List of the passengers compiled on 5th May 1874. Among the passengers were David S. Ruso, Lazar Konfino, Moša D. Majo, Jozef S. Levi, Salamon Levi, all from Belgrade, Jakov Baroh from Sarajevo, etc.
List of passengers compiled on 27th May 1874. Among the passengers were Jakov Baroh from Sarajevo, Rafail Eskenazi from Zemun, Samuil Duboa from Pariis, and others.
Leon Kabiljo Refused to Become Member of the Association
Leon Kabiljo, a merchant from Sarajevo, expressed his gratitude to the Association of Commercial Agents for inviting him to become a member, but stated that he had to reject the offer.
List of passengers on the boats and of passport issued on 19th February 1880, compiled by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade. The list of passengers included Moša Kojen, Moric Klajn, Josif Anaf, David Alkalaj and others.
Sara Kojen and Moša Maca got travel documents.
The list of members of the Association of Merchants of Manufactured Products who were warned against irregularities found in their work. The list included Solomon Albahari, Anđelko Almuzlino, Samuilo Amar, Moša Medina, Samuilo Amar, Rašela Beraha, Čeda Konforti, David Konfino, Vinka Levi, Sara Papo, Moša Sarfati, Ruben Rubenović.
Document folio 14
List of Detainees Compiled on 17th October 1874
List of detainees of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade compiled on 17th October 1874. Jakov Solomonović and Sara Solomonović were sentenced to 3-day of imprisonment.
List of passengers complied by the Sava Department of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on 17th May 1880. The list included Isak Alkalaj, David Levi, Isak Azrijel, Sara
List of Old Persons and Illegitimate and Abandoned Children
The Dorćol Precinct delivered to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a list of old men and women and children with a disability, illegitimate and abandoned children. The list included Salamon and Moša, children who livied with Josif Amuzlino; Josif Majir Levi, Venezijana Amuzlino who lived with their mother Rajna Amuzlino;
Merkada, a daughter of Isak Lazar; Sara, a daughter of Izrailo Hazes; Ora, a wife of Isak Kazas; David Azrijel; Venezijana Bencion who lived with her mother Klara; Aron Nisim, Avram Adut and Binja Finci.
Leon Alkalaj Requested His Data to Be Entered Into the Residents Registry
Leon Alkalaj requested the Belgrade Municipal Court to enter into the Belgrade Residents Registry his date of birth and that he was married to Sara. He enclosed the marriage certificate issued by the Jewish Religious School Community in Belgrade.
List of Passengers Who Arrived To Belgrade on 27th March 1874
The Terazije Precinct reported on the passengers who arrived from the inland Serbia and from abroad on 17th March 1874. Simon Kon, a locksmith, arrived from Szeged and stayed in the tavern Žirovni Venac.
The Belgrade Town Court and the Appeal Court ruled in the lawsuit of Semaja Dan Albahari,
a merchant on the Small Market, against Moša Isak Farhi, a merchant, who did not respect their house purchase contract.
List of passengers compiled on 18th March 1869. Semaja Lidži, a merchant, and Salomon Heskia, a leather manufacturer, departed to Zemun. Jakov Gros, Isak Elijas, Leon Haim, Johanam Haim, Ilija Azrijel, Isak Albala, Izakijel Halfon, Josif Pardo, Salomon Ruso, Salomon Amar, Rafail Haim arrived to Belgrade.
List of persons who didn‘t settle their debts to the Town Precinct. Among others were Semajo Eskenazi, Moša Kojen and Isak Levi,over their poor material situation, Avram Maca and Bencijon, who bankrupted, Isak Adanja settled th debt, etc...
List of Persons Accused For Various Criminal Acts in 1875
A list of persons who were forwarded to the Court in 1875 due to various criminal acts they committed. Among others were Josif Izrailj Kojen, accused over fire setting and Sigmund Vajs, accused for theft.
Document folio 10+(4)
List of Passengers
The Sava Police reported on the movements of the passengers on the 16th March 1901. The list of passengers arrived to Belgrade included also Sigmund Dajč and Leopold Salamon.
16 March 1901
Document folio 7
List of Candidates for Department of Haberdashery Merchants Management
Leon Levi delivered to the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products the list of candidates for the management board of the Department of Haberdashery Merchants. The list included Leon Levi, Jakov Konforti, Moša Amar, Jakov Medina, David Mandil, Jakov Benavram, Sima Kazes, Johan Demajo.
List of passengers compiled on 13th April 1874. The list included Jozef Hason from Belgrade, Jakov Kon and Sima Roman from Turn Severin, Majer Kon and Jozef Hercl from Zemun.
List of passengers compiled on 27th March 1874. The list included Julije Hara, Karl
Fišer from Bečkerek, Simeon S. Levi, Moša Ozerović, Marko Baroh, Nisim Efrajm and Salamon S. Levi from Belgrade.
Leon Karijo Applied For the Admission Into the Belgrade Residency
Leon Karijo, a merchant, applied for the admission into the residency of the Municipality of the City of Belgrade, along with his wife Berta and their sons Žak (Jakov), Avram and Simon.
The Serbian-Jewish Church Community of the Eskena rite issued a confirmation on the divorce of dr. Leon Stein, from Ruščuk, and Berta, a daughter of Simon and Fani Landau from Belgrade.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade announced the scheduled auction for leasing of the underground caves by the Sava River. Simon Landau, a tinsmith, was one of the tenants.
The list of the passengers on the 9th December 1889, compiled by the railway Police. The list included also Jozef Hercl, Moric Binder, Geza Kon, Avram Ozerović, Simon Lebl, Elijas L. Levi, Elijas Jozef,
Rafael Finci, Isak B. Albala, Avram Tajtacak and others.
9 December 1889
Document folio 3
List of Prisoners of War in a Camp in Nuremberg
The list of prisoners of war who survived the camp Nuremberg in Germany. The list included Markus Damon (Danon), Simon Sauer, Leon Lebl, Marko Alkalaj, Isidor Izrakl (Izrael), Moric Elazar.
The Sava Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the passengers who arrived on 4th October 1900. Among them were Solomon Hajim Davičo, a merchant, Simon Farhi, a physician, Isak Kalmić, a merchant, Hajnrih Bril, a merchant, etc.