The permission granted by the Administration of the City of Belgrade to Esperans Koen to open a wholesale manufacturing store at 43 Kralja Petra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Josif Koen had been relocated from 22 Vasina Street to 5 Vasina Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Menahem Koen had been relocated from 19 Cara Uroša Street to 9 Zmaja od Noćaja Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the store of Sarina Koen had been relocated from 7 Kolarčeva Street to 6 Knez Mihailova Street, and from there the store was relocated to 40 Kralja Milana Street, then to 11 Višnjićeva Street and finally to 26 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the manufacturing store of Solomon Koen had been relocated from 44 Kralja Petra Street to 35 Kralja Milana Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the haberdashery store of Hajim Mika Koen had been relocated from 22 Balkanska Street to 18 Balkanska Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Cevi Koen had been relocated from 3 Vase Čarapića Street to 6 Vase Čarapića Street. The store was relocated again at 3 Vase Čarapića Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the haberdashery store of Solomon Konfino had been relocated from 3 Višnjička Street to 128 Kneza Pavla Street, from there to 96 Kneza Pavla Street, then to 23 Kneza Pavla Street, then to 74 Kneza Pavla Street, and finally the store was relocated to 1 Višnjićeva Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the haberdashery store of Abraham Konforti had been relocated from 11 Kneginje Ljubice Stret to 18 Knez Mihailova Street; the store was then relocated to 3 Pašićeva Street and again to 1 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the store of Jakov Konforti had been relocated from 32 Kalja Petra Street to 58 Kralja Petra Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the store of Marko Konforti was relocated from 50 Kralja Petra Street to 12 Zmaja od Noćaja Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the haberdashery store of Rašela Konforti had been relocated from 154 Kralja Aleksandra Stret to 35 Jovana Ristića Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the store of Avram D. Levi had been relocated from 10 Pašićeva Street to 18 Dubrovačka Street. The store was relocated again to 2 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the manufacturing store of Josif Levi had been relocated from 243 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 273 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the haberdashery store of Mešulam Levi had been relocated from 148 Kralja Aleksandra Street to 168 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the manufacturing store of Naftali Levi had been relocated from 7 Višnjićeva Street to 2a Višnjićeva Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the haberdashery store of Plata Vinka Levi had been relocated from the Cvetni Trg market to 8 Prestolonaslednika Petra Street and from there to 11 Prestolonaslednika Petra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Avram Abinun had been relocated from 9 Prestolonaslednika Petra Street to 17 Prestolonaslednika Petra Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the store of Rafailo Levi was relocated from the Zeleni Venac market to 9 Milorada Draškovića Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the store of Rafajlo Levi was relocated from 58 Kralja Milana Street to 3 Višnjićeva Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Sida Levi had been relocated from 7 Kraljev trg Street to 51 Kralja Petra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the haberdashery store of Solomon Levi had been relocated from 41 Kralja Milana Street to 2 Milorada Draškovića Street. The store was later relocated to 2 Kralja Aleksandra Street and again to 1 Pašićeva Street.
The registration certificate of the manufacturing store Amerikanski magazin, owned by Ibi Pinto. The certificate was issued by the Chambers of Commerce.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the haberdashery store of Solomon Levi had been relocated from the Zeleni Venac market to 11 Zeleni Venac Street.
Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Ster Levi had been relocated from 3 Višnjićeva Street to 5 Višnjićeva Street.
Relocation of Sabitaj Mandil and Isak Ruso‘s Store
The Administration of the City of Belgrade was notified that the store of Sabitaj Mandil and Isak Ruso had been relocated from 3 Uzun Mirkova Street to 2 Uzun Mirkova Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Moric Mandil had been relocated from 29 Žorža Klemansoa Street to 19 Patrijarha Dimitrija Street.
The commissary of the minister of commerce and industry was notified that the manufacturing store of Rahamin Mandil had been relocated from 12 Kralja Aleksandra Steet to 10 Kralja Aleksandra Street.
The Administration of the City of Belgrade informed the Association of Merchants of Manufactured, Textile and Fashion Products about receiving the notification that the store of Jakov Mandilović had been relocated from 45 Kralja Milana Street to 3 Pašićeva Street and then to 66 Kralja Milana Street.