Moša Albahari, as the Austrian Subject, Was Not Obliged To Give Flour
The merchant Moša Albahari, a son of Isak Albahari, gave a statement in the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that he was not obliged to give the flour to the requisition authorities since he was the Austrian subject.
The report on the lawsuit initiated by Miloš Andrejević from the Austria-Hungary against his debtor Isak Almuli.
15 April/10 July 1847
Moša Anaf and Isak Almuli Reached the Agreement Over Debt Settlement
The witnesses gave statements regarding the agreement Isak Almuli, a merchant from Belgrade, reached with Moša Anaf, a merchant from Požarevac, over debt.
Mordokaj Katarivas, a servant at Isak Amuli, appealed to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against the Belgrade Commune Court, which sentenced him to pay a certain amount to Mišulan Kojen. The appeal was rejected.
Mišulan Koen accused his brother-in-law Isakar Levi for destroying his attendant identification card and for treats to murder him to the Dorćol Precinct. Levi and his family lived with Koen in his house, with obligation to help him in the business. After being interrogated, Levi was sentenced for destroying the document while the death threat could not be proved.
Minutes from the Annual Assembly of the Association of Grocery Merchants
The minutes from the annual assembly of the Association of Grocery Merchants of the City of Belgrade, held on 19 February 1939 in the hall of the Workers‘ Chamber. The assembly was attended by Hazan Izrael, Azrijel Romano, Avram B. Nisim, Josif Izrael, Isak Baruh and others.
19 February 1939
Document folio 14
Milan Davidović From Vlaška Filed a Lawsuit Against Isak Be Avram
Isak Be Avram, a money dealer, filed the complaint to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against a court decision reached in a lawsuit Milan Davidović, a priest from Vlaška, had filed against him.
Miloš Janjić submitted a statement for verification to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the sale of his store to Isak Be Avram for 1050 silver forints.
Mijailo Davičo Filed a Lawsuit Against Moša Ozerović
Smederevo District Headquarters informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that Isak Hajim Davičo from Smederevo would testify in the lawsuit Mijailo Albahari had filed against Moša Ozerović. The Administration was requested to inform Hajim Suzin, the president of the Court regarding the case.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the Court decision to place the mortgage on the property of Isak Elijas for the debt settlement to Bernad Hercog, the Austrian citizen from Zemun.
Mišulan Levi Settled the Debt To Venijamin Rozmirović
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a debt amount from Mišulan Levi in favor of Venijamin Rozmirović, a legal representative of Isak M. Elijas from Vienna. The Administration organized the auction sale of the merchandise from the store of a debtor. Enclosed were the lists of sold items and their buyers.
Maksimilijan Polak and the Family Forbiden to Leave Belgrade
The Belgrade Town Court instructed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to forbid the family of Dr Maksimilijan Polak to leave to Austro-Hungarian Empire until his lawsuit over debt against Isak Josifović and the brothers Ozerović was terminated.
Mišulan Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Isak Kalfon Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Mišulan Koen, a merchant, who had demanded a sequester to be placed on the merchandise of Isak Kalfon, to secure the debt settlement, but later he gave up his demand.
Menahem Amar and Rakila Koen Settled Their Dispute Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding
the request of Menahem D. Amar that Rakila, a widow of Isak Koen, should settle the debt her late husband Isak had made. The Administration reported that Rakila and Menahem Amar had already settled their dispute.
Mordohaj Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Isak Jakov Koen Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that Mordohaj Koen, a money dealer, had requested a sequester to be placed on the household of Isak Jakov Koen to secure the debt settlement. Upon the settlement, Mordohaj asked the Administration to lift off the sequester from the property of Koen.
Merchandise of Kosta Đokić Seized For Debt Settlement
The Commercial Court informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that it approved a ban to be placed on the merchandise of Kosta Đokić, a shoe maker from Ripanj, for debt settlement to Sabitaj Koen, a merchant on the Sava River. The Administration was requested to execute that ban, seize the bovine skins stored at the railway station and hand them over to Isak Koen for safe keeping.
The Savamala Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: The Belgrade Court annulled the decision of the Precinct by which Moša Koen was interrogated and confined as a collaborator to Isak Koen.
The Savamala Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: decision by which Moša Koen, a money dealer, was confined for collaboration with Isak Koen, was annulled.
19 December 1898
Material Situation of Matil Koen
Matil, the wife of Isak H. Koen, requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to issue her a certificate that her property was not taken for inventorying due to debt settlement. Matil needed that certificate because she was preparing the wedding of her daughter and she wanted to apply for the loan from the Administration of Funds.
The Belgrade Telegraph Headquarters requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver to Isak Koen Toska and Pera, the baker, the amount for the extra collected telegraph fees.
Mijailo Zograf Filed a Lawsuit Against Isak Levi Over Debt
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the request Mijailo Zograf, a merchant, a sequester to be placed on the goods, a property of Isak Levi, a merchant, who had stored them in a shop in Zerek, to secure the settlement of a debt.
Majir Sason Gave a Power of Attorney To Isak A. Levi
Majir Sason, a merchant, gave a power of attorney to Isak A. Levi from Šabac to represent him in all legal matters and submitted it for verification to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade.