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Lawsuit of Solomon Koen Against Mijailo Petrović

Correspondence of the Čačak County Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Solomon Koen, a merchant from Belgrade, filed against the late Mijailo Petrović from Čačak, over debt. The Administration was asked to demand from Koen to take an oath in front of a rabbi confirming that Petrović was his debtor.

11 July/3 September 1853


Document folio 4


Lawsuit of David Haim Versus Eliša Koen

Correspondence between the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit of David Haim against Eliša Koen and his father Solomon over debt.

26 Ocotber 1853/6 July 1854


Document folio 6


Lang Freling Filed a Lawsuit Against Solomon and Eliš Koen Over Debt

Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision brought in a lawsuit Lang Freling from Trieste had filed against Solomon Koen and his son Eliš Koen, over debt.

10 December 1855/7 August 1856


Document folio 3


Lazar Perčijanić Filed a Lawsuit Against Miloje Živković

The Commercial Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fees from Miloje Živković against whom Lazar Perčijanić had filed a lawsuit. Živković had also to pay the fees for the witnesses summoned to the court Đorđe Vučo, Nikola Konstandinović, Solomon Kojen, Rista Veselinović and Vilhelm Kon.

10 April 1880


Document folio 1


List of Bulgarian Subject Who Permanently Lived in Belgrade

List of Bulgarian subjects who were permanently settled in Belgrade or lived a longer period of time. Among others Jozef Levi, Josif Kojen, Buča Kalef, Isak Arueti, Solomon M. Kojen, Isak M. Kojen, Rafailo Hason, Jakov Mešulam, Menahem Jakov, Šaja Pinkas were listed also.

25 November 1897




List of Soldiers Who Mised the Military Exercise

The List of solders who didn‘t attend the military exercise. The list included also: Moreno Azriel, Josif Kalderon, Solomon Kojen, Solomon Adanja, David Farki, Izrail Ruso, Jozef Hasan, Jakov Alkalaj, Avram Albala, Biti Albala, Jakijel Levi, Avram Talfi, Isak Albahari, Juda Levi, Rafail Amar, Solomon Benbasa, Solomon Ruben Farki, Eskija Sadik Pijade.

7 December 1874


Document folio 5+(1)


List of Passengers Compiled on 24th March 1878

List of passengers compiled on 24th March 1878 by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade. The list included Solomon Elias Kon, Anđel Levi, Avram Majo, Izrael Ruso, Solomon Levi and others.

25 March 1878


Document folio 2


Leon D. Haim Filed a Lawsuit Against Izrailo B. Ilijas

The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Leon D. Haim had filed against Izrailo B. Ilijas, over debt. The Administration was requested to inform the Court if Ilijas was under aged and the only heir of the late Solomon Konortić. The Administration reported that apart from Izrailo Ilijas, who was 22 years of age, Konortić also had other sons, Elijas and Avram, two daughters, Mirhla and Hana, and a wife Sara.

19 April/25 May 1855


Document folio 2


List of Passengers Compiled on 4th February 1878

List of passengers compiled on 4th February 1878 by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade. The list included Solomon Levi, Solomon Liđi, Markus Pinkas, Bernhard Hercl, Solomon and Avram Majer, Avram Kon, Avram Kalmić, Venjamin Ruso and others.

5 February 1878


Document folio 2


List of Passengers Compiled on 20th October 1879

The Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade compiled a list of passengers on 20th October 1879. The list included also Berta Samo, Dr Pops, Nisim Aron, Jahijel Pijade, Avram Mevorah, Rubin Levi, Isak Pinkas, Solomon Levi...

21 October 1879


Document folio 2


List of People Imprisoned by the Administration of the Town of Belgrade

List of 46 people imprisoned by the Administration of the Town of Belgrade, including Solomon C. Levi and Solomon Isak Levi.

2 March 1881


Document folio 1

Leon Papo Filed a Lawsuit Against Izrajel Kojen Over Insult

The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect from Jakov Izrajel Kojen, a merchant, the witnesses fees associated with the lawsuit filed against him by Leon Papo, a teacher, over insult. Witnesses were Moša Benvenisti, Bokor Levi and Solomon Levi.

8 March 1890




List of Persons Who Were Fined In August 1892

List of persons fined in August 1892, associated with the lawsuits held in the Town Presinct. On the list were Solomon Levi, Nisim Aron, Hajim Kalderon, Jakov Koen.

