Merkada Padro Filed a Lawsuit Against Israjel Arojet and Mosa Aftalion
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Merkada Padro had filed against Israjel Arojet and Mosa Benijamin Aftalion, grocers from Šabac, over debt. At the request of Padro, the Court requested the Administration to seize a passport from Aftalion to prevent him to return to Šabac until he settled the debt. The Administration informed the Court that Aftalion had already left Belgrade.
Moreno Jakov Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Jovan Petrović Paležanin
The Šabac County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to Moreno Jakov Koen reached in a lawsuit he had filed against Jovan Petrović Paležanin from Šabac, over debt.
Mišolan Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against the Brothers Lazarević
Correspondence of the Court in Kragujevac and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision reached in a lawsuit Kuča Liči, a representative of Mišolana Koen, had filed against the brothers Lazarević from Kragujevac, over debt,
Mevorah Kalderon To Take an Oath In a Presence of a Rabbi
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to take the oath from Mevorah Kalderon, a speculator, in the presence of a rabbi, to assert that he would tell the truth as a witness in a lawsuit between Sabataj Kojen and Aksentije Bogdanović, filed over debt. The Administration informed the Court that Kalderon had moved to Turkey and it was unknown when or if he would return to Belgrade.
Moša Čelebonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Milenko Marković Over Debt
Upon the request of Moša Čelebonović, the Court in Ćuprija placed a sequester on the property of Milenko Marković in order to secure the debt settlement.
Moša Ozerović Filed a Lawsuit Against Bađa Đorđević Over Debt
Correspondence of the Court in Negotin and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the delivery of a court decision reached in a lawsuit Moša Ozerović had filed against the late Bađa Đorđević, over debt.
Mišulan Levi Filed a Lawsuit Against Marko Petrović Over Debt
Correspondence of the Čačak County Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision reached in a lawsuit Mišulan Levi from Belgrade, had filed against Marko Petrović from Čačak, over debt.
Moša Darsović Filed a Lawsuit Against Jan Dimitrijević Over Debt
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the wine selling from the inn of Jan Dimitrijević for the settlement of his debt to Moša Moforak, a merchant from Belgrade, a representative of Moša Darsović.
Marriage Agreement Between Rahila and Moreno Konortić
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the marriage agreement signed by Rahila and Moreno Konortić, in line with the Law of Moses. The exact amount of money and items brought into the marriage were cited, as well as the amount of money Konortić had given to Rahila so that she would be well-assured in the marriage.
Mosa Beniamin Aftalion and Azrijel Aruet To Settle Their Debt to M. Pardo
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to seize the passport from Mosa Beniamin Aftalion and to ban him to leave the town until the debt he and his partner Azrijel Aruet were obliged to settle to Merkada Nisim Pardo.
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to escort Moreno Aruet to the Court for the scheduled hearing, since he hadn‘t responded to the subpoena.
Merkada Nisim Pardo Filed a Lawsuit Against Maca Cukić Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision brought in a lawsuit Merkada Nisim Pardo had filed against Maca Cukić, over debt. The Administration was requested to collect the debt amount, a court fee and corresponding court expences from Maca Cukić.
Mihailo Petrović, a Clergyman, to Settle His Debt to Isak Rubin
Correspondence of the Military Headquarters, the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the amount a clergyman Mihailo Petrović owed to Isak Rubin, a tailor of Austrian citizenship.
Mišulan Levi Filed a Lawsuit Against Nikola Popović Over Debt
The Šabac County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to take an oath from Mišulan Levi, in the presence of a rabbi, that his claims expressed in the lawsuit he had filed against Nikola Popović, over debt, were true.
Mata Ruso, a merchant from Zemun, applied for a Serbian citizenship. The Ministry of the Interior declined his application since it was not grounded in the Civil Law.
Mirula Haim Filed a Lawsuit Against the Accounting Department
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect court fees from Mirula, a wife of David Haim, who had filed a lawsuit against the Accounting Department of the Court due to unpaid interest on the debt
Mata Ruso Filed a Lawsuit Against Haim Aron Solomon
The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision reached in a lawsuit Mata Ruso from Timisoara had filed against Haim Aron Solomon from Šabac. Administration was requested to place a sequester on the merchandise of Solomon deposited in the warehouse situated in the waterfront of the Sava River, in order to secure the debt settlement.
Moša and Izrael Albahari Filed a Lawsuit Against Hananel Baruh Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to place a sequester on the merchandise of Hananel Baruh, upon the request of the representative of the brothers Moša and Izrail Albahari, to secure the debt settlement.
Menahaim Efreim Filed a Lawsuit Against Pavle Dimitrijević
Police investigation regarding the accusations Menahaim Efreim, a tinsmith, made against his apprentice Pavle Dimitrijević over slaping him at the market place, and over the immoral behavior and bad work. The Administration sentenced Dimitirjević with 30 strokes and with returning to the service of Efreim.