Membership of Avram Ovadija and Avram Albahari in the Association
The Association of Merchants of Colonial, Deli and Grocery Merchandise informed the Ministry of Commerce and Industry that Avram Ovadije and Buki Avram Albahari were not their members, but rather members of the Association of Merchants of Manufactures Products.
The documentation compiled by the Association of Craftsmen for the City of Belgrade and the Vračar District on the cordwainer exam taken by Danilo Alšeh, Avram Ovadije, Persijada Eškenazi, and others.
Avram Ozerović, a merchant, submitted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a medical report as evidence that he had missed the military training due to his injury.
Moša Mevorah Gave a Power of Attorney To Dimitrije Popović
Moša Mevorah gave a power of attorney to Dimitrije Popović to represent on his behalf Avram O. Ruso and Moreno A. Ruso from Vienna in their lawsuit against Manojlo Stefanović and Nikola Peinović.
Markazan Lazarević Indepted to David Nisim and Avram Suzin
The Šabac County Court communicated the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the request of the widow of the late Markazan Lazarević that David Nisim and Avram Suzin should provide the accounts which would confirm that her diseased husband had been indepted to them.
Correspondence of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and the Administration of the Town Belgrade regarding the tax money which Avam Suzin, the Austrian subject, had received from the Jewish community and took it to Zemun. The Ministry recommended to the Administration to instruct the Jewish Community to appoint two delegates to go to Austria and to recover the tax money. In addition, the Administration was to strongly rebuke the Jewish Community for choosing a foreigner for its representative and a treasurer.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the execution of the court decision brought in a lawsuit Avram Suzin and the tutors of the property of Moša Amar had filed against Menahaim Amar and David Samuel Amar, over debt. Accordingly, the Administration sold in an auction the house of Menaham Amar for debt settlement.
Majir Baruh Benbasat submitted statements for verification to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade, which were given by the witnesses regarding his marriage to Rahila, a daughter of Avram B. Heski, the dowry she brought and the present he gave to his wife.
Moša Suzin Testified On Conversation Between Jahijel Ruso and Adanja Elijas
Moša Avram Suzin testified on a conversation that took place in a tavern between Jahijel Ruso and Adanja Elijas regarding the payment of a rent for tavern and completion of other provisions of the agreement.
Moša A. Suzin Testified Regarding the Promise Made to Adanja Elijas
Moša A. Suzin gave a statement regarding the conversation he had had with Jahiel Ruso, the inn-keeper which he had leased to Adanja Elijas. Suzin confirmed that Ruso promised to Elijas that he would put in order his inn and would make an outdoor guest area in his garden.
Manojlo Novaković Requested a Debt Collection From Adut Kaim
Manojlo Novaković complained to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that he failed to collect a debt amount from Adut Kaim, and requested a priority in collecting the debt from a property seized from Kaim.
The documentation compiled by the Association of Craftsmen for the City of Belgrade and the Vračar District on the jeweller exam taken by Azriel Beraha.
Mosa Beniamin Aftalion and Azrijel Aruet To Settle Their Debt to M. Pardo
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to seize the passport from Mosa Beniamin Aftalion and to ban him to leave the town until the debt he and his partner Azrijel Aruet were obliged to settle to Merkada Nisim Pardo.
The list of members of the Cordwainer‘s Guild. Serbian citizens Aron Alkalaj, Azrijel Kojen, Maks Levenzon i Cadi Kalmi Baruh were on the list, as well as two foreigners, Aron Testa and Kosta Bohar.
The list of members of the Cordwainers‘ Guild, including the names of 157 craftsmen. Aron Alkalaj, Azrijel Kojen, Jovan Moric, Kosta Bahar, Maks Levenzon, Sami Munk, Cadik Kalmi Baruh were included on the list.
Minutes from the Annual Assembly of the Association of Grocery Merchants
The minutes from the annual assembly of the Association of Grocery Merchants of the City of Belgrade, held on 19 February 1939 in the hall of the Workers‘ Chamber. The assembly was attended by Hazan Izrael, Azrijel Romano, Avram B. Nisim, Josif Izrael, Isak Baruh and others.
19 February 1939
Document folio 14
Menahem Danitović and Bohor Afarović Accused For Attacking a Police Officer
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade escorted to the Belgrade Town Court Menahem Danitović, a servant in the tavern of Azrijel B. Haim, and Bohor Afarović, accused for the attack on the police officer Todor Naumović.
The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to investigate, upon the demand of the Austrian Consulate, what was the material situation of Azrijel B. Hajm up to 1862 until when he resided in Belgrade.
Medical Reports Issued To Ruben Alkalaj, Herman Kurt and Aleksandar Gere
The Jewish Medical Service at the Tašmajdan issued the medical reports to Ruben Alkalaj, Herman Kurt and Aleksandar Gere, due to their illnesses, to excuse them from labor for several days. Enclosed to the file was the pass ticket issued to Isail Šalom.
The documentation compiled by the Association of Craftsmen for the City of Belgrade and the Vračar District on the tinsmith exam taken by Aleksandar Kon.
Memebrship Register of Members of the Association of Leather Merchants
The list of members of the Association of Leather Merchants who had to pay the membership fee. The list included David Alkalaj, Mihailo Gutman, Stevan G. Koen, Aron Koen, Herbert A. Koen, Leon Karijo, Aleksandar Singer, Hajnrih Flajšer, Moric Čelebonović.
Document folio 93
Moša Solomonović and Alkalaj Ruso Filed a Lawsuit Against Pavle Ostojić
The Smederevo County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to Moša Solomonović and Alkalaj Ruso reached in a lawsuit they had filed against Pavle Ostojić.
Management Board of the Association of the Commercial Agents
The list of members of the Management Board of the Association of the Commercial Agents. The cashier of the Association was Nisim Ruben, and the members included on the list were Kalman Lebl, Alkan Đerasi, Maks Demajo, Moša Mevorah.