Samuilo Levi and David Ruso Requested the Business Assistance
Samuilo Levi and David Ruso requested the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products to assist them in finding companies which they would represent.
Small Passport Issued to David Sason Instead of Travelling Passport
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade reported to the Ministry of the Interior regarding the issuing of a so called small passport to David Sason instead of the travel passport for his journey to Bosnia ie.e Turkey.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Belgrade Town Court that it had placed a sequester to the property of David Feldman due to his debt to Nikola Kotula. The property was restored to Feldman after he had settled his debt.
Samuilo Zaks, the Engineer, Requested to Use a Fright Crane
Samuilo Zaks, the engineer, requested the Criminal Police Department of the Administration of the City of Belgrade to give him a permission to use a fright crane for the building of David Finci in the No. 37 Francuska Street. The request was approved after the crane was inspected.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1927/28. The classes were attended by David Levi and David Fogel.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: Avram Albahari, Josif Manojlović, Levi Naftali, Krešencio Semo Efrijani, David Fridlender, Moric Samo.
The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver subpoenas to Solomon Alkalaj, Haim David Haim and David Haim. The Administration informed the Ministry that the deadline for delivering subpoena had passed until the time the appointed persons were found.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: David Hara, Isak Alkalaj, Jakov Demajo, Jahijel
Bahar, Josif Albahari, Josif Levi.
School Register Book of the Palilula Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Palilula Elementary School in the school year 1931/32. The classes were attended by David Hara.
Sabitaj Suzin Complained Against the Brothers Dajč
Sabitaj Suzin complained to the Savamala Precinct against the brothers Dajč, the merchants, because they didn‘t register him with the authorities when employed him and because they fired him and failed to pay him his salary.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Daniel Amiras, Josif Benvenist, Rahamin Benjamin, Abriš Kraus.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Daniel Amiras, Josif benvenisti, Rahamin Benjamin, Abriš Kraus.
School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1941/42. The classes were attended by: Danijel Albahari, Vladimir Dragoner, Robert Štajn, Rut Bararon, Rašela Beraha, Reli Levi, Sarina Mašijah, Eliz Najman, Dušanka Furman, Vera Šamlo.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1939/40. The classes were attended by: Danilo Albahari, Elijas Alkalaj, Solomon Išah, Josif Levi, Hajnrih Komer, Josif Benvenisti.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Avram Avramović, Danilo Albahari, Elijas Alkalaj, Albert Garti, Gavriel Kalderon, Josif Levi, David Ninjo.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1927/28. The classes were attended by: David Demajorović, David Kabiljo, David Ovadije and Danilo Albahari.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1928/29. The classes were attended by David Demajorović, David Kabiljo and Danilo Albahari.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Geza Geler, David Asael, Danilo Pijade.
School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1928/29. The classes were attended by: David Levi, Danilo Rado, Ivan Pinto, Isak Davičo, Jakov Alkalaj, Leon Jakovljević, Marko Alkalaj and Nino Azriel.
School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1931/32. The classes were attended by: Nino Azriel, Jakov Alkalaj, Isak Davičo, Leon Jakovljević, David Levi, Danilo Rado.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1932/33. The classes were attended by: David Albahari, Samuilo Adanja, Jakov Amodaj, Benjamin Alkalaj, Moša Albahari, Evraim Abinun, Solomon Almuzlino, Izidor Ast, Aleksandar Benavram, MenahemLevi, Nisim Mandil,
Aleksandar Robiček, Danilo Semnic, Leopold Hajduška.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1933/34. The classes were attended by: Samuilo Adanja, Jakov Amadaj, Evraim Abinum, Solomon Almulzino, Izidor Ast, Aleksandar Benavram, Menahem Levi, Gavra Mandil, Aleksandar Robiček, Danilo Semnic, Jakov Samuilović, Leopold Hajduška, Henrik Kenig.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Debora Albahari, Klara Alkalaj, Erdanja Altarac, Streja Baruh, Hana Baruh, Berta Vidas, Paula Gaon, Ela Jeušua, Roza Kalef, Rahela Koen, Anuška Maestro; Matilda Nisim, Matilda Ovadija, Mila Štajner.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1939/40. The classes were attended by: Debora Albahari, Relika Almet, Mirjam Ašerović, Evgenija Verber, Venezija Mandil, Rejna I. Ovadija, Rejna M. Ovadija.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Debora Albahari, Klara Alkalaj, Erdanja Altarac, Streja Baruh, Hana Baruh, Berta Vidas, Paula Gaon, Roza Kalef, Rahela Koen, Anuška Maestro, Matilda Mazal, Matilda Ovadija, Laurperpah Pinkas, Ela Jeušua.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1926/27. The classes were attended by. Buna Albahari, Vinuča Nisim, Debora Ašerović, Elvira Vajs, Ester Streja Medina, Žanka Koen, Žoli Albala, Irena Solomon, Matilda Alkalaj, Matilda Levi, Matilda Mešulam, Merjam Jakov, Rašela Nahmijas, Rašela Ruso, Rejna Karijo, Rejna Mandil, Sofija Gabaj, Tereza Šatner, Hedviga Ovadija.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1924/25. The classes were attended by: Debora Demajo, Dona Alkalaj, Lili Mejuhas, Luna Kojen, Malka
Kojen, Mazal Ašerović, Mazal Alfandari, Matilda Beraha, Mirjam Kavison, Oru
Jontović, Rifka Konfino, Reja Almozlino, Rejna Kojen, Roza Pesah, Sara Ašerović,
Stela Ruben.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1933/34. The classes were attended by: Rejna Baruh, Diamanta Davidović, Diana Koen, Roza Hason, Luci Mevorah, Buna Ruben, Haim Almuzlino, Moša Almuzlino, Moša Gedalja, Haim Jeušua, Geršon Kapon, David Pinto, Čeda Pijade, Jakob Levi, Leon Kario and Moša Albahari.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Moša Almozlino, Moša Gedalja, Haim Jeušua, Geršon Kapon, Leon Kario, Jakob Levi, David Pinto, Roza Hason, Dijamanta Davidović, Diana Koen, Rifka Levi.