Leon Papo Filed a Lawsuit Against Izrajel Kojen Over Insult
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect from Jakov Izrajel Kojen, a merchant, the witnesses fees associated with the lawsuit filed against him by Leon Papo, a teacher, over insult. Witnesses were Moša Benvenisti, Bokor Levi and Solomon Levi.
Laswuit Filed Against Avram De Majo Over Tobacco Paper Smuggling
The Tobacco Monopoly Administration filed a lawsuit against Avram S. De Majo for smuggling the cigarette paper. The investigating judge brought a decision to search the apartment and other premises of the accused.
The list of passengers who arrived in the Town Precinct on the 16th June 1896. Viktor Levi, a journalist from Vienna, was staying in the Grand Hotel, Moric Koen, a merchant, arrived from Šabac, and Moša Koen, a merchant arrived from Leskovac.
16 June 1896
Document folio 1
List of Granted Permissions for Organizing Parties
The list of granted permissions for organizing parties.The Jewish Female Society was granted permission to organize a party on the 18th January 1897 in the restaurant Bulevar and Serbian Jewish Choral Society was granted permission for the party on the 3rd March in the same restaurant.
Document folio 9
List of Persons Who Were Fined In August 1892
List of persons fined in August 1892, associated with the lawsuits held in the Town Presinct. On the list were Solomon Levi, Nisim Aron, Hajim Kalderon, Jakov Koen.
Lists of Grocers, Innkeepers, Confectioners and Candy Manufacturers
Lists of grocers, innkeepers, confectioners and candy manufacturers working o the territory of the Dorćol Precinct. The list of grocers included also Navtali Levi, Avram Albakari, Isak Avramović, Samoilo Adut, Avram Kalderon, Moša Amar, Avram Adanja. The list of innkeepers included Josif Danon and Avram Mevorah, and the list of confectioners included Solomon Hazan and Bukus Kalderon.
Document folio 4
List of Passengers Who Arrived to Belgrade
The precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the passengers who arrived to Belgrade: Edgar Rotšild, a trade assistant from Bucharest, arrived to Belgrade.
The list of people who exported products from Serbia to various countries. The list included also Bencion Buli, the exported of pigs, Azrijel i Alkalaj, exporters of plums and animal skins, David Dajč, exporter of plums.
Document folio 1
List of Passengers
The list of passengers arrived in the Town Precinct on the 30th November 1896. The list included also Avram Ruben and Mihailo Avram, merchants.
30 November 1896
Document folio 1
List of Passengers Compiled on 13th and 14th October 1896
A list of passengers compiled on 13th and 14th October 1896. Avram Mevorah departed on ship to Šabac.
Lazar Benaroj Settled His Debts With His Creditors
The Commercial Court informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that a bankruptcy was declared for the overall property of Lazar Benaroj, a merchant. Benaroj settled his debts with his creditors and the bankruptcy case was terminated.
The report of the commissary of the Railway Police submitted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the foreigners who had arrived by train to Belgrade. Jakov Geršon from Sofia was among the passengers.
12 June 1897
Document folio 1
Lawsuit Filed Against Lazar Isaković Over Bigamy
Dr David Alkalaj, the attorney, filed a complaint against the decision the investigating judge brought associated with the lawsuit filed by Hana Isaković against Lazar Isaković, over bigamy. Isaković converted to the Christian faith and married Draga despite the existing marriage with Hana, contracted according to Jewish customs. The Court of Cessation approved the complaint.
The Sava Police sent the report to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the movements of the passengers: Jakov Davičo, a clerk of the National Lottery, and Nisim Levi, a merchant, had left on the boat Zemun-Pančevo, and Jakov Hercl, a lawyer, had arrived to Belgrade.
16 August 1898
Document folio 2
List of Passengers
The list of passengers who arrived to Belgrade on the 9th March 1896. The list also included Haim Nahmijas, a merchant from Šabac and Moša Adanja, a merchant assistant from Kragujevac.
9 March 1896
Document folio 3
List of Prisoners of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade
The list compiled by the Administration of the Town of Belgrade in December 1896. The list included also Jakov Alkalaj and Karlo Levi.
Decembar 1896
Document folio 24
Lawsuit Initiated by Josif Ozer Against Isak Aron
The examining magistrate informed the Belgrade Municipal Court that Josif Ozer, a shipping agent, had initiated the debt collection lawsuit against Isak B. Aron, a speculator.
19 November 1892/10 October 1893
Document folio 11
List of Criminal Cases
The list of criminal cases which were in progress on the 20th September 1892. The list also included the civil action of Moša and Jakov Mevorah against David Farhi for insult and minor injury; civil action of Solčika Davidović against Solčika De Majo for theft; civil action of brothers Koen against Svetozar
Marković for attempt of murder; civil action of Avram Ozerović against Jakov Mevorah for a fraud.
20 September 1892
Document folio 6
Lazar Isaković Accused For Bigamy
Dr David Alkalaj, the attorney of Hana, a wife of Lazar Jomtov Isaković, requested from the investigating judge to initiate a police investigation against her husband for remarrying, although he never divorced her. Isaković converted to the Christian faith and married again following the Christian order. Alkalaj enclosed a copy of the marriage contract of Lazar and Hana, born Šalom, as well as excerpt from the Register of Marriages of Lazar and Draga, a former wife of Sima Naumović from Šabac.
The list of passengers compiled by the Sava Police. The list also included
Hugo Buli, Bencion Buli, Mozes Farki, R. Eškenazi and others.
28 August 1898
Document folio 2
List of Respectable Citizens in the Town Precinct
The head of the Town Precinct sent to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade requested list of respectable citizens. The list included also Samuilo Azrijel, Avram M. Levi, Samuilo Pijade, Leon Jakovljević, Živko Koen.
4 April 1901
Document folio 2
List of Passengers
The report of the Sava Police to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the passengers on the 4th April 1901. The report included also Moric Alkalaj, Isak Koen, Avram Anaf, Samuil Polak.
4 April 1901
Document folio 2
List of Passengers
The Sava Police report on the passengers on the 2nd April 1901. The list included also Hajim Pinto, Isak Altaras, Moric Alkalaj.
2 April 1901
Document folio 2
Lazar Isaković Gave Statement Regarding His Remarrying
Hearing of Lazar Jomtov Isaković, a typographer, accused for remarrying without a previous getting divorce from his wife Hana.