Rudi Adanja - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudi Adanja, shoemaker. 21 January 1938 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudi Adanja - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudi Adanja, carpenter`s assistant. 22 July 1939 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudi Davidson - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudi Davidson, worker. 4 November 1933 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudi Erenhaus - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudi Erenhaus, commercial representative. 16 December 1936 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudi Kaminski - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudi Kaminski, merchant. 18 December 1935 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudi Koen - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudi Koen, merchant assistant. 1 May 1936 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudi Koen Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rudi Koen was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1921/22. 1922 ИАБ-269-К23 Book Document
Rudi Koen Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rudi Koen was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1920/21. 1921 ИАБ-269-К22 Book Document
Rudolf Erenfrajnd - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudolf Erenfrajnd, private clerk. 27 August 1924 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudolf Feldman Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Feldman was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the State Real Gymnasium in school year 1940/41. 1941 ИАБ-257-К49 Book Document
Rudolf Abonji - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudolf Abonjij, pupil. 18 January 1936 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudolf Abravanel - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudolf Abravanel, pupil. 16 November 1938 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudolf Abravanel Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Abravanel was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1933/34. 1934 ИАБ-269-К36 Book Document
Rudolf Abravanel Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Abravanel was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1934/35. 1935 ИАБ-269-К37 Book Document
Rudolf Abravanel Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Abravanel was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1932/33. 1933 ИАБ-269-К35 Book Document
Rudolf Abravanel Enrolled in the 6th Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Abravanel was enrolled in the 6th grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1935/36. 1936 ИАБ-269-К38 Book Document
Rudolf Abravanel Enrolled in the 6th Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Abravanel was enrolled in the 6th grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1936/37. 1937 ИАБ-269-К39 Book Document
Rudolf Abravanel Enrolled in the 7th Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Abravanel was enrolled in the 7th grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1937/38. 1938 ИАБ-269-К40 Book Document
Rudolf Abravanel Enrolled in the 8th Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Abravanel was enrolled in the 8th grade of the First Belgrade Gymnasium in the school year 1938/39. 1939 ИАБ-269-К41 Book Document
Report on Rudolf and Jakov Azriel Business The credit bureau report on the business activities of the company owned by Rudolf and Jakov Žak Azriel. 21 May 1935 - 4 April 1940. ИАБ-2474-9686 Document folio 8 Document
Rudolf Alazrak - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudolf Alazrak, merchant. 18 July 1938 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudolf Almozlino Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Almozlino was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1900/1901. 1901 ИАБ-270-К18 Book Document
Rudolf Almozlino Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Almozlino was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1899/1900. 1900 ИАБ-270-К17 Book Document
Rudolf Almozlin Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Almozlin was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1898/99. 1899 ИАБ-270-К16 Book Document
Rudolf Alfandari Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Rudolf Alfandari was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1892/93. 1893 ИАБ-270-К10 Book Document
Rudolf Bek - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudolf Bek, student. 22 September 1936 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudolf Beraha - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudolf Beraha, student. 20 June 1935 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudolf Blok - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudolf Blok, merchant`s office worker. 20 September 1933 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudolf Braun - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Rudolf Braun, painter. 11 June 1940 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Rudolf Braun - Wanted circular Wanted circular for Rudolf Braunom, banker. 1936. ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document