Lazar Isaković Converted to Christian Faith and Remarried
The investigating judge brought a decision to acquit a criminal investigation against Lazar Isaković against whom his wife Hana had filed a lawsuit for his remarrying without previously getting divorce from her. In the disposition of the decision it was stated that Isaković converted to the Christian faith, which annulled his marriage.
The Town Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: the criminal investigation was annulled against Binja Nahum, a merchant, against whom Tanasije Jovanović Knjaževac filed a lawsuit over debt he had paid twice.
List of foreigners who arrived to Belgrade and stayed in the private apartments in the area in custody of the Dorćol Precinct: David Becalelović arrived from Budapest and stayed in the No. 47 Cara Uroša Street, and Čelebi Jakov came from Sofia and stayed in the No. 23 Kraljev Trg Street.
The report of the commissary of the Sava Police sent to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the movements of the passengers on the 12th September 1901. Moša Avramović, Jakov Levenzon and Jakov Levi boarded the boat Zemun-Pančevo, Moreno Albahari arrived from Dubrovnik and Isak Nisim arrived from Oršava.
13 September 1901
Document folio 2
List of Passengers
The list of passengers who arrived to Belgrade on the 5th September 1901. Avram Isak, a Rabbi, arrived from Italy, Avram Demajo, a merchant, arrived from Kragujevac, Jovan Fuks, a butcher arrived from Pest, and Avram Bencion, a teacher arrived from Constantinople.
5 September 1901
Document folio 7
List of Bulgarian Subject Who Permanently Lived in Belgrade
List of Bulgarian subjects who were permanently settled in Belgrade or lived a longer period of time. Among others Jozef Levi, Josif Kojen, Buča Kalef, Isak Arueti, Solomon M. Kojen, Isak M. Kojen, Rafailo Hason, Jakov Mešulam, Menahem Jakov, Šaja Pinkas were listed also.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade submitted report on the events occurred in the town in August 1897 to the Ministry of Interior: Leon S. Kojen, a shipping agent‘s assistant, had stolen a wallet from Kosta
Milojković and a watch from Milorad Simić, and was arrested and sent to the Court.
5 September 1897
Document folio 10
List of Passengers
The Sava Police reported on the movements of the passengers on the 31st August 1901. Avram Bencion and Josef Papo were among the passengers.
21 August 1901
Document folio 10
List of Passengers
The Sava Police reported on the movements of the passengers on the 16th March 1901. The list of passengers arrived to Belgrade included also Sigmund Dajč and Leopold Salamon.
16 March 1901
Document folio 7
List of Passengers
The report of the Vračar Precinct on the movements of the passengers on the 16th March 1901. Solomon Almuzlino and David Tajtacak arrived to Belgrade.
15 March 1901
Document folio 6
List of Passengers
The Palilula Precinct reported on the movements ofthe passengers on the 11th March 1901. Mešulam Kojen, Bukas Gabaj, Rafailo Almuzlinus were among the passengers who arrived to Belgrade.
11 March 1901
Document folio 7
List of Passengers
The Savamala Precinct reported on the movements of the passengers on the 9th March 1901. Čelebon
Beraha was among the passengers who arrived to Belgrade.
9 March 1901
Document folio 6
List of Passengers
the Town Precinct reported on the passengers on the 3rd of March 1901. Marko Alkalaj and Hajim Levi were among the passengers.
3 March 1901
Document folio 4
List of Passengers Compiled on 22nd September 1898
List of passengers compiled by the Sava Precinct. Among the passengers were Hajnrih
Nahman, Viktori and Hajim Azrijel, Mozes Farki, Maksim Levenzon, Isak Kojen.
22 September 1898
List of Passengers Compiled on 14th August 1900
List of passengers compiled by the Sava Precinct. Among the passengers were Jakov Čelebonović, the lawyer, Josif Avram, a merchant, Benko Davičo, a clerk, Avram Mevorah, a trade agent.
14 August 1900
Lists of Teachers Of Primary Schools in Belgrade
Lists of teachers from the primary schools who were paid by the Administration of the Town of Belgrade. In the list compiled for the year 1892 were, among others, Moša Pinto, a teacher of the male school at Jalija. In the list for the year 1894 were Jelena Alkalaj and Estira Kalmić, female teachers.
List of Male and Female Teachers of the Belgrade Primary Schools
List of male and female teachers of the Belgrade primary schools who paid a percent of their salaries since 1st February 1895 to the Fund of Teachers‘ Widows and Children. On the list was, among others, Moša Pinto and Estira Kalmić
The Sava Police reported on the passengers on the 9th October 1901. Sabitaj Kojen, a merchant, Isak Jakov, a traveling salesman, Jakov Ruso, a money changer and Isak Baruh, a merchant from Niš were among other passengers.
6 October 1901
Document folio 2
List of Passengers Compiled on 4th October 1901
The Sava Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the passengers who arrived to Belgrade on 4th October 1901. Among others were David Demajo, Josif Talvi, Avram Solomon Majer, Isak Eškenazi.
4 October 1901
List of Cases
The list of cases initiated during March 1895: Jakov
Levi was accused for stealing; David Levi sued Moric Koen for the injury.
The Sava Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the passengers that arrived to Belgrade on 2nd October 1901. Among others were Leving Bencion, Aron Amodaj, Arnold Levi, Leon Ruso, Avram Baruh.
2 October 1901
List of Teachers who Paid Taxes
List of teachers who paid taxes for the year 1898. Among others, Estera Ruso, Jelena De Majo and Moša Pinto were on the list.
List of passengers who stayed in the private apartments, compiled by the Terazije Precinct on 9th July 1901. Moša Mandin, a shoemaker from Niš, stayed in the No. 4 Sremska Street, David De Majo, the apprentice, and Solomon Isak, the servant, stayed in the No. 8 Knez Mihailova Street.
The City Precinct reported on the passengers who arrived on 27th August 1901. Among the passengers were Haim Koen, Solomon Nahmijas, Jakov Albala.
27 August 1901
List of Foreigners Who Moved to Belgrade
List of foreigners who moved to the Terazije Precinct, compiled on 21st August 1901. Isak M. Levi, a pupil from Austro-Hungary, arrived and stayed in the No. 5 Solunska Street.
The Sava Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the passengers who arrived on 4th October 1900. Among them were Solomon Hajim Davičo, a merchant, Simon Farhi, a physician, Isak Kalmić, a merchant, Hajnrih Bril, a merchant, etc.
Ljubomir Stošić Attacked David Koen and Injured Him
The Terazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City in the course of June 1900. Ljubomir Stošić, a grocer, attacked David Koen at the street and injured him slightly.