Samuil Karaoglanović Filed a Lawsuit Against Luka Popović
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade informed the Čačak Town Court to have collected a court fee from Moša Kalderon, a legal representative of Samuilo Karaoglanović, regarding the lawsuit he had filed against Luka Popović from Čačak.
Sabataj Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Moša Suzin Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to execute the court decision and take an oath from Sabitaj Koen in the presence of a rabbi and to confirm that the claims exposed in a lawsuit he had filed against Moša Suzin, a tailor, over debt, were true.
Sola Azrijel Filed a Request to Open a Grocery Store
Sola, a wife of David Azrijel, filed a request to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to be allowed to open a grocery store in the Jevrejska Mala (a Jewish quarter) to support herself and her husband. Attached to the file were several statements of the Jewish community members regarding her behavior. The Administration denied the request pursuant to the Article 71 of the Decree on the Guilds, since it didn‘t apply to the Jevrejska Mala.
Sabataj Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against the Late Toša Čolaković Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to the heirs of the late Toša Čolaković reached in a lawsuit Sabataj Koen had filed against the deceased, over debt.
Solomon Kalmo Filed a Lawsuit Against Aron Avram Farhi
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to summon Leon Kojen, Avram Eskinazi and Josif Talvi, as witnesses in the lawsuit Solomon Kalmo had filed against Aron Avram Farhi, and to take their oaths in the presence of the rabbi that they would tell the truth in Court.
Solomon Kalmi Filed a Lawsuit Against Moša Solomon Over Debt
The Šabac County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to Solomon Kalmi reached in a lawsuit he had filed against Moša Solomon, over debt. Kalmi received the decision and paid the court fees.
Solomon Šain Filed a Lawsuit Against Haim Adut Over Obligation
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the execution of the court decision reached in a lawsuit Solomon Šain, the Austrian subject with a residence in Belgrade, had filed against Haim Adut, over returning of the obligation.
Sequester Placed on the Household of Merkada Nisim Padro
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to place a sequester on the household of Merkada Nisim Padro to secure a debt settlement to Josif Mijović, a legal representative of Kosta Stefanović.
Sara, a Widow of Solomon Konortić, Recognized as the Owner of a Hammam
The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision by which Sara, a widow of Solomon Konortić, was recognized as the owner of the hammam of her late husband.
The Krajina County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a subpoena to Leon Pinto, a legal representative of Moreno Jakov Kojen, brought in his lawsuit against Kosta Barbulović from Negotin over debt.
The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade related to the application Samuilo Avram submitted to receive a Serbian citizenship. The Administration was asked to check over the statements Avram had given regarding his family and place of birth.
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to make inventory of the Jozef David Levi‘s property who bankrupted. Attached was the Inventory of the sold property.
Sons of Nahman Ozer filed a Lawsuit Against Aleksa Rajković
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit the sons of Nahman B. Ozer had filed against Aleksa Rajković, over debt.
Samuilo Alklaj Filed a Lawsuit Against Jefrem Mihailović
The Ćuprija County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to take the oath from Samuilo Alkalaj in order to confirm the lawsuit he had filed against Jefrem Mihailović over debt. The Administration reported that Alkalaj lived no longer in Belgrade but had had moved to Turkey.
Samuilo Adanja Filed a Lawsuit Against Isak Pinhas
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Samuilo I. Adanja had filed against Isak Pinhas, over debt.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade announced that Solomon De Ruso, a grocer from Belgrade, had lost golden coins (rubije). The Administration invited the citizens to return the coins if found or to inform if they had any information related to it.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade was requested the collect debt from Samuilo Alkalaj in favor of the Belgrade Customs.
19 November/11 December 1856
Document folio 4
Sabataj Koen‘s Debt
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade informed the Belgrade Town Court that Sabataj M. Koen did nor possess any assets that could be confiscated for the repayment of his debt to Jovan Ristić from Niš.
13 February 1856
Document folio 1
Solomon Veliš Filed a Lawsuit Against Samuilo Tajtas
The Administration of the Town of Belgrad investigated the assertion made in the lawsuit Solomon Veliš, a master painter, had filed against his apprentice Samuilo Tajtas, over his bad work and behavior. After the hearing of the accused and the witnesses, Tajtas was punished with 12 days of inprisonment, while Veliš was fined financially for failing to report the apprentice to the authorities.
Sequester Placed to the Possessions of Jozef J. Farhi Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the granted request of Jozef J. Farhi a sequester to be placed on the possessions of Jovan Miljković, over debt.
The Belgrade Town Court granted request of Đorđe Bujdić, legal representative of Konorta Baruh, who requested the sequestration of the property of Moša Avtalion, for a 795 groschen debt.
Document folio 3
Solomon S. Koen Filed a Lawsuit Against Sima Stanojević Over Debt
The Court of Kruševac requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to Solomon S. Koen, a merchant, reached in a lawsuit he had filed against Sima Stanojevića from Kruševac, over debt.