The Ganc A.D. Company forwarded to the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants of the City of Belgrade a list of assisting employees. The list included Etel Gedalja Julher, a typist and records keeper.
List of Merchants Who Got the Tax Allocation for the Year 1941
List of members of the Association of the Iron and Technical Merchants of the City of Belgrade who got the tax allocation for the year 1941. The list included Isak Konforti.
List of Members of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants
List of members of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants invited to the discussion regarding the tax allocation scheduled on the 6th February 1947. The list included Samuilo Mevorah.
List of Iron and Technical Stores Located in Belgrade
List of iron and technical stores located at the territory of the 1st District of the City of Belgrade with the allocation to the tax groups for the year 1947. The list included stores of Samuilo Mevorah and Mois Kolonomos.
List of glass and china shops located at the territory of the 4th District of the City of Belgrade which were allocated in the 3rd tax group for the year 1947. The list included shop of Solomon Danon.
Lists of Voting Members of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants
Lists of voting members of the Association of Iron and Technical Merchants of the City of Belgrade, compiled for the election of representatives in the board of the Belgrade Chambers of Commerce. The lists included: Ašer Baruh, Rafailo Azriel, Jakov Azriel, Albert Altaras, Moric Benvenisti, Samuilo Vajs, Gavra Vig, Adolf Goldštajn, Nisim Samuilo Davičo, David Ruso etc.
Leopold Hercog Requested a Permission to Open a Colonial Store
Leopold Hercog requested the Association of Colonial, Deli and Grocery Merchants to forward his request to the Chambers of Commerce to issue him a certificate that he had met all legal requirements to open a colonial store. Enclosed to the request was the transcript of the school certificate issued by Gymnasium in Vienna and a certificate of the Yugoslav citizenship.
The Chambers of Commerce sent to the Colonial Merchants Association the list of merchants who were granted permission to register their grocery stores. The permission was granted to Jakov B. Avram, Ilija S. Adanja, Solomon Albahari, Rahamin Alkalaj, Roza Berah.
18/27 March 1924
Document folio 8
Lazar Ezra requested Permission to Start a Business
Lazar Ezra requested the Association of Various Specializations to grant him permission to open a public bath on the Sava river. The documentation included a copy of the permission granted by the Administration of the City of Belgrade to Ezra to open a store in 1934.
Leon Sid requested the Association of Merchants of Various Specialization to issue him a certificate confirming that he was the owner of a company that provides copy and translation services.
The list of merchants of motor vehicles and accompanying equipment. The list included Moric Koen and the company Sterling, owned by brothers Viktor and Mojis Kolonomos.
Leon Eškenazi Invited to Become a Member of the Association
Leon Eškenazi, a commercial agent from Niš, communicated to the Association of the Commercial Agents and Commissionaires regarding the necessity to protect interests of the profession in the inland Serbia. The Association informed Eškenazi that Henri Davičo was its representative for Niš and invited him to become a member.
Leon Kabiljo Refused to Become Member of the Association
Leon Kabiljo, a merchant from Sarajevo, expressed his gratitude to the Association of Commercial Agents for inviting him to become a member, but stated that he had to reject the offer.
Leon De Leon expressed his gratitude for being elected as member of the management board of the Association of Commercial Agents, but stated that his health issues prevented him from accepting the offer.
The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products sent to the Department of Haberdashery Merchants the list of all merchants whose addresses were marked as unknown.
List of Candidates for Department of Haberdashery Merchants Management
Leon Levi delivered to the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products the list of candidates for the management board of the Department of Haberdashery Merchants. The list included Leon Levi, Jakov Konforti, Moša Amar, Jakov Medina, David Mandil, Jakov Benavram, Sima Kazes, Johan Demajo.
List of the Companies Who Received Report from the Zagreb Conference
The list of companies who were given a printed report from the Zagreb conference. The list included the following companies: Menahem Koen, Josif Levi, Braća Benavram, Jakov Konforti, Moša Bejosif, Mika Bejosif, Ješa Simon, Isak Medina, Mandil i Ruso, David Medina, Josif Baruh, Jakov Bararon, Braća Najman, Braća Levi, Binja Nahum i Brat, Sima Kazas.
Document folio 1
List of Companies Which Received Price List
The list of companies that received the price list determined on the conference which was held in Zagreb. The list included the following companies: Menahem Koen, Josif Levi, Braća Benavram, Jakov Konforti, Moša Bejosif, Mika Bejosif, Ješa Simon, Isak Medina, Mandil i Ruso, David Medina, Josif Baruh, Jakov Bararon, Braća Najman, Braća Levi, Binja Nahum i Brat, Sima Kazas etc.
Document folio 1
Lazar Avramović Requested Ownership Certificate
Lazar B. Avramović requested the Association of Merchant of Manufactured Products to issue a certificate proving that he owned a store without a warehouse.
A list of the haberdashery stores located in Belgrade, whose owners were members of the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products of the City of Belgrade.
Leon Levi Proposed to Attend Merchants‘ Conference in Zagreb
The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products nominated Leon Levi to represent the Association on the upcoming conference in Zagreb. Levi requested that he be exempted from this duty and suggested a new meeting, during which a new representative would be appointed.
The list of members of the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products who didn‘t pay the membership fee in 1940.
Document folio 9
List of Clothing and Fur Stores
The Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products delivered to the Yugoslav-German Chambers of Commerce the list of stores selling clothes and fur. The list included stores owned by Jakov Mevorah, Avram Nahmijas, Hajim Isak, Talvi i Majorović, Josif A. Kalef, Matija Levi, and Matilda Sarfati.
List of Debtors of the First Yugoslav Silk Factory
The attorney representing the First Yugoslav Silk Factory requested the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products to provide him information on companies who were debtors of his clients. The Association sent the required information, distinctly specifying those Jewish companies which were under the administration of the appointed commissaries.