Technical Documentation For the Buildings in Kačanička and Vrazova Streets
Technical documentation for the buildings in the No. 28 Kačanička Street, owned by Lepa Arueti and in the No. 30 Vrazova Street, owned by Haim and Simha Levi.
The Brothers Raf. Mihailović Filed a Lawsuit Against Solomon Mizrahi
The Brothers Raf. Mihailović filed the lawsuit for debt settlement to the First Instance Court in Skopje, against Solomon Mizrahi, a local merchant, who bankrupted.
The Avram I. Koen Company Abolished From the Bankruptcy
The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products informed the Department of Wholesalers that the company owned by Avram I. Koen from Skopje was abolished from the bankruptcy.
The announcement of the opening of the store owned by Geršon Bukiš, located in Niš. The file contained the document on the closure of the store. It was closed after Bukiš had moved to Skopje.
Technical Documentation For a Building in the No. 27 Zrinjski Street
Technical documentation for a building situated in the No.27 Zrinjski Street (61 Resavska Street), owned by Slavko Singer, who had bought the building from Mihajlo Gutman. The building was designed by Josif Najman.
The Brothers Mihajlović Filed a Lawsuit Against Isak Kalkalaj
The Smederevo County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to the brothers Mihajlović regarding the lawsuit they had filed against Isak Kalkalaj, from Smederevo, over debt.
Tax Collection From Isak Alkalaj, His Son Bokor and Moša Nisim
Correspondence of the Smederevo District Headquarters and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from Isak Alkalaj, his son Bokor and Moša Nisim, who moved away to Belgrade without paying taxes in Smedervo where they used to live.
The Jewish Community informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that several members of the Community had moved away from Belgrade and accordingly they paid their taxes in those towns to which they had moved. Jakov and his son moved to Kragujevac, Jakov Arueti to Požarevac and Moša Pesah to Smederevo. The Administration communicated the headquarters in Požarevac and Smederevo to confirm those statements.
The Jewish Community Filed a Lawsuit Against Mark Rozemberg Over Debt
The Court in Smederevo requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to Josif Šlezinger, a legal representative of the Treasury of the Jewish community, reached in a lawsuit he had filed against the late Mark Rozemberg from Smederevo, over debt.
The Reconciliation Court in Belgrade requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect taxes from Haim Avram Koen, a merchant from Belgrade, residing in Smederevo. The Administration informed the Court that Koen was in Pančevo, therefore it failed to collect the tax.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax amount collection from Moša Bukus Jakov who moved from Belgrade to Smederevo.
The Belgrade Municipality Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect tax amount from David Sabitaj D. Majo, a butcher. The Administration at first searched for Majo in Smederevo, but was informed that he had moved to Požarevac. However, the Požarevac District Headquarters informed the Administration that he has returned to Belgrade.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from David De Majo, who moved to Smederevo with the family.
The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a tax and associated contributions from Jakov L. Haim from Belgrade, with a residence in Smederevo.
The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the unpaid taxes and contributions from Moša R. Talfi, who lived in Smederevo.
The Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade communicated regarding the debts of Jakov Aron Azrijel who was living in Smederevo.
20 April 1868/30 April 1869
Document folio 20
Tax Collection from Jakov Azrijel
The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect money from Jakov Aron Azrijel from Smederevo for unpaid taxes.
16 May/8 July 1869
Document folio 6
Tax Collection From Persons Residing in Smederevo
Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court, the Administration of the Town of Belgrade and the Smederevo District Headquarters regarding the tax collection from Rafailo Amar, Samuilo Demajo, Samuilo Alkalaj, Samuil
Mišulan and David Avram Levi, who resided in Smederevo but were registered as Belgrade taxpayers.
The Šabac District Headquarters informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that it failed to locate Avram Majer Kojen and to collect the tax amount he owed. In addition, the Administration informed that a person named Avram Jakov Kojen resided in Šabac and the other person named Avram Majer Kojen in Smederevo.
The Commissary of the Minister of Commerce and Industry decided to grant the request made by Soka Cevi to close down her manufacturing store which was located at 2 Višnjićeva Street.
Technical Documentation For a Building in the No. 20 Jevrejska Street
Technical documentation for a building situated at the corner of the No. 20 Jevrejska (Dorćolska) and Solunska Streets, owned by Soka Štajner and Venuča Melamed. The file also comprised documentation for the property owned by Sultana, the wife of Avram Kalderon, situated at the corner of the Solunska and the Jevrejska Streets, dated 1922 and the documentation regarding the repairs done in the period 1942 and 1943.
The Belgrade Municipal Court informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that Solomon Isak Adanja decided not to complain about the tax assessment for the second half of 1868/69.
16/28 October 1869
Document folio 2
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
Reports on the births, marriages and deaths as recorded in the Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish communities in the period from 20th to 31st 1892.
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Communitiy reported the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that the children were born to Isak Aron, Avram Mevorah, Binja Ruso, Josif Levi. Aron Konfino and Solomon Adanja. Merula, a widow of Josif Elijas, died.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court, the Požarevac District Headquarters and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from Solomon Albahari, a Jewish teacher who moved to Požarevac from Belgrade. The Headquarters informed the Administration that Albahari had returned to Belgrade but had died.