School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Leon Bišorda, Aleksandar Grinberg, Erih Gros, Avram Kalderon, Leon Mašijah, Rašela Arueti, Tatjana Zaks Taube, Džamila Mila Majer, Karmel Munk, Marion Rozenberg and Ela Hara.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1922/23. The classes were attended by: Ana Kapon, Berta Isaković, Vinka Gabaj, Matilda Cevi, Olga Koen, Berta Jakov, Paulina Konfino, Rena Medina, Sofija Benjamin, DŽamila Sid, Matilda Altaras.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1923/24. The classes were attended by: Berta Albahari, Gracija Altaras, Zumbula Jontović, Matilda Altaras, Olga Koen, Paulina Konfino, DŽamila Sid, Sara Elijas, Rena Medina, Esti Konfino, Berta Almuzlinus.
School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1929/30. The classes were attended by: Rejna Azriel, Berta Albahari, Džintila Almuzlino, Sofija Aron, Merijam Isak, Buena Jakovljević, Vinuča Levi, Estera Papo, Bulisa Pijade, Ela Šancer, Klara Bencion, Rašela Koen and Buca Abinun.
School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1930/31. The classes were attended by: Buca Abinun, Berta Albahari, DŽintila Almuzlino, Sofija Aron, Klara Bencion, Merijam Isak, Buena Jakovljević, Rašela Koen, Vinuča Levi, Estera Papo and Bulisa Pijade.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1941/42. The classes were attended by: Palomba Alkuser, Estreja Alkuser, Klara Eškenazi, Florina Judić, DŽintil Mandil, Simha Konfino, Bojana Ovadija, Regina Rafajlović, Lujza Albahari, Klara Zunana.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: Neama Amodaj, Rena Berubi, Džoja Mandil, Sinjora Musafija, Stela Puči, DŽintil Tajtacak, Rahela Hazan.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1939/40. The classes were attended by: Matilda Alkalaj, Roza Beavra, Gizela Konfino, Rahmida Konfino, DŽoja Mandil, Rifka Pinto, Simha Semo, Marija Maković.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Dona Almuzlino, Rašela Benvenisti, Ženi Koen, Matilda Mazal Levi, Rifka Ovadija, Džoja Ovadija, Matilda Mazal Talvi, Mirjam Testa, Ester Almuzlino and Rašela Demajo.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Dona Almuzlino, Rebeka Altaras, Rakela Benvenisti, Perla Vinkler, Ženi Koen, Maca Levi, Rifka Ovadija, Zlata Džoja Ovadija, Matilda Talvi, Mirjam Testa.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1932/33. The classes were attended by: Sarina Albahari, Rakila Ašer, Lenče Bejosif, Perla Vinkler, Mazal Demajo, Rašela Demajo, Zlata Katalan, Rašela Nahmijas, Rejna Ovadija, DŽoja Ovadija, Rahela Hazan.
Solomon Almuli Settled His Debt To Marko Stojanović
The Šabac District Headquarters delivered to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a debt amount collected from Solomon Almuli, a merchant from Šabac, and requested to hand it over to Marko Stojanović, attorney from Belgrade, for debt settlement.
Sofija Ilić Gave Power of Attorney to Isak J. Maclijah
Sofija Ilić gave a power of attorney to Isak J. Maclijah, a merchant from Šabac, to manage her finances i.e. to receive her pension, collect rents and pay taxes.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Sabitaj Melamed, Heskija Levi, Šaja Adanja, Šalom Abenšon, Šimon Karijo.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by Heskija Levi and Šaja Adanja.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: Hajim Beraha, Hajim Medina, Šaja Ašendorf, Šimon Abinun.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1939/40. The classes were attended by: Hajim Medina, Šaja Ašendorf, Hajim Beraha.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1933/34. The classes were attended by Sabitaj Melamed and Šalom Abenšon
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1938/39. The classes were attended by Robert Liper and Šalom Abenšon.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1924/25. The classes were attended by: Moša Koen, Nisim Pelosov, Natan Adut, Sima Levi, Šalom Baruh, Šimon Karijo, Andre Kazes, Sabitaj Almuzlino, Žak Altarac, Jontov Semo.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1924/25. The classes were attended by: Jakov Eškenazi, Isak Mašijah, Jontov Ruben, Josif Medina, Jakov Koen, Ezra Adut, Ezra Mačoro, Maksim Arueti, Sami Baruh, Hajim Levi, Šalom Demajo, Solomon Bril, Robert Beraha, Aron Alkalaj, Mile Bearon.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1927/28. The classes were attended by: Hajim Amodaj, Hajim Jeušua, Hajim Jontović, Šalom Kalef.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1927/28. The classes were attended by Hajim Baruh, Hajim Koen, Hajnrih Holender, Šalom Finci.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1931/32. The classes were attended by Sado Baruh and Šalom Finci.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1926/27. The classes were attended by: Hajim Amodaj, Hajim Eškenazi, Hajim Jeušua, Hajim Lazar, Šalon Kalef, Šaul Konfino.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1927/28. The classes were attended by Šalon Konfino.
School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Mevorah Adanja, Luna Anaf, Lucija Belić, Brankica Garai, Šarlota Ješua.