The request sent to the Chambers of Commerce to issue a travel document to a travelling salesman Hajim Levi. The document was required for travelling across the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
The request sent to the Chambers of Commerce to issue a travel document to a travelling salesman Hajim Levi. The document was required for travelling across the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
The Town Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: a thief broke into the store of Hajim Majkus in the Vasina Street.
The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect over due taxes from Hajim D. Majo, who resided in Požarevac.
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Jewish Religious School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of births and deaths in the community in the period of 1st to 20th June 1884. Children were born in the families of Jakov Mevorah, Hajim Majo, Hajim Pinto, Josif Hajim, Bencijon Hajim, Benvenista Jakov and Samuilo Pijade. Nahama, daughter of Hajim Aron, and a newborn child of Anđelo Levi died.
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
Reports on births, marriages and deaths recorded in the Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish communities in Belgrade in the period from the 1st to 10th April 1892.
The German Jewish Community informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that in the mentioned period there were no births, marriages nor deaths.
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community informed that the children were born to Jakov Mevorah, Moša Margulis, Aron Testo and Hajim Almuzin, while Isak, a son of Hajim Mevorah and Samuilo, a son of Josif Levi, died.
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period from 21st to 31st August 1891. Babies were born to Aron Levi, Juda Mašijah, Hajim Medina, Benjamin De Majo, a still born child to Menaš Hazan. Lika, a dauhter of A. Eškenazi, Leon, a son of Rufo Levi, and Jakov Flajšer died.
The First Call Infantry Soldiers Called to Report To the Terazije Precinct
The Terazije Precinct issued the order that the first call infantry soldiers were to immediately report to that Precinct. Among others were Azrijel Mošić, the apprentice,
Nisim Efrajim, a tailor, Hajim Levi, the apprentice, Hajim Medina, a merchant.
Terazije Precinct Reported On the Events In the City
The Terazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on events that occurred in the City: Solomon Koen, a tobacco producer, was fined for selling without a permission; a bankruptcy case was opened for the property of Hajim Pinkas, a merchant.
Hajim Pinkas confirmed to the Terazije Precinct that the suit which was shown to him and the one which was stolen from his store were the same. Pinkas refused to file a lawsuit
against the thief since he was mentally ill.
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period from 1st to 10th July 1891. Children were born to Hajim Filosof and Avram Kalderon.
Netika, a daughter of Hajim Pinhas, Sofija, a daughter of David Elijas, Samuel, a son of Leon Mašijah and Luna Adut died.
The Požarevac District Headquarters dispatched to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade tax amount collected from Hajim Ruso from Veliko Gradište.
The Dorćol Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred In the City
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Hajim Tajtacak was escorted to the court for sentence reading associated with the lawsuit Naftalija Levi had filed against him over insult; Mata Ruso, a clerk of the National Bank, was sentenced for spilling dirt on the street.
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased in the period from 11th to 20th September 1891. Solomon Katarivas and Hajim Farhi got children, Isak, son of Gedalja Benjamin, died.
The unsigned and undated police report on the events that occurred in the town: a theft was committed in the stores of Hajim Šalon and Leon Montil during the night .
The Brothers Elijas Filed a Lawsuit Against Moša Ozerović Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court communicated the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the appointment of experts who would positively determine the exact name and surname of Hajm D. Hajm, who was also often referred to as Hajm David and Hajm Davič, for the lawsuit which the brothers Elijas from Vienna had filed against Moša Ozerović over the right priority in a debt collection from sold property of Hajm.
The Brothers Jakovljević Arrested For Stealing Merchandise
TheTerazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on events in the town: the brothers Leon and Samuilo Jakovljević were arrested upon the request of their father Avram who accused them of stealing the merchandise from the store and selling it to Hajnrih Rot, a tailor.
The Commissary of the Minister of Commerce and Industry decided to grant the request of Hana Kabiljo to close down her haberdashery store which was located at 132 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Belgrade Municipal Court informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to have requested by mistake a tax settlement from Hajim Baroh, instead from Hananel Baroh, a petty dealer from Šabac. The Šabac District Headquarters informed the Administration that Hananel Baroh had moved to Vlachia.
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period of the 1st to 10th December 1893.
Children were born to Moša Demajo, Isak Semo, Jozef Ozer and David Levi.
Hana, a child of Leon Papa, Mordohaj, a son of Samuil Melamed, Haim, a son of Isak Bencijon, Ora, a daughter of Gavra Koen and a newly born child of Jakov Maja, died.