Moša Maclijan Filed a Lawsuit Against Lazar Rajković and Rajko Živković
The Court in Jagodina requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to Moša Maclijan, reached in the lawsuit he had filed against Lazar Rajković and Rajko Živković, over debt.
Moreno Hazan Arriving to Belgrade For the Trade Business
The Quarantine in Aleksinac informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that Moreno Hazan from Niš was let pass through on his way to Belgrade, for the trade business.
Mišulan Levi Filed a Lawsuit Against the Brothers Lazarević Over Debt
The Kragujevac County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Mišulan Levi who demanded a ban to be placed on the property of the brothers Lazarević from Topola, to secure a debt settlement.
Miloš Trifunović Filed a Lawsuit Against Jakov Eskinazi Over Debt
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Miloš Trifunović had filed a lawsuit against Jakov Eskinazi, over debt.
Moreno Konortić Filed a Lawsuit Against Mojzes B. Avram
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Moreno Konortić, a merchant, associated with the lawsuit he had filed against Mojzes B. Avram, but later he dropped the charges.
Moreno Konortić Sentenced to Pay Associated Court Fees and Costs
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to execute the court decision brought in a lawsuit Moreno Konortić, a merchant, had filed a lawsuit against Veniamin Rozmirović, an attorney, over damage compensation. Konortić lost the lawsuit, thus he was sentenced to pay fees to the Court and administrative costs to Rozmirović.
Mortgage Placed On the Property of Jevrem Marković and Pavle Nešković
The Court in Šabac requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from David Tajtasak, a legal representative of Moreno Jakov Koen, who demanded a mortgage to be placed on the property of Jevrem Marković and Pavle Nešković, the grocers from Šabac, over debt.
Moša A. Ozer Pleaded To Be Released From the Inventory Commission
The Ministry of Finances communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the request of Moša A. Ozer to be released from duties in the Inventory Commission because he had no one to run his store. The Ministry instructed the Administration to select a new member of the Commission.
Moreno Jakov Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Jovan Krivača
The Court in Čačak requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from David Tajtasak, a legal representative of Moreno Jakov Koen, associated with the lawsuit he had filed against Jovan Krivača from Čačak.
Moreno Konortić Filed a Lawsuit Against Ilija Matejević
The Court in Čačak requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Moreno Konortić, associated with the lawsuit he had filed against Ilija Matejević from Čačak.
Moreno Jakov Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Nikola Obretković Over Debt
The Court in Šabac informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to have received the court fee amount collected from the merchant Moreno Jakov Koen, associated with the lawsuit he had filed against Nikola Obretković from Mitrovica.
Moreno Konortić Filed a Lawsuit Against Kosta Nestorović Over Debt
The Court in Smederevo informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to have received the court fee amount collected from Moreno Konortić, associated with his lawsuit against Kosta Nestorović from Palanka.
Moša Solomonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Lezer Kalmi and Moša Nisim
The Belgrade Commercial Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fee from Elijas Koen, the apprentice and a legal representative of Moša B. Solomonović, associated with the lawsuit he had filed against Jakov Lezer Kalmi and Moša Nisim, but later he dropped the charges.
Merhada and Merjam Nisim Padro Gave a Power of Attorney
Merhada Nisim Padro and his wife Merjam gave a power of attorney to Dimitrije Popović to represent them in all legal matters related to the lawsuits in courts.
Moša Suzin Gave Power of Attorney To Haim Pardo, His Son In Law
Moša Suzin gave a power of attorney to his son in law Haim Pardo to represent him in all legal matters related to courts and to whom he ceded his store.
Moša Solomonović Filed a Lawsuit Against the Brothers Rajković Over Debt
The Jagodina County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to Moša Solomonović reached in a lawsuit he had filed against the brothers Rajković, over debt.
Moreno Konortić Filed a Lawsuit Against Kosta Nestorović Over Debt
The Court in Smederevo requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to take the oath from Moreno Konortić in the presence of a rabbi that his claims made in his lawsuit against Kosta Nestorović, a merchant from Palanka, over debt, were true.
Moša Kalderon Filed a Lawsuit Against Aleksa Đorđević Over Debt
Correspondence of the Court in Negotin and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Moša Kalderon, a merchant from Belgrade, had filed against Aleksa Đorđević from Negotin, over debt.
Moreno Jakov Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Đoka Milićević
The Court in Kruševac requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Moreno Jakov Koen, a merchant, who had filed a lawsuit against Đoka Milićević from Odžak.
Moša Kalderon and the Company Contributed To the Ministry of Defense
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade delivered to the Ministry of Defense 6 imperial grosches contributed by Moša Kalderon and the Company for military needs.
The Belgrade Commercial Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fees from Moša Levi, for a lawsuit he had filed against Avram Eskinazi.
Moreno Tajtacak Filed a Lawsuit Against Gavrilo Jakov Over Attack
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade investigated the case filed against Gavrilo Jakov, native of Sofia, over attack on Moreno Tajtacak without a cause. Gavrilo Jakov was sentenced with 25 strokes and expelling to Turkey.