Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 3rd Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 3rd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1933/34. 1934 ИАБ-270-К50 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 8th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 8th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1938/39. 1939 ИАБ-270-К56 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 7th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 7th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1937/38. 1938 ИАБ-270-К55 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 6th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 6th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1936/37. 1937 ИАБ-270-К54 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 5th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 5th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1935/36. 1936 ИАБ-270-К52 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 2nd Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 2nd grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1932/33. 1933 ИАБ-270-К49 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1931/32. 1932 ИАБ-270-К48 Book Document
Hugo Hasan Enrolled in the 4th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Hasan was enrolled in the 4th grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1934/35. 1935 ИАБ-270-К51 Book Document
Hugo Hercl - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Hercl, laborer. 21 April 1942 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugo Hercler - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Hercler, merchant. 23 June 1926 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugo Hečko - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Hečko, technician. 9 October 1931 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugo Švarc - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Švarc, private clerk. 4 June 1938 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugo Švarc Enrolled in the 7th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo V. Švarc was enrolled in the 7th grade of the State Real Gymnasium in school year 1929/30. 1930 ИАБ-257-К38 Book Document
Hugo Švarc Enrolled in the 8th Grade of Gymnasium Hugo Švarc was enrolled in the 8th grade of the State Real Gymnasium in school year 1930/31. 1931 ИАБ-257-К39 Book Document
Hugo Šefer - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Šefer, office worker. 22 December 1934 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugo Štajner - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Štajner, carpenter assistant. 17 February 1940 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugo Štajner - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Štajner, colonel of former Yugoslav Army. 8 August 1945 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugo Štater - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Štater, office worker. 14 November 1931 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugo Štern - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugo Štern, merchant. 4 March 1940 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hugoš Šalamon - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hugoš Šalamon, commercial representative. 25 January 1940 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hudesa Laufer - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Hudesa Laufer, homemaker. 5 February 1934 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hulda Mirjam Šor Enrolled in the 8th Grade of Gymnasium Hulda Mirjam Šor was enrolled in the 8th grade of the Third Girls‘ Gymnasium in school year 1940/41. 1941 ИАБ-276-К32 Book Document
Hulda Mirjam Šor Enrolled in the 1st Grade of Gymnasium Hulda Mirjam Šor was enrolled in the 1st grade of the First Zemun Gymnasium in school year 1933/34. 1934 ИАБ-270-К50 Book Document
Huli Baruh - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Huli Baruh, merchant. 24 August 1938 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Huns Meler - Citizen‘s Card Certificate of residence of Huns Meler, carpenter. 18 February 1934 ИАБ-1-КЖ Document 1 item Document
Hotel Paris Report His Guest Šemuel Mikloš The Hotel Paris reported its guest Šemuel Mikloš, a director of Central Department of the Sugar Factory in Červenka. 1919 ИАБ-1-К3158-91 Document folio 1 Document
Hotel Balkan Reported its Guest Šimon Vais The Hotel Balkan reported its guest Šimon Vais, a merchant from Sombor. 14 June 1919 ИАБ-1-К3115-1919-133 Document folio 1 Document