Samuel Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Samuel Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1898/99. 1899 ИАБ-270-К16 Book Document
Simon Urbah Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Simon Urbah was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1917/18. 1918 ИАБ-270-К34 Book Document
Samuelo Amar Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Samuelo Amar was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1894/1895. 1895 ИАБ-270-К12 Book Document
Solomon Demaj Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Solomon Demaj was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1897/98. 1898 ИАБ-270-К15 Book Document
Samuel Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Samuel Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1894/1895. 1895 ИАБ-270-К12 Book Document
Salamun Baruh Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Salamun Baruh was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1894/1895. 1895 ИАБ-270-К12 Book Document
Samuel Haim Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Samuel Haim was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1894/1895. 1895 ИАБ-270-К12 Book Document
Salamun Amar Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Salamun Amar was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1897/98. 1898 ИАБ-270-К15 Book Document
Salamun Farhi Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Salamun Farhi was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1909/10. 1910 ИАБ-270-К28 Book Document
Salamun Amar Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Salamun Amar was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1896/97. 1897 ИАБ-270-К14 Book Document
Salamun Farhi Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Salamun Farhi was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1908/9. 1909 ИАБ-270-К26 Book Document
Samuel Amar Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Samuel Amar was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1896/97. 1897 ИАБ-270-К14 Book Document
Samuel Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 3nd Grade of Gymnasium Samuel Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 3nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1896/97. 1897 ИАБ-270-К14 Book Document
Samuel Haim Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Samuel Haim was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1896/97. 1897 ИАБ-270-К14 Book Document
Samuelo Meov Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Samuelo Meov was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1907/8. 1908 ИАБ-270-К25 Book Document
Solomon Ruso Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Solomon Ruso was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1907/8. 1908 ИАБ-270-К25 Book Document
Salamun Amar Enrolled in the 6th Grade of Gymnasium Salamun Amar was enrolled in the 6th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1902/03. 1903 ИАБ-270-К20 Book Document
Simon Majer Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Simon Majer was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1893/94. 1894 ИАБ-270-К11 Book Document
Srećkо Vajnberger Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Srećkо Vajnberger was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1903/04. 1904 ИАБ-270-К21 Book Document
Srećko Vajnberger Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Srećko Vajnberger was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1906/7. 1907 ИАБ-270-К24 Book Document
Samuel Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Samuel Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1892/93. 1893 ИАБ-270-К10 Book Document
Sabitaj Koen Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Sabitaj Koen was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1892/93. 1893 ИАБ-270-К10 Book Document
Sabitaj Koen Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Sabitaj Koen was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1891/92. 1892 ИАБ-270-К8 Book Document
Simon Majer Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Simon Majer was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1894/1895. 1895 ИАБ-270-К12 Book Document
Sara Mataras Enrolled in the 6th Grade of Gymnasium Sara Mataras was enrolled in the 6th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1891/92. 1892 ИАБ-270-К9 Book Document
Samuel Majer Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Samuel Majer was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1911/12. 1912 ИАБ-270-К30 Book Document
Serafina Fridman Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Serafina Fridman was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1889/90. 1890 ИАБ-270-К6 Book Document
Salomon Hiršl Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Salomon Hiršl was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1926/27. 1927 ИАБ-270-К43 Book Document
Spisak porodica grada Zemuna - porodica Keser Spisak članova zemunske porodice Adolfa Kesera, trgovca. Nedatirano ИАБ-10-К3750 Book Document
Salamun Farhi Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Salamun Farhi was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1912/13. 1913 ИАБ-270-К31 Book Document