Income Report for the Apartment Building at 30 Dubrovačka Street
The apartment building income report for 1939 and 1945. The building, located at 30 Dubrovačka Street, was owned by Sima and Bojana Judić and in 1945 it was handed over to the National Hypothekary bank, Board for the Land Administration of Serbia.
The invitation sent to members of the Tinsmiths Guild to attend a meeting scheduled for 7 March 1910 in the tavern Žirovni venac. The invitation was sent to David Adut, Samuilo Šatner, Jozef Baruh, Solomon Nafusi, Natan Baruh, Avram Demajo, Maksim Demajo, Moša Baruh, Sima Pijade.
Isak B. Avram Filed a Lawsuit Against the Late Moša Avram Pesak Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Isak B. Avram for a lawsuit he had filed against the late Moša Avram Pesak, over debt. The Administration failed to collect the fee since Isak had moved away to his father in Smederevo,
The Association of Commercial Agents requested detailed information on the company Tajtacak i Mandil Komisioneri from Smedrevo. The information was necessary for making a business recommendation.
Inspection of Stores Located in the Kalenić Market
The report sent to the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products on the inspection carried out at the Kalenić Farmer‘s Market on 21 May 1933. Irregularities found in the work of Solomon Albahari, Samuilo Jakovljević, Vinka Levi and others were included in the report.
Inspection of Stores Located in the Kalenić Market
The report sent to the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products on the inspection carried out in the stores located at the Kalenić Farmer‘s Market on 20 and 25 May 1933. Irregularities found in the work of Anđelko Almuzlino, Solomon Albahari, Samuilo Jakovljević and others were also included in the report.
The membership card issued by the Association of Commercial Agents to Solomon D. Amar, the owner of a commercial agency located at 20 Strahinjić Bana Street.
Information on Jews Who Were taking Austrian Citizenship
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade informed the Ministry of Interior that certain Jews who were Serbian subjects, had received Austrian citizenship to avoid paying taxes. Solomon Eli, a wealthy merchant was given as an example.
The Belgrade District Court instructed the town police to make an inventory of the Maer Koen‘s assets as well as the inventory of the merchandise whic Moša Amar and Solomon Eliš had taken from Koen.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the arrest of Isak Mašolan over a debt of 1160 groshes. Mašolan was released from prison after Solomon Kalmi and Isak Almuzlino had accepted to pay his debt.
At the request of the Belgrade Town Court, the Administration of the Town of Belgrade inventoried, evaluated and sequestrated merchandise of indebted Solomon Kalmi.
The Belgrade Police communicated the Аdministration of the Town of Belgrade to review the accounts and the business done among Lazar Hajim Demaja from Vienna and Solomon Koen and his partner Persijada, and consequently to file a report on the found facts.
Correspondence of the Smederevo County Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit which Ilija, a son of Solomon Koen, filed against Jovan Petrović, a merchant, over debt.
The Serbian Trade Association sent invitation to the members of the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products to the conference on current economic situation. Azriel Levi, Ruben Rubenović, Solomon Koen, Moša Amar, Maks Najman, Hajim Koen confirmed their attendance at the conference.
15/16 September 1932
Document folio 3
Information on the Conduct of Leon Kojen
At the request of the Dorćol Precinct, the Belgrade Municipal Court responded that it had no knowledge on the conduct of Leon Kojen, a son of Solomon Kojen, a leather merchant, nor on his material situation.
Inventory of the Seized Merchandises of Antonije Milić
Upon the request of Solomon Jakov Kojen and Farki, the merchants, the Ćuprija County Court forwarded to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a copy of the inventory of the seized merchandises of Antonije Milić from Svilajnac.
Isak Dživi Kojen To Take an Oath in a Presence of a Rabbi
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to summon Isak Dživi Kojen to take an oath in the presence of a rabbi that the late Solomon Levi had owed him 199 groshes.
Intabulation To Be Placed on the Property of Mefora Kalderon
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision to place the intabulation on the property of Mefora Kalderon, upon the request of Solomon Levi, a merchant.
Income Report for the Apartment Building at 4 Dračka Street
The income report for the apartment building for 1939 and 1945. The building, located at 4 Dračka Street, was owned by Bencion Levi, and in 1945 it was handed over to the National Hypothekary bank, Board for the Land Administration of Serbia.
The membership card issued by the Association of the Commercial Agents to Solomon Mačoro, the owner of a commercial agency located at 7 Čika Ljubina Street.
Isak Albakar Filed a Lawsuit Against Solomon Medina
Isak Albakar,a bedcover manufacturer, filed a lawsuit to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against his apprentice Solomon Medina over leaving a job, strolling around and spending money in taverns. After the interrogation of both parties, Medina was sentenced with 25 strokes and return to the job.
Members of the Tinsmiths Guild were invited to attend the meeting scheduled for 29 April 1907. The invitation was sent to Isak Finc, Avram Demajo, David Adut, Jozef Baroh, Natan Baroh, Solomon Nafusi, and Maksim Demajo.
Confidential police report of the City Precinct dispatched to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the appearance of the fake banknote of 100 forintes, which the Bank of Andrejević and Company received from the trade company of Solomon Ruso and Binja Nahum.
Inventory of the Property of Solomon Haram For Debt Settlement
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to inventory the goods in the store and the household of Solomon Haram for the debt settlement.