Training of Avram Saso to Become a Jeweler‘s Assistant
Stojan Oreščanin requested the Craftsmen Guild of Belgrade to acknowledge that his apprentice Avram Saso received training for the jewellery craft in Oreščanin‘s workshop, so that he could apply for the assistant exam.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Ćuprija District Headquarters regarding the collection of taxes and municipal contributions from Avram Semo from Belgrade, with a residence in Svilajnac.
The Jewish Community Reported On Newly Born Children
The Jewish Religious School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of children born from 20th to 31 August 1885. Avram Solomon and Rafailo Almuzlino got sons and Avram Tajtacak got a daughter.
A Written statement on the termination of the partnership between the merchants Avram Suzin and Haim Pardo, submitted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade for the verification.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the property of the late Avram Suzin. At he claims made by the family members, his widow Beta filed a request to the Court to inventory all his property in Belgrade and Vlaška.
The Avram Suzin‘s Brothers Gave a Power of Attorney To Tejo Bogatinčević
The brothers and heirs of Avram Suzin gave a power of attorney to Tejo Bogatinčević, a merchant from Šabac, to collect debt amounts from their debtors in that city and its vicinity.
Todor Protić Settled the Debt To Moreno Jakov Kojen and Avram Suzin
The Kruševac District Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver the debt amounts to Moreno Jakov Kojen and Avram Suzin collected from Todor Protić from Kruševac.
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period of 1st to 10th October 1890. Children were born to David Berah, Nisim Menahem, Izrail Menahem and Avram Tajtacak. Lea, a daughter of Samuil Roman died.
The Jakov Mišulan Firm Fired a Lawsuit Against Avram Talvi Over Freud
Sava Aranđelović, the lawyer of the Jakov Mišulan firm, filed a lawsuit to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against Avram Talvi, the manager of the firm, because he gave the obligations in his name for the goods he offered, not in the name of the firm owner. The Administration informed Aranđelović that the police authorities had no competency in such lawsuits.
Technical Documenation of the Building at 40 Kralja Petra Street
The technical documentation for a building owned by Avram Farki, located at 40 Kralja Petra Street. The documentation included the plan of a building owned by Jsoif Alkalaj, at 30-32 Kralja Petra Street.
The request sent to the Chambers of Commerce to issue a travel document to a travelling salesman Avram Cekić. The document was required for travelling across the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
The Belgrade Customs Filed a Lawsuit Against Avram Šalom
The Terazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Avram Šalom, a merchant, was sentenced to three-day of imprisonment for failing to respond to the summons of the Belgrade Customs which filed a lawsuit against him.
Avram Aladžemović requested the Terazije Precinct to issue him a travel permission to Zemun to purchase groceries for personal use. The document was undated.
The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products contacted merchants Adanja and Nahmijas regarding their dispute with the company of Budimir
Čabrić from Žabari.
27/30 April 1927
Document folio 2
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period from 1st to 10th June 1893. Children were born to Avram Mešulam, Jakov Cevi, Anđelo Levi, Jeraham Semi and Isak Koen. Lea, a daughter of Nisim Ruben died, likewise the wife of Jakov Pinto, a son of Jakov Semo, Rakila, a daughter of Rafailo Farhije, Adolf Vajner and Rudolf Akselard.
The Synagogue Authority Gave a Power of Attorney to L.Levenzon and A.Veliš
The Sinagogue Authority gave a power of attorney to Lazar Levenzon and Adolf Veliš to represent it and to undertake all activities they considered to be in its best interest.
The Brothers Goldštajn Sentenced for Trademark Infringement
The Commercial Court communicated the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Azrail Nahman and S. Zdujić had filed against the brothers Goldštajn for trademark infringement. The Administration was requested to execute the court decision and to confiscate, annul and take off all trademarks from the documentation of the brothers Goldštajn.
Tax Collection From Avram M. Kojen, Azriel Almuzlino and Samuilo Albahari
Correspondence of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade and the Požarevac District Headquarters regarding the tax collection from Avram M. Kojen, Azriel Almuzlino and Samuilo Albahari, who did not pay taxes to Belgrade Municipality for the year 1867 prior to moving to Požarevac.
Technical Documentation For a Building in the No. 26 Kosmajska Street
Technical documentation for a building in the No. 26 Kosmajska Street, owned by Flora Medina. The building was designed by Manojlović and Azrijel, the architects.
The Dorćol Precinct Reported on the Events and a Passport Issued
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on events in the town and the issued passports. Azrijel Almuzino‘s grocery store was robbed during the night. Avram Melamed got a passport, valid 10 days, to travel to Požarevac.
Police report to the administrator of the Town of Belgrade on the events that took place in the town: the stores of Jozef Hason, Azrijel Dada and Moša S. Demajo were robbed during the night.
The First Call Infantry Soldiers Called to Report To the Terazije Precinct
The Terazije Precinct issued the order that the first call infantry soldiers were to immediately report to that Precinct. Among others were Azrijel Mošić, the apprentice,
Nisim Efrajim, a tailor, Hajim Levi, the apprentice, Hajim Medina, a merchant.
The list of the soldiers of the Belgrade Brigade who were being sent to the boarder. The list included: Azrijel Ruso, David Adut, Moša De Majo, Jakov Kojenović, Samuil Pijade, Avram Majo, Avram
Mišulan, Semaja Albahari, Heskija Pijade and others.
Toma Stojanović Filed a Lawsuit Against Azrijel B. Hajim Over Debt
Correspondence of the Commercial Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit filed by Toma Stojanović, a representative of Avram O. Ruso, the merchant from Vienna, against Azrijel B. Hajim, akka Dika, over debt.