kojen i.e. his legal representative Avram M. Kojen. The fee was associated with the lawsuit Moša Kojen had filed against Jevraim Kojen.
Majer A. Konfino applied to the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants for a business card. The documentation included a copy of the military document of his father Avram Konfino.
The Belgrade City Government issued the marriage certificate to Dora Lang who married Avram Lang, the musician, on 13th November 1938. The certificate was issued at the request of Gestapo.
Minutes from the Annual Assembly of the Association of Grocery Merchants
The minutes from the annual assembly of the Association of Grocery Merchants of the City of Belgrade, held on 19 February 1939 in the hall of the Workers‘ Chamber. The assembly was attended by Hazan Izrael, Azrijel Romano, Avram B. Nisim, Josif Izrael, Isak Baruh and others.