Ludvik Singer - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Ludvik Singer, student. 30 October 1933 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Ludvik Slomniker - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Ludvik Slomniker, artiste. 20 August 1932 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Ludvig Šajn - wanted circular Wanted cirkular for Ludvig Šajn. 1938 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Ludevit Štajn - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Ludevit Štajn, physician. 25 October 1934 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Ludovik Zimberger - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Ludovik Zimberger, merchant. 18 April 1936 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Ludovik Sinberger - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Ludovik Sinberger, merchant. 25 December 1935 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Luzijana Hasan - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Luzijana Hasan, worker. 9 March 1934 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Luz Levi - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Luz Levi, artiste. 5 March 1926 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Luiza Jušah - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Luiza Jušah, worker. 28 August 1941 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Luiza Kamhi - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Luiza Kamhi, laborer. 17 April 1940 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Luiza Pinkas - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Luiza Pinkas, homemaker. 21 July 1934 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Luici Kabiljo- Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Luici Kabiljo, homemaker. 4 April 1941 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Luja Hirt - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Luja Hirt, merchant. 8 Juliy 1925 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Luj Đander - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Luj Đander, merchant. 16 September 1933 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Lujza Adut Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Lujza Adut was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1924/25. 1925 ИАБ-277-К9 Book Document
Lujza Adut Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Lujza Adut was enrolled in the 1st grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1922/23. 1923 ИАБ-277-К7 Book
Lujza Alkalaj - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Lujza Alkalaj, dressmaker. 6 October 1932 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Lujza Altaras - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Lujza Altaras, homemaker. 19 June 1938 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Lujza Aronović - karton žtelja Certificate of residence of Lujza Aronović née Pesah, clerk. 29 October 1932 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Lujza Aronović Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Lujza Aronović was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1924/25. 1925 ИАБ-277-К9 Book Document
Lujzа Aronović Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Lujzа Aronović was enrolled in the 4th grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1925/26. 1926 ИАБ-277-К10 Book Document
Lujza Aronović Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Lujza Aronović was enrolled in the 1st grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1922/23. 1923 ИАБ-277-К7 Book
Lujza Benvenist - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Lujza Benvenist. 5 November 1926 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Lujza Benvenisti Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Lujza Benvenisti was enrolled in the 4th grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1919/1920. 1920 ИАБ-277-К3 Book Document
Lujza Benvenisti Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Lujza Benvenisti was enrolled in the 5th grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1919/20. 1920 ИАБ-277-К2 Book Document
Lujza Benvenisti Enrolled in the 6th Grade of Gymnasium Lujza Benvenisti was enrolled in the 6th grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1920/21. 1921 ИАБ-277-К5 Book Document
Lujzа Benvenisti Enrolled in the 3th Grade of Gymnasium Lujzа Benvenisti was enrolled in the 3th grade of the Second Girls‘ Gymnasium in the school year 1918/19. 1919 ИАБ-277-К1 Book Document
Lujza Biro – Evidence Books of Banjica Concentration Camp Lujza Biro, a housewife, registered under the number 5708 as a detainee of the Banjica Concentration Camp, executed on 9 May 1942 by the SS. 4 May 1942 ИАБ-1-КБЛ Book Document
Lujza Brihta - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Lujza Brihta, homemaker. 24 October 1940 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Lujza Vajs - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Lujza Vajs, dressmaker. 3 August 1935 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document