The Slavonia General Command dent to the Zenmun Magistrate a documentation on the settlement in a lawsuit initiated by Jozef Reper against Abraham
Amigo, a merchant.
Lawsuit of Abraham Mojzes against Kosta Georgijević
Abraham Mojzes filed a lawsuit against Kosta Georgijević because he had taken from him 10 barrels of kosher wine, and then sold it to another Jew for 4 forints a barrel.
Lists of Grocers, Innkeepers, Confectioners and Candy Manufacturers
Lists of grocers, innkeepers, confectioners and candy manufacturers working o the territory of the Dorćol Precinct. The list of grocers included also Navtali Levi, Avram Albakari, Isak Avramović, Samoilo Adut, Avram Kalderon, Moša Amar, Avram Adanja. The list of innkeepers included Josif Danon and Avram Mevorah, and the list of confectioners included Solomon Hazan and Bukus Kalderon.
Document folio 4
List of Painting Tools and Material Seized From the Store of Avram Adanja
Tram and Lightening Directorate delivered to the Management Department of the Administration of the City of Belgrade a list of painting tools and material seized from the store of Avram Adanja.
The list of people interned in Italy during the Second World War. The list included Oto Prezburger, Ivan Singer, Iso Baruk, Avram Adanja, Dara Adanja, Oskar Davičo.
List of Belgrade inns that had to be closed. The list of the Dorćol Precinct recorded inns owned by Jakov Afar, Moša Avram Suzin, Avram Adut, Anđelo De Majo and Jakov David. Jakov Afar was running the inn in the house of certain Ećim, Suzin was running the inn in his own house, Adut had the inn in the house of Moša Ozerović, De Majo was working in the house of Saraf Kosta, and the inn of Jakov David was located in the house of Moša Kalderon. The inns were being closed for bad hygiene of for gathering vagabonds.
List of persons who were fined by the Belgrade Town Court in the period between 1st October and 30th December 1850. Izrail Haim, Sabitaj Levi, Avram Azrijel, Jakov Solomonović, Avram Karaoglan were on the list.
List of the Property Owners in the Dorćol Precinct
Register of paid property tax for the period from the 1st November 1884 to the 1st November 1885. in the Dorćol Precinct. The list included also owners Avram M. Levi, a money changer, Haim Šalom, a merchant, Moša Mevorah, a money changer, Avram Albala, a merchant,
Mordohaj H. Kojen, a money changer, Moša Ovadije, a merchant, and Avram M. Nahman, a merchant.
18 February 1885
Document folio 10+(4)
Lists of Soldiers Who Missed to Report to the Recruit Commission
The president of the Recruit Commission dispatched to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade the lists of soldiers who missed to report to that Commission. On the lists were
Jakijel Ruso, Hajim Suzin, Avram Isak Mišulan, Izrajel Ruso, Semaja Albakari, Hajim Hazan, Solomon Levi, Avram Albala, Biti Albala, Juda Levi, Jozef Levi, Isak Albahari and others.
Lawsuit between Avram Amar and Dimitrije Karaklaja
A trial exerpt from a lawsuit Avram Amar from Belgrade filed against Dimitrije Karaklaja from
Šaranik, over debt. The Court ordered Amar to take an oath in a presence of his rabbi related to the amount of a debt.
The Town Precinct reported on the passports issued on 9th April 1871. Avram Amar, the apprentice, got his passport to travel to Obrenovac.
9 April 1871
Document folio 2
Lawsuit Filed Against Pavle Atanasković and Mijailo Mićović Over Debt
Correspondence of the Court in Karanovac and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit filed against Pavle Atanasković and Mijailo Mićović from Čačak over debt. Among their creditors were Avram Anaf, Leon Koen and the brothers Čelebonović.
The report of the Sava Police to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the passengers on the 4th April 1901. The report included also Moric Alkalaj, Isak Koen, Avram Anaf, Samuil Polak.
4 April 1901
Document folio 2
Luna Anaf Terminated Her Membership at the Lady‘s Fostering Association
Avram Anaf informed The First Lady‘s Association for Fostering Girls that the membership of Luna Anaf in the Association terminated because she couldn‘t pay the membership fee any longer.
The Sava Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the passengers that arrived to Belgrade on 2nd October 1901. Among others were Leving Bencion, Aron Amodaj, Arnold Levi, Leon Ruso, Avram Baruh.
2 October 1901
List of Companies Which Produced Military Uniforms
The Chambers of Commerce sent to the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products a strictly confidential letter regarding the command given by the military authorities that every customer who ordered a uniform must be asked to present his identification document. The tailors who signed to have received this command were Haim Mika Koen, Brothers N. Levi, Olga Mandil, Cevi D. Koen, David Demajorović, Marijeta Finci, Avram Baruh, Šimon Koen, Buki Kazes.
1 July 1940
Document folio 3
List of Passengers
The list of passengers who arrived to Belgrade on the 5th September 1901. Avram Isak, a Rabbi, arrived from Italy, Avram Demajo, a merchant, arrived from Kragujevac, Jovan Fuks, a butcher arrived from Pest, and Avram Bencion, a teacher arrived from Constantinople.
5 September 1901
Document folio 7
List of Passengers
The Sava Police reported on the movements of the passengers on the 31st August 1901. Avram Bencion and Josef Papo were among the passengers.
21 August 1901
Document folio 10
Lawsuit of Sabitaj Koen Against Avram Be Ozer
Sabitaj Koen filed a lawsuit to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against his landlord Avram Be Ozer for assault and insults. After the hearing of both sides, the Administration sentenced Ozer with three days of imprisonment or money fine.
List of passengers compiled on 1st August 1874. Among the passengers were Avram Buli from Pančevo, Isak Melamed and Moša D. Majo from Belgrade, Moric Najman from Novi Sad, etc.
Lease Contract Concluded Between the Anker Insurance Society and A.H. Gabaj
Lease contract of a store situated in the building in the No. 32 Kralja Milana Street, concluded between the Insurance Society Anker, as the owner of the building, and Avram H. Gabaj and Co., as the leasing party.
The list of passengers on the 6th September 1889. The list included also Jakov Moreno, Avram Dajč, Isak Levi, Mešulan Kojen.
6 September 1889
Document folio 7
List of students who were issued certificates in June 1941
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th and the 1st grade of the Elementary School Vuk Karadžić who were issued certificates on June 20th 1941. The certificate got: Rašela Demajorović, Avram Daniti, Gavrilo Koen and Sol Sarfati.
The Jewish Religious School Community sent to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade the list of people who didn‘t live in Belgrade, but were married in Belgrade Synagogue in 1881. The list included Avram Jozef Demajo from Jagodina, Haim Jakov Kalderon from Požarevac,
Isak Avram Aladžem from Ub and Avram M. Levi from Šabac.