Isak De Albahari Imported Goods From Constantinople For Mišulan Koen
The Customs in Radujevac communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the merchandise which Isak De Albahari had imported from Constantinople for Mišulan Koen and had paid all customs fees associated to it.
The Commercial Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to forward to the Court Izrailo Ruso, a speculator, to testify in a lawsuit his wife Rifka had filed against Mozel, a wife of Šamaja Benvenisto, over debt.
The judge reminded the Zemun Magistrate that he hadn‘t received the minutes of the interrogation of the Zemun citizen Mojzes, in the investigation of Zemun Magistrate against a clerk of Bela Crkva district.
The report of the Court Department of the Zemun Magistrate on the submitted certificate by Ester, wife of Mojzes Almozlino, as a proof that she had inherited 1554 forints.
Isak Levi Confirmed to Have Received Dowry From His Wife Estrel
Avram Jakov Elijas, a rabbi, and Mojse Josef Finci, a teacher, submitted for verification to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a statement that Isak Levi had received money from a dowry of his wife Estrel, in line with the marital agreement .
Isak Be Avram Filed a Lawsuit Against Mojse Šalon Over Debt
Isak Be Avram, a merchant, had filed a lawsuit against Mojse Šalon, over debt, and then settled the issue with him. The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the associated court fee from Isak Be Avram.
The Association of Commercial Agents requested detailed information on the company S.
Mojsilović, owned by Mojsilo Mojsilović. Information was used for making a business recommendation.
The statements of two witnesses Moša Čelebonović and Mordohaj Halfon who confirmed that
Izrail D. Albahar had left Belgrade 8 years before and that he did not owe estate in Belgrade.
Isak Kojen Filed a Lawsuit Against Majer Markus Over Debt
The Commercial Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Isak Kojen, a flour manufacturer from Belgrade, had filed against Majer Markus, a merchant from Zemun, over debt. Both parties agreed that the dispute should be resolved by a so called Selected Court, for which members Benjamin Pinto, Moreno Arojeti and Konorta Pijade were selected.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade reported the Austrian Consulate regarding the
failure to deliver the dispatched documentation to Isak Ozer Ruso because he had moved to Vienna to his father Moreno A. Ruso.
Income Report for the Apartment Building at 15 Dositejeva Street
The income report for the apartment building for 1939 and 1945. The building, located at 15 Dositejeva Street, was owned by Moric Gaon and Rafael Tolentino, and in 1945 it was handed over to the National Hypothekary bank, Board for the Land Administration of Serbia.
The President of the Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the incident that occurred during the funeral ceremony of Jozef Šlezinger, the chapel master in retirement. The incident was provoked by Moric and Maks Gutman and Haim Frajdenfet who objected the way Šlezinger was berried.
The membership card issued by the Association of the Commercial Agents to Moric Kalderon, the owner of a commercial agency located at 75 Kralja Petra Street.
Information on the Company Moric A. Kalderon and a Companion
The Association of Commercial Agents requested detailed information on the company A. Kalderon i Drug. Information was required for a business recommendation.
Inspection of Stores Located in the Jovanova Market
The report sent to the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products on the inspection carried out in the stores located at the Jovanova Farmer‘s Market on 29 May 1933. Irregularities found in the work of Moric Kario were included in the report.
Income Report for the Apartment Building at 4 Dračka Street
The income report for the apartment building for 1939 and 1945. The building, located at 4 Dračka Street, was owned by Bencion Levi, and in 1945 it was handed over to the National Hypothekary bank, Board for the Land Administration of Serbia.
Isak Beavram Submitted the Obligation To Be Verified
Isak Beavram submitted for a verification to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade the obligation in a value of 1000 grosches for a debt that Moša Avramović Pesak and Avram Behar owed him.
The Belgrade Town Court instructed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fee from Isak Kazes, and if he wasn‘t in Belgrade, to collect it from his wife Ora or their tenant Moša Avtalijon. Moša informed the Administration that Isak had moved to Niš, that Ora was living in Zemun, and that he had no intention to pay the fee for Isak.
Kalmi Almuli submitted for verification to the the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a copy of a letter which Isak Adanja had sent to Moša Avram Almuzlino.
The Belgrade District Court instructed the town police to make an inventory of the Maer Koen‘s assets as well as the inventory of the merchandise whic Moša Amar and Solomon Eliš had taken from Koen.
The Serbian Trade Association sent invitation to the members of the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products to the conference on current economic situation. Azriel Levi, Ruben Rubenović, Solomon Koen, Moša Amar, Maks Najman, Hajim Koen confirmed their attendance at the conference.
15/16 September 1932
Document folio 3
Illegal Medical Practice
The Dorćol Precinct filed a request to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to provide the chemical analysis of a powder and fluids found in the apartment of Bohora, Moša Baruh‘s wife, who treated sick people, especially those who sufferred from the sexually transmitted diseases, without a legal permission .
The invitation sent to members of the Tinsmiths Guild to attend a meeting scheduled for 7 March 1910 in the tavern Žirovni venac. The invitation was sent to David Adut, Samuilo Šatner, Jozef Baruh, Solomon Nafusi, Natan Baruh, Avram Demajo, Maksim Demajo, Moša Baruh, Sima Pijade.