Hans Dajč Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Hans Dajč was enrolled in the 5th grade of the State Real Gymnasium in school year 1938/39. 1939 ИАБ-257-К47 Book Document
Hulda Mirjam Šor Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hulda Mirjam Šor was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1933/34. 1934 ИАБ-270-К50 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 7th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 7th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1937/38. 1938 ИАБ-270-К55 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 6th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 6th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1936/37. 1937 ИАБ-270-К54 Book Document
Hilda Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Hilda Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1936/37. 1937 ИАБ-270-К53 Book Document
Hilda Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hilda Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1935/36. 1936 ИАБ-270-К52 Book Document
Haim Levi Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Haim Levi was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1920/21. 1921 ИАБ-270-К37 Book Document
Hinko Bilic Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Hinko Bilic was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1904/05. 1905 ИАБ-270-К22 Book Document
Herman Špindel Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Herman Špindel was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1920/21. 1921 ИАБ-270-К37 Book Document
Herman Rajcer Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Herman Rajcer was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1920/21. 1921 ИАБ-270-К37 Book Document
Hilda Levi Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Hilda Levi was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1932/33. 1933 ИАБ-270-К49 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1931/32. 1932 ИАБ-270-К48 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1934/35. 1935 ИАБ-270-К51 Book Document
Hilda Rot Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Hilda Rot was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1934/35. 1935 ИАБ-270-К51 Book Document
Hilda Kon Enrolled in the 7th Grade of Gymnasium Hilda Kon was enrolled in the 7th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1921/22. 1922 ИАБ-270-К38 Book Document
Hilda Kon Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Hilda Kon was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1919/20. 1920 ИАБ-270-К36 Book Document
Hugo Rihtman Enrolled in the 3nd Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Rihtman was enrolled in the 3nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1908/09. 1909 ИАБ-270-К27 Book Document
Hugo Samlaić Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hugoa Samlaić was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1925/26. 1926 ИАБ-270-К42 Book Document
Hugo Samlaić Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Samlaić was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1928/29. 1929 ИАБ-270-К45 Book Document
Hede Šen Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Hede Šen was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1928/29. 1929 ИАБ-270-К45 Book Document
Hermina Rozenberg Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Hermina Rozenberg was enrolled in the 8th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1917/18. 1918 ИАБ-270-К34 Book Document
Hans Binder Enrolled in the 7th Grade of Gymnasium Hans Binder was enrolled in the 7th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1917/18. 1918 ИАБ-270-К34 Book Document
Hajnrih Kraus Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Hajnrih Kraus was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1907/8. 1908 ИАБ-270-К25 Book Document
Hinko Bilic Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Hinko Bilic was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1907/8. 1908 ИАБ-270-К25 Book Document
Hinko Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Hinko Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1893/94. 1894 ИАБ-270-К11 Book Document
Hinko Bilic Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hinko Bilic was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1903/04. 1904 ИАБ-270-К21 Book Document
Hinko Kraus Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hinko Kraus was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1906/7. 1907 ИАБ-270-К24 Book Document
Henrik Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Henrik Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1892/93. 1893 ИАБ-270-К10 Book Document
Hajnrih Sonenfeld Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hajnrih Sonenfeld was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1891/92. 1892 ИАБ-270-К8 Book Document