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Technical Documentation for a Building in Mirijevski Put Street

Technical documentation for a building situated in Mirijevsjki Put Street, parcel number 97, owned by Fortina Lević.

31 January 1930/14 April 1934


Document 1 file


The Saks Brothers Accused Over Embezzlement

Upon the request of the Austrian authorities, the Administration of the Town of Belgrade Dispatched a circular letter to the Precincts instructing them to search for the brothers Albert and Viljem Saks, with the last known residence in Frankfurt, accused over embezzlement.

24 May/29 July 1880


Document folio 11


Technical Documentation For a Building in the No. 25 Rige od Fere Street

Technical documentation for a building situated in the No. 25 Rige od Fere Street, owned by Blanka Albahari, the wife of Marko Albahari. The building was designed by Franjo Urban, the engineer.

8 February/12 December 1927


Document 1 file


Technical Documentation For a Building in the No. 25 Francuska Street

Technical documentation for a building situated in the No. 25 Francuska Street, owned by the attorney Franja Hercog. The building was designed by Josif Najman, the engineer.

14 September 1932/27 September 1940


Document 1 file


Technical Documentation For the Building in the 13-14 Knez Mihailov Venac

Technical documentation for the building situated in the Nos.13-14 Knez Mihailov Venac Street, owned by Dr Fridrih Pops (Nowadays Pariska Street). Enclosed to the file was the documentation related to the repair of the building which housed the Jugoškoda Company, situated in the Pariska Street, dated October 1941.

20 February 1922/9 October 1941


Document 1 file


Technical Documentation For a Building in the No. 25 Rumunska Street

Technical documentation for a building situated in the No. 25 Rumunska Street, at the Topčider Hill, owned by Dr Fridrih Pops, the attorney.

18 August 1927/31 January 1931


Document 1 file


Technical Documentation For a Building in the No.13 Rumunska Street

Technical documentation for a villa situated in the No.13 Rumunska Street, owned by Dr Fridrih Pops.

20 September 1927/6 September 1936


Document 1 file


Theft in Haim Avramović‘s Store

The report on the lawsuit against Jevta Tadić, a carpenter from Bosnia, accused that he had stolen merchandise from the store owned by Haim Avramović.

4 August/12 December 1848


Document folio 7+(1)


Technical Documentation For the Building in the No. 2 Solunska Street

Technical documentation for the building, situated at the corner of the No.2 Solunska and Knez Mihailov Venac Streets, owned by Haim Azriel. David Azriel designed the building. Enclosed to the file was the technical documentation for the house in the No.2 Solunska Street, which owners were the brothers Isak Leon and Avram Levi.

17 January 1922/15 March 1946


Document 1 file


Tenancy Rent to be Paid by Solomon Melamed

The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect tenancy rent for a shop from the creditors of Solomon Melamed, i.e. Haim Beavram, Duka Pešika, Mojsej Kalderon and Isak Beavram. The creditors had taken the obligation to cover the amount of 24 talirs for the tenancy of a shop in which Melamed had stored his goods.

9 December 1847/22 January 1848


Document folio 3


The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons

The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period of the 1st to 10th December 1893. Children were born to Moša Demajo, Isak Semo, Jozef Ozer and David Levi. Hana, a child of Leon Papa, Mordohaj, a son of Samuil Melamed, Haim, a son of Isak Bencijon, Ora, a daughter of Gavra Koen and a newly born child of Jakov Maja, died.

13 December 1893




The Davidović Brothers Agreed Over the House Partition

The Belgrade Town Court ordered the Administration of the City of Belgrade to establish a commission which would investigate the dispute between the brothers Haim and Leon Davidović regarding the partition of a house. The brothers Davidović reached the signed the arrangement in the presence of the commission.

24 September/17 October 1849


Document folio 5


Transportation Tax To Be Collected For the Wheat Export

Correspondence of the Ministry of Finances and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the collection of the transportation tax for the wheat Haim Davičo exported to Austria.

23/30 October 1858


Document folio 4


The Lawsuit of Kosta Naumović Against Haim Davičo

The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit of Kosta Naumović against the representative of the late Haim Davičo, for damage compensation. The Administration was requested to appoint the experts on behalf of the accused side, because it refused to do so.

16 January 1871


Document folio 1


The Houses of Haim Elias and Jakob Albahari to Be Sold

The Police Department informed the Zemun Magistrate that Haim Elias and Jakob Albahari postponed the execution of the decision which ordered them to sell their houses.

14 March 1809


Document folio 2


Technical Documentation For the Building in the No.13 Pozorišna Street

Technical documentation for the building situated in the No. 13 Pozorišna Street (today Francuska Street), owned by Leon Kabiljo. The building was designed by the Architectural Construction Company S. Sumbul and H. Isaković.

28 May 1921/14 May 1922


Document 1 file


Travel Documents to Haim Jozef

List of travel documents and passports issued by the Town Precinct. Haim Jozef got his travel document to Požarevac and Smederevo.

21 June 1872


Document folio 1

Transportation of the Military Procurement Train

List of individuals from Belgrade who were engaged to provide the transportation of the military procurement train. Moša Mevorah and Haim Josif, both the merchants, gave their horses i.e. oxen. Izrail Eškinazi, Isak Albala, Josif Ozer, David Levi and Moša Hajim drove the horse carriages.

18/31 January 1886


Document folio 27


Tax Fee Colelction from Haim Kazas

The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fee from Haim Kazas, for the lawsuit initiated against him by Petar Marković, representative of the brothers Mihailović.

29 May/25 October 1856


Document folio 3

Tax Collection From Haim Avram Koen

The Reconciliation Court in Belgrade requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect taxes from Haim Avram Koen, a merchant from Belgrade, residing in Smederevo. The Administration informed the Court that Koen was in Pančevo, therefore it failed to collect the tax.

29 January/13 April 1863


Document folio 3


The Jewish Synagogue Filed a Complaint Against Tasa Belopoljac

Samuel S. Koen, Haim A. Konfino and Jahijel B. Ruso, the tutors of the Jewish Synagogue, filed a complaint to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against Tasa Belopoljac, a clark at the Administration, related to the decision Belopoljac to stand a side of Avram Jakovljević against whom a lawsuit was filed over a flour distribution to the poors, and to null his guilt.

25 January/17 March 1865


Document folio 30


The Sale of Real Estates of Haim Konfin and Jakov Samuel Canceled

The Administration of the Town of Belgrade informe the Belgrade Town Court that it canceled the sale of properties of Haim Avram Konfin and Jakov Samuil, in order to settle the debts to Joca and Živko Vučković. In addition, the Court requested the report on the outcome of the lawsuit the Jewish Commune had filed to prove the property right over the above referred real estates.

29 March 1867


Document folio 2


The Jewish Commune Complained Over the Sale of the Jewish Real Estate

The representatives of the Jewish School and Church, Moša Demajo and Isak Amar, complained to the Ministry of the Interior against the Administration of the Town of Belgrade over the intention to sell the real estate of the Jewish Commune on which the houses of Haim Avram Konfino and Jakov Samujel were situated. The Ministry recommended them to address to the Civic court and try to prove the property right of the referred real estate.

23 January 1867


Document folio 1


Theft In the Haim Levi‘s Store

The Town Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: Haim Levi reported that someone broke into his store and took away money and merchandise.

27 October 1881


Document folio 1


Technical Documentation For the Buildings in Kačanička and Vrazova Streets

Technical documentation for the buildings in the No. 28 Kačanička Street, owned by Lepa Arueti and in the No. 30 Vrazova Street, owned by Haim and Simha Levi.

20 February 1927/9 October 1940


Document 1 file


The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons

The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period of 1st to 11th September 1893. Babies were born to Haim Medini and Gavriel Koen. No person died.

11 September 1893




Technical Documentation For a Building in the No. 13 Cara Uroša Street

Technical documentation for a shelter and a building situated in the No.13 Cara Uroša Street, owned by Ana and Haim Medina. The building was designed by Miša Manojlović and Isak Azriel.

3 February 1922/24 September 1940


Document 1 file


The Quarantine in Aleksinac Let a Group of Travelers Pass to Belgrade

The Quarantine in Aleksinac informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to have let pass Gršon Avramov, Solomon Isakov and Jakov Solomonov from Niš, Haim Morenov from Leskovac and Pinkas Haimov from Bitola. They were traveling for Vienna via Belgrade for trade business, while Haimov who was traveling to Belgrade for private business.

17 May 1861


Document folio 1


Tax Collection From Haim Nahmias

The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a tax amount from Haim Nahmias who resided in Šabac.

14 June 1873/24 July 1874


Document folio 9


The Sale of Haim Nahmijas‘s Store

The Belgrade Town Court communicated the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the annulment of the sale of a bankrupted merhcant Haim Nahmijas.

5 April/31 October 1845


Document folio 6

Total records 2612