The request made to the Chambers of Commerce to issue a travel document to Ašer Čeda Naftali, a travelling salesman in the company Jakov H. Bararon. The certificate of registration of the store owned by Jakov Bararon was enclosed.
The Brothers Čelebonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Vujica Ranković
Correspondence of the Čačak County Court and The Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit the brothers Čelebonović, merchants from Belgrade, had filed against Vujica Ranković, over debt.
The Brothers Čelebonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Marko Petrović Over Debt
Correspondence of the Court in Karanovac and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the decision reached in a lawsuit the brothers Čelebonović from Belgrade had filed against Marko Petrović from Čačak, over debt.
The Brothers Čelebonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Rufim Golemović
The Čačak County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the court fee from the brothers Čelebonović who had filed a lawsuit against Rufim Golemović, over debt.
The Čelebonović Brothers Filed a Lawsuit Against Nikola Rajković
The Court in Užice requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from the Čelebonović brothers who had filed a lawsuit against Nikola Rajković.
The Brothers Čelebonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Sreten Mijailović
The Court in Kragujevac requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from the brothers Čelebonović who had filed a lawsuit against their debtor Sreten Mijailović.
The Čelebonović Brothers Contributed to the Ministry of Defense
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade dispatched to the Ministry of Defense 5 imperial grosches contributed by the Čelebonović brothers for military needs.
The Nastić Brothers From Valjevo Indebted to the Brothers Čelebonović
The Brothers Čelebonović submitted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade the receipt for verification regarding the debt amount of the brothers Živko and Alimpije Nastić from Valjevo.
The Brothers Čelebonović Submitted Receipts For Verification
The Brothers Čelebonović submitted for verification to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade receipts issued to three merchants from Valjevo for the goods they had purchased in their store.
The Brothers Čelebonović Owned a Parcel in the Jevrejska Mala
The witnesses confirmed that the brothers Čelebonović, Ozer Ben Nahman and Moša Ben Nahman, were owners of a parcel in the Jevrejska Mala (a Jewish quarter) which they had inherited from their father Nahman Ben Ozer.
The Čelebonović Brothers Issued a Receipt From Their Store
The Brothers Čelebonović issued a receipt from their store to Tadija Stanković from Valjevo and submitted it to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade for verification.
The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tracing of Evgenije Novak inTimisoara, in order to collect a debt at the request of Čelebon Suzin.
The Merchandise of Moša Solomonović to Be Sold at the Auction
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to organize the auction of the merchandise owned by a merchant Moša Solomonović, in presence of his creditors Panta Kanara, Duka Pešika, Moreno Konortić and Čelebon Halfon.
20 September/4 December 1848
Document folio 8
The Opening of Džentilj Kalderon‘s Store
The announcement of the opening of the clothing store owned by Džentilj Kalderon.
Technical Documentation For the Building in the No. 14 Knićaninova Street
Technical documentation for the building situated at the corner of the Bačvanska and the No. 14 Knićaninova Streets, owned by Džoja Levi. Franc Algajer was registered as the owner of the building since 1942 onwards.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the collection of municipal taxes from Daniel Gavrilo Nahmias who resided in Šabac at that period.
The Šabac District Headquarters informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that David Tajtacak, a merchant apprentice from Šabac, was registered as taxpayer in Šabac, but had paid taxes in Belgrade.The Administration was requested to speed up the Court of Belgrade Municipality to return the tax amount. However, the Court informed the Administration that Tajtacak was registered as a Belgrade taxpayer as well.
Correspondence of the Court in Šabac, the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the collection of taxes from David Tajtacak for the year 1868/69. Tajtacak moved from Belgrade to Šabac with wife Klara, sons Isak, Nisim, Samuilo and a daughter Bukar.
The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect taxes from Aslan Leon Đerasi. The Administration informed the Court that Đerasi was registered as a taxpayer in the town of Šabac where he paid his contributions regularly.
Tax Collection From Jakov Finc and Jakov Maer Koen
The Municipal Court in Belgrade requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect tax amount for the year 1867 from Jakov Finc and Jakov Maer Koen, who at that moment resided in Šabac.
The Belgrade Municipal Court informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to have requested by mistake a tax settlement from Hajim Baroh, instead from Hananel Baroh, a petty dealer from Šabac. The Šabac District Headquarters informed the Administration that Hananel Baroh had moved to Vlachia.
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the unpaid taxes from Jakov Alkalaj, a Belgrade citizen, with temporary residence in Šabac. The Administration failed to collect the tax amount because Alkalaj had died.
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the unpaid taxes from Mehasije Meneham Papo, a butcher, who moved from Belgrade to Šabac.
The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect taxes for the years 1871 and 1872 from Jakov Majer Kojen, who lived in Šabac.
The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a tax for the year 1872 from Jakov Maclija, who lived in Šabac.