30 August 1892




List of Auctioneers Who Bought Various Items

List of auctioneers who bought various mobile items, among them Josif Bencijon, Jakov Barah, Moša Benvenisti, Josif Pardo, David Elijas, Isak Alkalaj, Solomon Levi, Dimitrije Elijas etc...

24 June 1890


Document folio 3

Lists of Soldiers Who Missed to Report to the Recruit Commission

The president of the Recruit Commission dispatched to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade the lists of soldiers who missed to report to that Commission. On the lists were Jakijel Ruso, Hajim Suzin, Avram Isak Mišulan, Izrajel Ruso, Semaja Albakari, Hajim Hazan, Solomon Levi, Avram Albala, Biti Albala, Juda Levi, Jozef Levi, Isak Albahari and others.

24 May 1872


Document folio 20


List of Merchants of Perfumes and Cosmetic Products

List of members of the Section of Merchants of Perfumes and Cosmetic Products within the Association of Merchants of Manufacture, Textile and Fashion Products for the City of Belgrade. The list included stores owned by the Kabiljo brothers, Biti Bišorda, Isak Kalmić, Bela Anđelo, Solomon Levi, Mišel Mevorah.

12/13 September 1934


Document folio 2


Lawsuit of Solomon Isak Kaim

The Belgrade Town Court communicated the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the witnesses in a lawsuit of Solomon Isak Kaim against Samoil Alkalaj, for a debt. Solomon D. Majo, Avram Mojzes Eskinazi, Avram Eskinazi and Ašer Farhi were summond as witnesses in a lawsuit and had to take oaths to rabbi that they would speak only truth in the court.

19 May/8 June1855


Document folio 3


List of Passengers Compiled on 27th August 1901

The City Precinct reported on the passengers who arrived on 27th August 1901. Among the passengers were Haim Koen, Solomon Nahmijas, Jakov Albala.

27 August 1901



Lawsuit Against Solomon Ruso

The Administration of the Town of Belgrade investigated the statements expressed in the lawsuit Avram Suzin, Jozef Ruso and Moša Ozerović had filed against Solomon Ruso, regarding his refusal to return the church items to the Jewish Community left to his custody by his brother Matija Ruso prior to his departure to Austria.

17 January 1857


Document folio 2


List of Passengers Compiled on 13th September 1874

List of passengers compiled on 13th September 1874. On the list were Rafail Eskenazi, Jozef Hasan, Solomon Ruso and others.

14 September 1874


Document folio 2


List of Passengers Compiled on 28th January 1872

List of passengers compiled on 28th January 1872. Jakov Levenzon, a banker, Isak Lidži, a speculator, Solomon Farhi, a merchant were among the passengers.

30 January 1872


Document folio 3

Lists of Grocers, Innkeepers, Confectioners and Candy Manufacturers

Lists of grocers, innkeepers, confectioners and candy manufacturers working o the territory of the Dorćol Precinct. The list of grocers included also Navtali Levi, Avram Albakari, Isak Avramović, Samoilo Adut, Avram Kalderon, Moša Amar, Avram Adanja. The list of innkeepers included Josif Danon and Avram Mevorah, and the list of confectioners included Solomon Hazan and Bukus Kalderon.



Document folio 4

List of students who were issued certificates in June 1941

Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th and the 1st grade of the Elementary School Vuk Karadžić who were issued certificates on June 20th 1941. The certificate got: Rašela Demajorović, Avram Daniti, Gavrilo Koen and Sol Sarfati.

20 June 1941




List of Criminal Cases

The list of criminal cases which were in progress on the 20th September 1892. The list also included the civil action of Moša and Jakov Mevorah against David Farhi for insult and minor injury; civil action of Solčika Davidović against Solčika De Majo for theft; civil action of brothers Koen against Svetozar Marković for attempt of murder; civil action of Avram Ozerović against Jakov Mevorah for a fraud.

20 September 1892


Document folio 6

List of Jews from Begov Han Who Were Taken to the Camp

The list of Jews from the municipality of Begov Han who were taken to the camp. The list included members of families Sonenšajn, Berger and Brod.

10 September 1945


Document folio 1


List of Foreigners Compiled on 7th July 1902

The Dorćol Precinct compiled a list of foreigners who came to Belgrade on 7th July 1902: Nisim B. Aron, a laborer, came from Sofia and stayed in the No.17 Mojsijeva Street, while Moric Fišbajn, a tinsmith from Bulgaria, stayed in the No. 7 Noćajska Street.

7 July 1902




Total records 4073