Membership Fee Collected from the Belgrade Colonial Merchants Association
The list of members of the Colonial Merchants Association that paid the membership fee for the first half of 1923. The list included Ilija Konfino, Avram J. Kalderon, Rašela Lebl, Regina Lebl, Vidoje Albala, Naftali Levi, Rahamin Levi, Bukus Levi, Hajim Alkalaj, Jakov Adanja, M. Nahmijas, Avram Adut, Ješa Jeušua, Rudolf Ruso.
28 April 1923
Document folio 18
Moša Maclijah and Buli Complained Over National Debt Settlement
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade reached a decision in a lawsuit the merchants Moša Maclijah and Buli had filed against the Belgrade Municipality over the installments of the national debt settlement.
M. Petrović Reported Hajim Montijas For Fake Money
M. Petrović reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that he had received fake money from Hajim Montijas, the assistant to Moša Maclijah and Buli.
Mijajilo Načić Settled the Debt to Salomon Farkić and Buli
The correspondence of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade and the Commercial Court related to the debt collection with interest from Mijajilo Načić in favor of Salomon Farkić and Buli, both merchants at the Zerek.
Merjama Sason Filed a Lawsuit Against Jewish Community
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit of Merjama, a widow of Jozef Maer Sason, who requested a financial support from the Jewish Community. Samuel
Koen and Vidaj Gabaj, on behalf of the Community, gave a statement that official Jewish Community did not exist, therefore the representatives in the lawsuit could not be appointed. The Court accepted the proofs Merjama submitted that the Community existed considering that Belgrade Jews had their synagogue, school and income providing property, therefore the Community could appoint its representatives.
Moša and Vida Mevorah Renounced Their Yugoslav Citizenship
The document published by the Ministry of Interior of the Federal People‘s Republic of Yugoslavia, stating that Moša Mevorah, a clerk, born in 1890 in Belgrade, and his wife Vida, née Kapon, had renounced their Yugoslav citizenship, because they were moving to Israel, and they had been granted Israeli citizenship.
Mojzes Avram Settled His Debt to Court Assistance Fund
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade requested the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inform Mojzes B. Avram, who had moved to Vidin, that his estate and a house had been sold for settlement of his debt to the Court Assistance Fund. Attached to the file was the evaluation of Avram‘s house in the Dorćol area in the vicinity of the Synagogue.
Menehajm Lazar Koen Filed a Complaint Against the Collected Tax Amount
The Ministry of Finances informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that Menehajm Lazar Koen from Vidin had filed a complaint regarding the tax amount collected by the Belgrade Municipality.
Moša Asael Requested Certificate of Apprenticeship
Moša Asael requested the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products to publish a document on his apprenticeship in the haberdashery store Vintura Rubinović. Asael needed the document to enrol in Belgrade Trade Youth School.
Moša Solomonović Requested a Lost a Box With Documentation To Be Found
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade brought a decision regarding the request Moša Solomonović had asked the box with his contracts and bonds, lost during the Turkish bombardment of Belgrade, to be found. The Administration asserted that such a box was not in their possession but failed to inform Solomonović because he had already moved to Vlaška with his family.
Membership Fees of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants
The treasurer of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants requested the Management Board to write off the membership fees due after the 6th April 1941 because they moved away from Belgrade or closed their businesses. The list included Dezider Ajzler, Gavra Dajč, Isidor Gaon, Alfred Kunodi,ois Sason, Oto Hiršler, Isak Cveher, Moša Farkić.
30 January 1942
Document folio 3
Moša Mordohaj and Gavra Zunana Paid Prison Costs
List of persons from whom a prison cost was collected in July 1897. Costs for staying in prison were paid by Moša Mordohaj and Gavra Zunana, among others.
Municipal Clerks with Right to Vote in the Municipal Assembly
The list of clerks of the Belgrade Municipality who had the right to vote in the municipal assembly. The list included also Gavra J. Koen and Moša Pinto
Document folio 3
Matilda Koen Claimed the War Damage Done to the Store of Gavra Koen
Matilda Koen filed to the Terazije Precinct a war damage claim caused to the store of her husband Gavra Koen in the No. 6 Kolarčeva Street during the First World War. Gavra Koen died in Skopje in 1915.
Malkuna Levi Gave a Power of Attorney To Elijas Isak Adanja and Isak Avram
Translation of the power of attorney which Malkuna, the widow of Gavra Isak Levi, gave to Elijas Isak Adanja and Isak B. Avram to represent her at the inventorying of the property of her late husband. The document was submitted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade for verification. (copy)
Manojlo Stefanović and Nikola Peinović Filed a Lawsuit against Gavriel Juda
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Manojlo Stefanović and Nikola Peinović filed against Gavriel Juda.
Markula Levi Gave a Power of Attorney to Gavrijel Levi
Markula Levi gave a power of attorney to her husband Gavrijel Levi to run her buckle store under the name "Malkuna Gavrijela Levi". The document was issued in 1864 and Malkuna requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a copy of the document because her husband had died.
Moreno Tajtacak Filed a Lawsuit Against Gavrilo Jakov Over Attack
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade investigated the case filed against Gavrilo Jakov, native of Sofia, over attack on Moreno Tajtacak without a cause. Gavrilo Jakov was sentenced with 25 strokes and expelling to Turkey.
The documentation compiled by the Association of Craftsmen for the City of Belgrade and the Vračar District on the carpenter certification exam taken by Gavrilo Koen.
Merchants From Belgrade Refused to Respond To the Belgrade Customs
The Belgrade Customs requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to summon Gavrilo S. Kojen, Alfandar, Andželo and Moreno Azrijel, merchants from Belgrade, and to fine them for not responding to the summons of the Customs.
Malkuna Levi Filed a Lawsuit Against the Tutors of Her Husband‘s Property
The Belgrade Town Court brought a decision in a lawsuit Malkuna, the widow of Gavrilo Levi, had filed against the tutors of her late husband‘s legacy, Elijas Adanja and Isak B. Avram, over the property referred to as the legacy of Gavrilo but it was her own property.