The Serbian-Jewish Church Community of the Eskena rite issued a confirmation on the divorce of dr. Leon Stein, from Ruščuk, and Berta, a daughter of Simon and Fani Landau from Belgrade.
List of people who arrived in the Varoš Precinct as of 24th April 1874. David Onor arrived from Požarevac, Moric Kesler from Smederevo, Pinkaz and Feliks Štern from Heveš and Jozef Gutman from Pest.
List of passengers compiled on 29th April 1874. The list included Jakov Hajm Pinkas from Vidin, Jozef Ajzler from Vienna, Ferdinand Bril and Rafail Eshenazi from Belgrade, Isak Albahari from Pest.
List of Medical Examination Performed by the Town‘s Physician
The list of the medical examination performed by the physician of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade from May to October 1882. The list included Ferdinan Levi and Ruža Levi.
Document folio 5
Lawsuit agaisnt Filip Jakob
Vencl Šmutnik, a brandy producer, accused his servant, a Jew Filip Jakob, for pilferage and requested Jakob to compensate the damage.
The document signed by Marko Bačvanin, authorising Kosta Urošević to represent him in the lawsuit he filed against his debtors Filip Hercl and Leopold Melinger.
The list of Zemun conscripts born in 1901. The list included: Rudolf Vajnberger, Jakves Bandu, Josip Hercl, Robert Adler, Deže Fišer, Josip Samlaić, Filip Šer, Jakob Azriel, Srećko Feliks Dajč. Edmund Klajman, as foreign citizen was removed from the list.
The list of passengers on the 11th December 1889, compiled by the Railway Police. The list included also Solomon Azrijel, D. Hajim, Maks Kon, Moric Binder, Flora Almoslino, Jakov Almuli, Avram Levi and others.
11 December 1889
Document folio 5
Lawsuit between Franc Levi and Pavle Živanović
The Court Department of the Zemun Magistrate submitted a report on the court hearing in the lawsuit filed by Franc Levi against Pavle Živanović.
List of passengers who arrived to the Town Precinct compiled on 1st July 1874. Ignjac Levi from Vienna and Franc Fišer from Bavaria stayed at the Hotel Srpska kruna.
Laza Osman Aga Filed a Lawsuit Against Estera Amar Over Debt
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Laza Osman Aga had filed against Estera, a widow of Moša Amar, and her son Haim, over debt. The Court instructed the Administration to place a sequester on the household of the debtors, but Estera escaped and the Administration decided to sell their house in order to settle a debt.
List of passengers compiled on 31st January 1869. Among them were Azrijel B. Haim, Josif Pardo, Moša Čelebonović, Moreno Konortić, Isak Albala, Josef S. Levi, Haim Gabaj, Izrajel Halfon, Izahijel Halfon, Jozef Avram Ruso, Mordohaj Halfon, Salomon M. Amar, Moša Farki, David Hercl, Kalman Hercl, Johanam M. Haim, Moša Kalderon, Ilijas A. Azrijel, Rafail A. Haim, Isak Elijas, Jakov M. Alkalaj, etc.
Lawsuit of Haim Davidović Against Manojlo Nastasijević and Todor Jovanović
Communication regarding the court‘s ruling in a lawsuit initiated by Haim Davidović against Manojlo Nastasijević and Todor Jovanović accused for occupying a parcel without a license.
10 September 1846/25 June 1847
Document folio 3
Lists of Taverns in the Town of Belgrade
Lists of taverns in Belgrade and of their owners and renters, among them the Jewish citizens as well. Thus, the brothers Ozerović and Haim Davidović gave their taverns to rent in the Zerek area, and Bohor Ozerović in Dorćol. Moša Avram Suzin held a tavern in the Jevrejska mala (Jewish quarter), in the vicinity of the Kumanudi Brewery. Moren Vidal Gabaj held a tavern close to Jewish school and Samuil Azrail Haim in the Jevrejska mala. Moša Ozerović closed his tavern due to the bankruptcy of his owner.
Leon Davičo Filed a Lawsuit Against His Brother Haim
Leon Davičo filed a lawsuit against his brother Haim who allegedly wouldn‘t support their ill mother. The Town Court and The Appeal Court rejected the lawsuit and the Administration was requested to collect court fees from Leon Davičo.
Correspondence of the Ministry of Justice and Education, the Administration of the Town of Belgrade, the Belgrade Town Court and Venjamin Rozmirović regarding the lawsuit between the brothers Leon and Haim Davičo over partnership accounts.
The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and fashion Products dispatched to the Chambers of Commerce a list of companies which ceased to exist and contact persons for further details. The list comprised the companies of Haim Demajo, Moša Mevorah, Tajtacaković and a Partner, Eškenazi and Hercog.
List of Persons Who Got Permissions to Open Money Exchange Stores
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade dispatched to the precincts a list of persons who had been granted permissions to start money exchange business. Those persons were Mordehaj Halfon, Samuel Koen, Josef Lidži, David Ruso, Lazar Levenzon, Haim Elic and Sabitaj Koen.
The Jewish Religious School Community sent to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade the list of people who didn‘t live in Belgrade, but were married in Belgrade Synagogue in 1881. The list included Avram Jozef Demajo from Jagodina, Haim Jakov Kalderon from Požarevac,
Isak Avram Aladžem from Ub and Avram M. Levi from Šabac.
Leon and Haim Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Todor Maksimović
Correspondence of the Užice County Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding a lawsuit Leon and Haim Koen, the merchants from Belgrade, filed against Todor Maksimović from Užic, over debt.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit of Rahila, a widow of Haim Koen, against Ašer Ozer, and regarding the debt collection lawsuit of Ašer Ozer against Samoil Haim Koen.
The City Precinct reported on the passengers who arrived on 27th August 1901. Among the passengers were Haim Koen, Solomon Nahmijas, Jakov Albala.
27 August 1901
List of Passengers Compiled on 9th January 1903
List of passengers compiled on 19th January 1903. Among the passengers were Leopold Lebl, Haim Koen, Josif Kalderon, Ašer Ozer, Moša Mevorah, Isak Elijas, Moša Farhi, Isak Albala, Jozef Levi, Isak Nisim.