List of Companies Which Received the Cambers of Commerce Annual Edition
The list of companies and members of the Association of Merchants of manufacturing, Textiel and fashio Products who received the annual editin ofthe Chambers of Commerce and the calendar for 1940. The list included companies: Haim Mika Koen, Braća N. Levi, Haim Pinto, Aron N. Levi, Cevi D. Koen, Isak Ozmo, Amar i Elijas, Hugo Hercler i Drug, Ela B. Mejuhas and others.
List of Companies Which Produced Military Uniforms
The Chambers of Commerce sent to the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products a strictly confidential letter regarding the command given by the military authorities that every customer who ordered a uniform must be asked to present his identification document. The tailors who signed to have received this command were Haim Mika Koen, Brothers N. Levi, Olga Mandil, Cevi D. Koen, David Demajorović, Marijeta Finci, Avram Baruh, Šimon Koen, Buki Kazes.
1 July 1940
Document folio 3
List of Persons Called Haim and Jakov
Upon the request of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade, Natan Tajtacak, the Jewish massanger, quoted all surnames of the persons with the names Haim and Jakov. Those were Haim Avram Honvino, Haim Juda Levi, Haim Avram Suzin, Haim Leon Kojen, Jakov Salamon Kojen and Jakov Alkalaj.
List of recruits of the Standing Army compiled for the year 1874. The list included Maks L. Levenzon, Moša D. Medina, Samuil Jakov Adanja, Samuilo S. Koen, Haim Nahman Kojen, Mordokaj Jakov Alkalaj, Jakov Sabitaj Koen, Jakov M. Mevorah, Avram M. Čelebonović.
The Varoš Precinct reported about passports and visas issued as of 29th December 1870. A travel document to Čačak was issued to Haim L. Kojen, a merchant.
List of passengers who traveled to Zemun on 31st December 1874. Among the passengers were Menahem Isak, rabbi from Palestine and his son, Jakov Flašner, a tailor likewise the merchants Jozef Kalderon, Haim Levi, Salamon Farhi, Samuil Pijade, Moša D. Majo.
The list of passengers who arrived to Belgrade on the 9th March 1896. The list also included Haim Nahmijas, a merchant from Šabac and Moša Adanja, a merchant assistant from Kragujevac.
9 March 1896
Document folio 3
List of Passengers compiled on 19th February 1869
A list of passengers compiled on 19th February 1869. Nahman Avramov, Haim Nahmijas, David S. Azrijel, Isak Lidži, Jozef A. Ruso, Mordohaj Halfon, Johanan M. Haim, Salomon M. Amar, Moša Kalderon, David Hercl, Kalman Hercl, Leon A. Haim and others were among the passengers.
19 February 1869
Document folio 4
List of Passengers
List of passengers on 17 April 1896: Moša S. D. Majo traveled to Vienna, while Jozef
Šlezinger, Moša Kalderon and Samuil Haim departed to Zemun. David Mozes, David S. Azrijel, Haim Nahmijas, Moša B. Solomonović arrived in Belgrade.
Correspondence between the Court in Požarevac and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade related to lawsuit of Haim Pardo, a legal representative of Moša Suzin, against Jevta Micković, over debt.
List of Soldiers of the Belgrade People‘s Squadron
List of soldiers of the Belgrade People‘s Squadron who didn‘t attend the autumn camp in 1870. On the list were also Jakov Levenzon and Haim A. Suzin, both the merchants.
List of passengers compiled on 12th March 1869. Jozef Menahaim, Salomon M. Amar, Moša Kalderon, Haim Suzin, Jozef A. Ruso, Jakov Fuks, Mordohaj Halfon and others were among the passengers.
List of passengers who arrived in Belgrade, Town Precinct, on the 22nd October 1899. The list included also Moreno Ruso, Haim Tadžer, N. Levi, Isak Adanja.
22 October 1895
Document folio 6
Lawsuit Against Haim Hazon For Swearing
Lazar Zdravković from Rakovica reported Haim Hazon for cursing him. After the investigation, the Administration punished Hazon with two days of imprisonment.
Leon D. Haim Filed a Lawsuit Against Haim D. Haim Over Loan Debt
The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit V. Rozmirović, a representative of Leon D. Haim, had filed against Haim D. Haim, over loan debt. The Administration was requested to collect the associated court fees from Leon D. Haim for the lost lawsuit, in favor of Haim D. Haim.
Lawsuit Between the Haim Brothers Over the Partnership Accounts
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit between the brothers Leon David Haim and Haim David Haim, the traders, over their joint partnership accounts.
The Special Police file on the search for Lev Ravić (Haimhof Rabinović or Ravić),
converted Jew from Russia, a director of the company Ipol. The file included his photograph.
List of the Property Owners in the Dorćol Precinct
Register of paid property tax for the period from the 1st November 1884 to the 1st November 1885. in the Dorćol Precinct. The list included also owners Avram M. Levi, a money changer, Haim Šalom, a merchant, Moša Mevorah, a money changer, Avram Albala, a merchant,
Mordohaj H. Kojen, a money changer, Moša Ovadije, a merchant, and Avram M. Nahman, a merchant.
18 February 1885
Document folio 10+(4)
List of Passengers Compiled on 3rd June 1874
List of passengers compiled on 3rd June 1874. The list included Jahijel Ruso, Haim Šalom, David Ruso, Solomon Jakov from Belgrade, Leon Baroh from Timisoara, etc.
List of locksmiths and tinsmiths with stores on the territory of the Town Precinct. The list included Hajim B. Avram, Salomon Nafuso, David Adut, Natan Baruh and Isak Finc.
List of passengers compiled on 14th December 1867. Samuel Levenzon, Hajim Avram, Josif Fuks, Moric Hercl, Isak Albala and others were on the list.
15 December 1867
Document folio 2
List of Passengers Compiled on 22nd September 1898
List of passengers compiled by the Sava Precinct. Among the passengers were Hajnrih
Nahman, Viktori and Hajim Azrijel, Mozes Farki, Maksim Levenzon, Isak Kojen.
22 September 1898
List of Passengers Compiled on 25th July 1874
List of Passengers compiled on 25th July 1874. Among the passengers were Juda Perer, a rabbi from Belgrade, Avram B. Jozef fromTurn Severin, Rafael Eskenazi from Zemun, Hajim Alvo from Ruščuk, and others.
Moša Mandil, Hajim Gabaj and Leon Sijon, the Jews, assigned to the forced labor in the II District of the City of Belgrade, missed to appear at work: .
The list of passengers on the 3rd December 1888, compiled by the Railway Police. The list included Maks Levi, Jakov Vajs, Hajim Davičo, vice consul in Budapest.