M. Altaras, a trade assistant from Novi Sad, communicated the Lost and Found Department at the Police Directorate for the information if his lost wallet was found.
Mair Aluerović Fined For Improperly Keeping Business Books
The Criminal Police Department of the Administration of the City of Belgrade fined Mair Aluerović, the owner of an antiquity store in the Kralja Aleksandra Street, for improperly keeping his business books related to purchase of goods.
Merchants From Belgrade Refused to Respond To the Belgrade Customs
The Belgrade Customs requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to summon Gavrilo S. Kojen, Alfandar, Andželo and Moreno Azrijel, merchants from Belgrade, and to fine them for not responding to the summons of the Customs.
Membership Fees of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants
The treasurer of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants requested the Management Board to write off the membership fees due after the 6th April 1941 because they moved away from Belgrade or closed their businesses. The list included Dezider Ajzler, Gavra Dajč, Isidor Gaon, Alfred Kunodi,ois Sason, Oto Hiršler, Isak Cveher, Moša Farkić.
30 January 1942
Document folio 3
Moric Gutman Accused For Fraud
Jovan Popović, the lawyer and the representative of several creditors of Moric Gutman, requested the Terazije Precinct to sentence the above referred person and his wife Juliana, for fraud. They were accused that they allegedly requested, on behalf of Ana Mađar, born Ozer, demanded the ban to be put on the property seized from Moritz Gutman for false debt, and afterwards they transferred that property into the ownership of Juliana Gutman. The late Asher Ozer, Anin‘s brother participated in that fraud.
Ana Mađar, born Ozer, was interrogated as a witness in the criminal investigation against Moric Gutman, a tailor, and his wife Julijana Gutman, who were accused for declaring false bankruptcy.
5 March 1874
Document folio 2
Moric Gutman Accused For False Bankruptcy
The Terazije Precinct requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to investigate if the Commercial Court received a lawsuit filed by Ana Mađar, born Ozer, for debt collection from Moric Gutman. The Precinct required those documents for investigation conducted against Moric Gutman, a tailor, for declaring false bankruptcy.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade requested the Commercial Court to deliver the documentation regarding the ban put on the mobile property of Moric Gutman, a tailor, to secure the debt settlement to Ana Ozerović. Moric Gutman was accused for declaring false bankruptcy and accordingly interrogated.
Ana Pinto requested the Municipality of the City of Belgrade to issue her a certificate that she married Moša Pinto, the clerk, on 20th January 1929. Ana Pinto was issued the required certificate.
The documentation compiled by the Association of Craftsmen for the City of Belgrade and the Vračar District on the tailor exam taken by Rika Albahari, who served her apprenticeship in the shop of Anđelko Munka and Matilda Blaum.
The Dorćol Precinct to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events occurred in the Town in July 1883: Bokor Levi and Sabitaj Kazas were sentenced for dirtiness, Juda Isah Mevorah for strolling and Aron Alkalaj for being drunk.
Members of Boots Makers Guild Asked to Repay Their Debts
The Cordwainers Guild invited eight members to come to the tavern Kod belog orla, in Vračar, and to bring the receipts of the debts they repaid to the Guild. The list of debtors included Aron Alkalaj, a shoemaker from Zerek.
The list of members of the Cordwainer‘s Guild. Serbian citizens Aron Alkalaj, Azrijel Kojen, Maks Levenzon i Cadi Kalmi Baruh were on the list, as well as two foreigners, Aron Testa and Kosta Bohar.
The list of members of the Cordwainers‘ Guild, including the names of 157 craftsmen. Aron Alkalaj, Azrijel Kojen, Jovan Moric, Kosta Bahar, Maks Levenzon, Sami Munk, Cadik Kalmi Baruh were included on the list.
Members of the Association of Merchants of Glass and Porcelain
The list of members of the Association of Merchants of Glass and Porcelain. The list included Lazar Josif, Jefrem Eškenazi, Aron Benvenisti, Moreno S. Koen, Benjamin Flajšer, Koloman Danon, Moric Koen.
23 April 1941
Document folio 18
Merchants Requested to Be Allowed to Work on Sundays during the Fair
A group of merchants sought permission from the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products to work on Sundays, 12th and 19th September 1937. They sought permission because many foreigners were expected to come to Belgrade, due to the opening of the First Belgrade International Fair. The request was signed by Šaul Konfino, Aron H. Gabaj, Jakov Mandilović and others.
Milan Nikolić and Aron Kajderon Had a Fight in the Jevrejska Mala
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Milan Nikolić, a milkman, and Aron Kajderon had a fight in the Jevrejska mala.
Memebrs of the Soko Athletic Association "Dušan the Great"
List of the members of the Soko Athletic Association "Dušan the Great" who were banned to exercise until they paid the membership fee. The list included Aron Kalderon and Moša Beraha.
Moša Kalderon Gave a Power of Attorney to Aron M. Koen
Moša Kalderon, a merchant, gave a power of attorney to Aron M. Koen, his apprentice, to collect debts amount on behalf of his name and submitted it for verification to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade.
Memebrship Register of Members of the Association of Leather Merchants
The list of members of the Association of Leather Merchants who had to pay the membership fee. The list included David Alkalaj, Mihailo Gutman, Stevan G. Koen, Aron Koen, Herbert A. Koen, Leon Karijo, Aleksandar Singer, Hajnrih Flajšer, Moric Čelebonović.
Document folio 93
Milan Musulin Caught For Jewelry Theft
Svetozar Savić, a gendarme, informed the Terazije Precinct to have caught Milan Musulin, a high school student, who had in his possession a jewelry who allegedly found in front of a broken window of a store in the Terazije. It was suspected that the jewelry belonged to Aron Konfino.
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Dorćol Precinct to inventory the property of the diseased Mišulan Levi, upon the request of his son Aron Mišulan Levi. The Dorćol Precinct reported back that it failed to inventory the property due to the fact that all Jews from the town had moved away, taking with them their possessions.
List of members of the Luxury Products Merchants Guild, among whom were Avram
Kojen, Aron Levi, David Buli, Ferdinand Bril, Haim Jozef, Avram Mošić, Jovan Melamet, Menahem Anđelo, Avram Eskinazi, Avram Hahman,
Haim Levi, Samuel Pijada, Avram De Majo.
Mustafa Ismailović Filed a Lawsuit Against Aron Nisim Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fees from Aron Nisim, a baker, associated with the lawsuit in which he was sentenced to settle his debt to Mustafa Ismailović.