School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1926/27. The classes were attended by: Avram Adanja, Avram Baruh, Avram Pesah, Albert Alkalaj, Albert Elijas, Viktor Benvenisti, Žak Biti, Isak Nahmijas, Jakov Bencion, Jakov Koen, Josif Almozlino, Josif Bejosif, Leon Demajo.
School Register Book of the Elementary School near the Cathedral Church
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School near the Cathedral Church in the school year 1925/26. The classes were attended by: Avram Adanja, Avram Koen, Avram Mošić, Leon Gabaj, Moša Gabaj, Rajko Margulis, Hajim Pinkas and Julius Almozlino.
School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1926/27. The classes were attended by: Avram Adanja, Avram Koen, Avram Mošić, Vladislav Klajn, Leon Gabaj, Moša Gabaj, Rene Rajko Margulis, Hajim Pinkas and Moša Koen.
School Register Book of the Elementary School King Petar
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School King Petar in the school year 1928/29. The classes were attended by: Alisa Gros, Lenka Bahar, Rena Šalomi, Avram Adanja.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1919/20. The classes were attended by: Avram Azriel, Avram Atijas, Aleksandar Levi.
List of soldiers of the First Belgrade Squadron who missed the military exercise. The list included Avram Albala, Haim Josif, Avram Levi, Avram Mehulam, Jakov Leon Koen, Leon Levi.
School Register Book of the Elementary School Janko Veselinović
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School Janko Veselinović in the school year 1938/39. The classes were attended by: Avram Albahari, Josif Manojlović, Levi Naftali, Leon Papo, Josif Jovan Nahman.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1939/40. The classes were attended by: Avram Albahari, Josif Manojlović, Naftali Levi, Jovan Nahman, Leon Papo, Efraim Semo.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: Avram Albahari, Josif Manojlović, Levi Naftali, Krešencio Semo Efrijani, David Fridlender, Moric Samo.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Avram Albahari, Mihael Albahari, Mihailo Bogdanski, Isak Demajo, Josif Demajo, Leon Jakovljević, Haim Koen, Avram Levi, Josif Mevorah, Simo Mevorah, Nisim Nahum, Solomon Solomonović, Jakov Hazan, Rafailo Jakovljević, Isak Benvenisti, Benjamin Semo.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by Abinun Šimon, Avram Alkalaj and Aron Karijo.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by Avram Alkalaj and Avram Ašerović.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1938/39. The classes were attended by Avram Alkalaj and Avram Ašerović.
School Register Book of the Elementary School near the Cathedral Church
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Elementary School near the Cathedral Church in the school year 1922/23. The classes were attended by: Avram Amar, Avram Alkalaj, Josif Gideon, Moric Levi, Hajim Suzin.
School Register Book of the Elementary School near the Cathedral Church
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Elementary School near the Cathedral Church in the school year 1923/24. The classes were attended by: Avram Amar, Avram Alkalaj, Josif Geron, Hajim Suzin.
School Register Book of the Elementary School near the Cathedral Church
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School near the Cathedral Church in the school year 1924/25. The classes were attended by: Avram Amar, Avram Alkalaj, Josif Geron, Moric Levi, Moša Kalmić, Hajim Demajorović, Avram Saso, Marko Koen, Raul Kenig, Hajim Bahar, Aleksandar Levi, Alfred Finc, Erih Šlomović, Isak Bararon, Isak Pesah, Jakov Gabaj, Marsel
Ruben, Moša Levi.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1926/27. The classes were attended by: Avram Anaf, Avram Almozlino, Avram Hasanović, Avram Ruso, David Adut, David Altarac, David Amar, Žaki Elman, Isak Simha, Isak Karijo, Josif Albahari, Mešulam Štajner, Mordohaj Baruh, Hanrih Arueti, David Mandil.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th /5th… grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1925/26. The classes were attended by Avram Almozlino, Avram Ašerović and Baruz Rubenović.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Abner Julzari, Avram Almozlino, Avram Altarac, Avram Ašerović, Avram Levi.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: Avram Almozlino, Avram Arueti, Avram Demajo.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Avram Almozlino, Avram Sid, Elijac Baruh, Benjamin Demajo.
School Register Book of the Elementary School Vuk Karadžić
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School Vuk Karadžić in the school year 1938/39. The classes were attended by Avram Almuzlino.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1926/27. The classes were attended by: Avram Almuzlino, Benjamin Zaharije, Elijas Baruh, Isak Abinun, Jakov Atijas, Jakov Zunana, Isak Koen, Jakov Pesah, Josif Vajs, Josif Karić, Josif Konfino, Josif Levi, Lazar Levi, Leopold Dajč, Marko Baruh, Šalom Abelšam.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1931/32. The classes were attended by: Avram Almuzlino, Avram Levi, Avram Sason, Ašer Garti, Benjamin Demajo.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1937/38. The classes were attended by Avram Anaf and Avram Almuzlino.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1934/35. The classes were attended by: Avram Almuzlino, Avram Altarac, Avram Sid, Ašer Garti, Elijas Baruh.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Avram Almuzlino, Avram Ašerović, Avram Karijo, Baruh Rubenović.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1932/33. The classes were attended by: Avram Almuzlino, Avram Pesah, Armin Dajč, Benko Danon and Benjamin Demajo.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Julzari Abner, Avram Almuzlino, Avram Altarac, Avram Ašerović, Avram Levi.
School Register Book of the Elementary School Vuk Karadžić
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School Vuk Karadžić in the school year 1937/38. The classes were attended by Avram Almuzlino.