Robert Levi Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Robert Levi was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1920/21. 1921 ИАБ-270-К37 Book Document
Rihard Binder Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Rihard Binder was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1920/21. 1921 ИАБ-270-К37 Book Document
Rihard Dežme Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rihard Dežme was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1899/1900. 1900 ИАБ-270-К17 Book Document
Robert Sereni Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Robert Sereni (Serenji) was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1920/21. 1921 ИАБ-270-К37 Book Document
Roderik Levi Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Roderik Levi was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1932/33. 1933 ИАБ-270-К49 Book Document
Roderik Levi Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Roderik Levi was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1931/32. 1932 ИАБ-270-К48 Book Document
Rudolf Almozlino Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Almozlino was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1899/1900. 1900 ИАБ-270-К17 Book Document
Robert Levi Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Robert Levi was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1921/22. 1922 ИАБ-270-К38 Book Document
Roza Berger Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Roza Berger was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1921/22. 1922 ИАБ-270-К38 Book Document
Roderik Levi Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Roderik Levi was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1927/28. 1928 ИАБ-270-К44 Book Document
Rudolf Semnic Enrolled in the 3nd Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Semnic was enrolled in the 3nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1905/06. 1906 ИАБ-270-К23 Book Document
Rikard Dežme Enrolled in the 7th Grade of Gymnasium Rikard Dežme was enrolled in the 7th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1905/06. 1906 ИАБ-270-К23 Book Document
Robert Levi Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Robert Levi was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1919/20. 1920 ИАБ-270-К36 Book Document
Rene Fridman Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Rene Fridman was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1919/20. 1920 ИАБ-270-К36 Book Document
Rudolf Klopfer Enrolled in the 3nd Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Klopfer was enrolled in the 3nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1927/28. 1928 ИАБ-270-К44 Book Document
Rikard Semnic Enrolled in the 6th Grade of Gymnasium Rikard Semnic was enrolled in the 6th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1927/28. 1928 ИАБ-270-К44 Book Document
Rudolf Almozlin Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Almozlin was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1898/99. 1899 ИАБ-270-К16 Book Document
Rudolf Klopfer Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Klopfer was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1928/29. 1929 ИАБ-270-К45 Book Document
Robert Bondi Enrolled in the 3nd Grade of Gymnasium Robert Bondi was enrolled in the 3nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1917/18. 1918 ИАБ-270-К34 Book Document
Rafaelo Asdrail Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rafaelo Asdrail was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1897/98. 1898 ИАБ-270-К15 Book Document
Rafailо Kon Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Rafailо Kon was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1897/98. 1898 ИАБ-270-К15 Book Document
Rihard Dežma Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Rihard Dežma was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1902/03. 1903 ИАБ-270-К20 Book Document
Rudolf Semnic Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Semnic was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1903/04. 1904 ИАБ-270 Book Document
Rikard Dežme Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Rikard Dežme was enrolled in the 8th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1903/04. 1904 ИАБ-270-К21 Book Document
Rikard Dežme Enrolled in the 8th Grade of Gymnasium Rikard Dežme was enrolled in the 8th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1906/07. 1907 ИАБ-270-К24 Document Document
Robert Bondi Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Robert Bondi was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1913/14. 1914 ИАБ-270-К32 Book Document
Rikard Hercl Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Rikard Hercl was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1913/14. 1914 ИАБ-270-К32 Book Document
Rihard Hercl Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rihard Hercl was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1911/12. 1912 ИАБ-270-К30 Book Document
Rudolf Vajnberger Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Vajnberger was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1911/12. 1912 ИАБ-270-К30 Book Document
Rikard Semnic Enrolled in the 8th Grade of Gymnasium Rikard Semnic was enrolled in the 8th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1929/30. 1930 ИАБ-270-К46 Book Document