The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products delivered to The Sickness Fund of the Belgrade Trading Youth the required information on the perfume company Braća Kabiljo. The report stated that the owners of the company were Moša and Jakov Kabiljo from Belgrade and that their father‘s name was unknown.
Isak Karaoglanović Filed a Lawsuit Against Todor Živković Over Debt
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade communicated to the Court in Kragujevac regarding the lawsuit Isak Karaoglanović had filed against the late Todor Živković from Kragujevac, over debt. After Isak Karaoglanović died, his legal representative Samuilo Karaoglanović delivered his overall accounts to Moša Kalderon, a merchant from Belgrade.
Interrogation of Salomon Nafus for Selling Melted Silver
Police interrogation of Salomon Nafus, a money dealer from Belgrade with a store in the Dubrovačka Street, accused for selling of melted silver. Regarding the procurement of the melted silver the Town Precinct also interrogated Moša Konforti from Leskovac and Isak Sabitaj Karijo from Niš.
Izstrea, a Wife of Moša Levi, Gave a Statement Regarding the Invenstment De
Izstrea, a wife of Moša Levi, submitted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a statement regarding the conditions under which she would allow her husband to use her money in the commercial businesses and how the profit would be distributed between them.
Izrailo Aruet Filed a Lawsuit Against Kosta Nestorović Over Debt
The Smederevo County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a subpoena to Izrailo Aruet, a legal representative of Moša Maclijah, a merchant, who had filed a lawsuit against Kosta Nestorović from Palanka, over debt.
Isak David Levi Filed a Lawsuit Against Moša Mevorak and Avram Maclijah
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee amount from Isak David Levi, a Jewish teacher who had filed a lawsuit against Moša Mevorak and Avram Maclijah, the tutors of the property of the late Jakov Amar. The Administration failed to collect the fee because Isak Levi with his family moved to Wallachia.
The membership card issued by the Association of the Commercial Agents to Moša A. Mevorah, the owner of a commercial agency located at 22 Rige od Fere Street.
The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products requested further information on the company A.M. Mevoraha Sinovi, owned by Moša and Samuilo Mevorah. Information was requested for business recommendation.
Isak B. Avram Filed a Lawsuit Against the Late Moša Avram Pesak Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Isak B. Avram for a lawsuit he had filed against the late Moša Avram Pesak, over debt. The Administration failed to collect the fee since Isak had moved away to his father in Smederevo,
Inspection of Stores Located in the Jovanova Market
The report sent to the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products on the inspection carried out in the stores located at Jovanova Farmers‘ Market on 2 June and 5 June 1933. Irregularities found in the work of Moša Sarfati, Vinka Levi and others were included in the report.
Ilija and Kosta Ristić Settled The Debts to Avram Suzin, Moša Solomonović..
The Kragujevac District Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver the debt amount collected from Ilija and Kosta Ristić to their creditors Avram Suzin, Moša Solomonović, the brothers Barlovac, etc.
The Jagodina County Court dispached to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade money collected from Ivko Marković, with a request to deliver it to Moša Suzin for debt settlement.
Ivan Stanojlović Settled His Debt to Salamon Jakov Koen and Moša Isak Farki
Salamon Jakov Koen and Moša Isak Farki submitted for verification to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade their demand addressed to the Court in Ćuprija to cancel the ban from the property of Ivan Stanojlović because he had settled his debt.
Isak Isahar David Levi, a former merchant from Valjevo, was sentenced by the Appeal Court for insulting Sima Jovanović. Levi was sentenced to 2 days in imprisonment, but he replaced it with a money fine. The file contained a statement given by Moša Farhi, a president of the Jewish Religious School Community, that Isak Isahar David Levi was not known in the Community.
The statements of two witnesses Moša Čelebonović and Mordohaj Halfon who confirmed that
Izrail D. Albahar had left Belgrade 8 years before and that he did not owe estate in Belgrade.
Members of the Tinsmiths Guild were invited to attend the meeting scheduled for 29 April 1907. The invitation was sent to Isak Finc, Avram Demajo, David Adut, Jozef Baroh, Natan Baroh, Solomon Nafusi, and Maksim Demajo.
The invitation sent to members of the Tinsmiths Guild to attend a meeting scheduled for 7 March 1910 in the tavern Žirovni venac. The invitation was sent to David Adut, Samuilo Šatner, Jozef Baruh, Solomon Nafusi, Natan Baruh, Avram Demajo, Maksim Demajo, Moša Baruh, Sima Pijade.
The invitation sent to the members of the Tinsmiths Guild to attend the meeting scheduled for 30 May 1904. The invitation was sent to Finci, Baruh, Adut, Nafusi, Demajo.
Isak Albala and Nahman Koen Gave a Power of Attorney to Konstantin Obradovi
Isak Albala and Nahman Koen gave a power of attorney to Konstantin Obradović to represent them in a lawsuit against the late Jeušua Moreno Magris regarding his legacy.
The announcement of the opening and the registration certificate of the store owned by Netika Jontović. The decision to relocate the store from 14 Zlatiborska Street to 91 Cara Nikole Street.
Income Report for the Apartment Building at 40 Dositejeva Street
The income report for the apartment building for 1939 and 1945. The building, located at 40 Dositejeva Street, was owned by Leon and Ester Netika Mandić, and in 1945 it was handed over to the National Hypothekary bank, Board for the Land Administration of Serbia.
The membership card issued by the Association of the Commercial Agents to Nehama Levi, the owner of a commercial agency located at 67 Karađorđeva Street.
Isak Tajtacaković and Nisim Alfandari Sentenced For Disrespecting Police
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Isak Tajtacaković and Nisim Alfandari, the merchants, were sentenced for disrespecting the police order.