The Railway Police Department compiled a list of passengers on 9th January 1889. The list comprised Hajim Farhi, David Hajim, Maks Hajim, Isak Halfon, Moša Farhi, Alfred Hercl, Azrijel Menahem, Menahem Avram, etc.
Lists of military conscripts. Enlisted were Juda Alšek, Jakov Kojen, Avram Mošić, Solomun Juda Levi, Azrijel Mošić, Nisim Efraim, Josif Elijas, Samujil Ezra, Avram Josif Farki, Aron Isak Kojen, Isak Levi, Hajim Benjamin Pinto, David Benvenist, Biti Albala, etc.
Lea Ašer Filed a Lawsuit Against Mehla Haim and Džamila Albahari
Lea, a wife of David Ašer, filed a lawsuit to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against Đorđe Bujdić, a legal representative of both Mehla, a wife of Azrijel Haim, and Džamila, a wife of Isak Albahari, because he had entered into her house accompanied with a gendarme, intending to place a sequester to her property. After the interrogation, Bujdić was acquitted.
List of passengers compiled on 31st January 1869. Among them were Azrijel B. Haim, Josif Pardo, Moša Čelebonović, Moreno Konortić, Isak Albala, Josef S. Levi, Haim Gabaj, Izrajel Halfon, Izahijel Halfon, Jozef Avram Ruso, Mordohaj Halfon, Salomon M. Amar, Moša Farki, David Hercl, Kalman Hercl, Johanam M. Haim, Moša Kalderon, Ilijas A. Azrijel, Rafail A. Haim, Isak Elijas, Jakov M. Alkalaj, etc.
Lists of Voting Members of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants
Lists of voting members of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants of the City of Belgrade, compiled for the election of representatives in the board of the Belgrade Chambers of Commerce. The lists included: Ašer Baruh, Rafailo Azriel, Jakov Azriel, Albert Altaras, Moric Benvenisti, Samuilo Vajs, Gavra Vig, Adolf Goldštajn, Nisim Samuilo Davičo, David Ruso etc.
List of Zemun Citizens Who Were Freed of Paying MilitaryTax
The list of the Zemun citizens who were freed of paying military tax in 1881. The list included Albert Bilic, Bernhard Bilic, Samuel Bilic, Jozef Hercl, Daniel Hiršl,
Moric Hercl.
List of People Interned During the Second World War
The list of people who were interned during the Second World War. The list included: Avram Nevora, a lawyer, interned in Smederevo; Jakov
Bahar, a clerk, interned in Priština, Ivan Singer, a soldier, interned in Split, Solomon Alkalaj, a clerk, interned in Bitola, Aleksandar Lebl, a journalist of the newspaper Borba, interned in Split, Novi Vinodol, Kraljevica and on the island of Rab; Stanko Finci, a clerk, interned in Pljevlja, Dragutin Brandajs, a clerk interned in Zaječar.
Lepopldina Nahman Requested Permission to Sell Her Property
Leopoldina Nahman and her sons Jovan and Aleksandar requested the 2nd District Peoples Committee of the City of Belgrade to grant them permission to sell the empty parcel they owned at 45 Nova Street. The documentation included their short biographies and the property deed.
Lepopldina Nahman Requested Permission to Sell Her Property
Leopoldina Nahman, a wife of the late Marsel Nahman, and her sons Jovan and Aleksandar requested the 2nd District People‘s Committee of the City of Belgrade to grant them permission to sell their property located in Klanički Bulevar Street. The documentation included appointment of Marsel Nahman‘s heir and decision on inheritance tax.
The list of people who exported products from Serbia to various countries. The list included also Bencion Buli, the exported of pigs, Azrijel i Alkalaj, exporters of plums and animal skins, David Dajč, exporter of plums.
Document folio 1
Leposava Đurić Gave a Power of Attorney To the Brothers Alkalaj
Leposava Đurić gave the power of attorney to the brothers Alkalaj to collect on her behalf a premium right from the Belgrade Ladies Association for Fostering Girls.
Lazar Isaković Allowed His Former Wife Ana to Remarry
Lazar Isaković stated that he had allowed his former wife Ana Isaković, a dauhter of Moša Šalom, a priest from Šabac, to remarry and freely manage her property.
Jovan Popović, the lawyer, appealed to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against the decision brought by the Terazije Precinct related to the lawsuit filed against Moric Gutman and Ana Mađar for fraud.
The Executive Board of the 1st District People‘s Committee of the City of Belgrade appointed Sava Živanović as a legal guardian of absent Rudolf Štajner, Andor Reden and Marija Hofman. The guardian was to represent them in a legal proceedings over the property of the late Karl Štajner, killed in the Banjica concentration camp in 1941. The First District Court for the City of Belgrade appointed Irena Štajner, Karl‘s wife, to be the heir of his entire property.
The list of members of the Association of Merchants of Manufactured Products who were warned against irregularities found in their work. The list included Solomon Albahari, Anđelko Almuzlino, Samuilo Amar, Moša Medina, Samuilo Amar, Rašela Beraha, Čeda Konforti, David Konfino, Vinka Levi, Sara Papo, Moša Sarfati, Ruben Rubenović.
Document folio 14
List of Recruited Artillerymen of the II City Brigade
Following the order of the Ministry of War, new city brigades were recruited. The documentation preserved the list of recruited artillerymen of the II City Brigade, with 249 names including also Isak Levi, Salamon Adanja, Jakov Ruso,
Anđelko Tajtacak and Bencija Hajim.
12 January/30 March 1878
Document folio 10
List of Passengers Compiled on 24th March 1878
List of passengers compiled on 24th March 1878 by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade. The list included Solomon Elias Kon, Anđel Levi, Avram Majo, Izrael Ruso, Solomon Levi and others.
List of Belgrade inns that had to be closed. The list of the Dorćol Precinct recorded inns owned by Jakov Afar, Moša Avram Suzin, Avram Adut, Anđelo De Majo and Jakov David. Jakov Afar was running the inn in the house of certain Ećim, Suzin was running the inn in his own house, Adut had the inn in the house of Moša Ozerović, De Majo was working in the house of Saraf Kosta, and the inn of Jakov David was located in the house of Moša Kalderon. The inns were being closed for bad hygiene of for gathering vagabonds.
List of Jews from Apatin who disappeared in the Second World War. The list provided information on 48 Jews and it was compiled by the Jewish Community in Sombor.
The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products delivered to the Yugoslav-German Chambers of Commerce the list of stores selling clothes and fur. The list included stores owned by Jakov Mevorah, Avram Nahmijas, Hajim Isak, Talvi i Majorović, Josif A. Kalef, Matija Levi, and Matilda Sarfati.
List of passengers and travel permissions issued by Savska Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on 2nd June 1880. The list included Baruh Isak, Kabiljo Juda, Đoja Dars, David Anaf, Josif Ozerović, Perla Koen, Sara Adanja, Lezer Konfino and Armoza Haim.
The Sava Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the passengers that arrived to Belgrade on 2nd October 1901. Among others were Leving Bencion, Aron Amodaj, Arnold Levi, Leon Ruso, Avram Baruh.
2 October 1901
List of Passengers Compiled On 3rd March 1880
List of passengers on the boats compiled on 3rd March 1880 by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade. The list included Aron Avram, Moša Finc, Moša Anaf, David Tajtacak, Avram Kojen.
List of Pupils Withdrawn from Elementary School Janko Veselinović
The list of the pupils who were withdrawn from the elementary school Janko Veselinović during the school year 1945/46. The list included Aron Avramović who moved to Czechoslovakia.