Request or Travel Document to Be Issued to Samo Benavram
The request made to the Chambers of Commerce to issue a travel document required for travelling across the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to a travelling salesman Samo Benavram . His old travel document was enclosed.
Request for Travekl Document to Be Issued to Nisim Ašerović
The request made to the Chambers of Commerce to issue a travel document required for travelling across the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to a travelling salesman Nisim Ašerović. His old travel document was enclosed.
The registration certificate of the shipping company owned by Josif Pinto, located at 42 Kralja Petra Street, and a decision on the relocation of the store.
The official announcement stating that Marko Suzin left the partnership manufacturing store he co-owned with Josif Suzin and a registration certificate of the store Josif Suzin continued to run on his own at 18 Kralja Petra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Jakov Mevorah had been relocated from 32 Cara Nikole II Street to 126 br. 32 u Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Avram Burlan had been relocated from 3 Vasina Street to 22 Poenkareova Street and then to 4 Cara Nikole II Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the haberdashery store of Sabitaj Varon had been relocated from 7 Vasina Street to 14 Vasina Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Solomon Mešulam had been relocated from 5 Kraljev Square to 25 Dobračina Street and then to 5 Drinčićeva Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the store of Aron Gabaj had been relocated from 53 Kralja Milana Street to 162 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the store of Simaja Demajo had been relocated from 5 Višnjićeva Street to 22 Kraljev trg Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Haberdashery Merchants about receiving the notification that the store of Isak Demajorović had been relocated from 44 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 72 Cara Nikole II Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the store of Leon Sid had been relocated from 17 Poenkareova Street to 44 Kralja Petra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Aron Elazar had been relocated from 49 Bulevara oslobođenja Street to 15 Novosadska Street and from there to 13 Novosadska Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Isak Haim had been relocated from 2 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 2 Kolarčeva Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Isak Hajim had been relocated from 6 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 2 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Jakova Isaković had been relocated from 8 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 10 Kolarčeva Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Estera Jakovljević had been relocated from 19 Poenkareova Street to 17 Poenkareova Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Avram Kabiljo had been relocated from 10 Milorada Draškovića Street to 8 Kosmajska Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Elijas Kabiljo had been relocated from 20 Kralja Milana Street to 8 Pašićeva Street. The store was relocated again to 74 Kralja Aleksandra Street and from there to 22 Balkanska Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the perfume store of Jakov Kabilio had been relocated from 47 Cara Nikole Street to 70 Cara Nikole Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the haberdashery store of Josif Kabiljo had been relocated from 80 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 20 Kralja Milana Street, and from there to 7 Kolarčeva Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Buki Kazes had been relocated from 284 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 43 Novopazarska Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the store of Hana Kalderon had been relocated from 42 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 63 Kralja Aleksandra Street. The store was later relocated again to 57 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Cezar Kabiljo had been relocated from 21 Poenkareova Street to 3 Prestolonaslednikov trg Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Kasorla Pinkas had been relocated from 47 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 57 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Rahela Katan had been relocated from 34 Gospodar Jovanova Street to 7 Kosačina Street, and from there to 6 Višnjićeva Street.