School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1921/22. The classes were attended by: Avram Levi, Avram Mandil, Avram Šimon, Žak Kalderon, Isidor Kalderon, Isidor Kalderon, Jakov Saso, Josif Đerasi, Josif Zunana, Lazar Eškinazi, Mika Karić, Mihailo Gutman, Moric Koen, Nisim Alfandari, Rafailo Levi,
Rudlof Mačoro, Samuilo Albahari, Solomon Amodaj, Fric Munk, Hajim Jeušua, Hans Flajšer, Nisim Alfandari, Hajim Amodaj, Izidor Alfandari.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1934/35. The classes were attended by: Avram J. Altarac, Josif B. Almuzlino, Mešulam L. Alhalel, Moša A. Albahari, Antun T. Vahove, Hajim M. Darsa, Avram D. Demajo, Hajim N. Kavison, Avram E. Koen, Rahamim N. Levi, Anri J. Mešulam, Binja D. Nahum, Avram M. Finci, Egon Štajner, Čeda Ž. Pijade.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1939/40. The classes were attended by: Samuilo Kalmić, Solomon Koen, Šimun Abinun.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1929/30. The classes were attended by: Isak Anaf, Jakov Isak, Jakov Tajtacak, Jakov Nahmijas, Jeruham Karijo, Kurt Najger, Leon Danon, Marko Mandil.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1925/26. The classes were attended by: Janko Pijade, Jontov Ruben, Julije Šehter, Mika Demajorović.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1921/22. The classes were attended by: Aron Tuvi, Gavrilo Zunana, Danilo Albahari, Đorđe Vajs, Ezra Maca, Žak Nahmijas, Žak Ruben, Žak Šaja, Jozef Alvu, Josif Sid, Joška Levi, Julijus Benvenisti, Mika Lazar, Mika Almuzlinov, Moni Konfino, Moric Kabiljo,
Naftalin Levi, Rafailo Levi, Sima Amodaj.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1934/35. The classes were attended by: Samuilo Š. Adanja, Jakov J. Amodaj, Evraim L. Abinum, Henrik A. Kenig, Menahem D. Levi, Gavra B. Mandil, Aleksandar A. Robiček, Jakov B. Samuilović, Leopold V. Hajduška, Mois E. Isak.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: Hajim Beraha, Hajim Medina, Šaja Ašendorf, Šimon Abinun.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1934/35. The classes were attended by: Rafajlo Altarac, Rafajlo Isak, Sabitaj Melamed.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1930/31. The classes were attended by: Josif Alkalaj, Leon Koen, Leon Mošić, Marko Mandić.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 5th grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1925/26. She attended the class, among others Viktorija Levi.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Avram L. Albahari, Mešulam D. Alkalaj, Moša A. Albahari, Aleksandar L. Birnbaum, Zdravko A. Katarivas, David A. Mandil, Isak M. Mašijah, Jahiel R. Pijade, Antun Vahove.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Moric Kavison, Moric Marković, Moša Demajo, Moša Levi, Naftali Konfino, Nisim Atijas, Nisim Kalef, Moša Mandil.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1937/38. The classes were attended by: Josif Todolano, Leon Mačoro, Marko Baruh, Lazar Pisirilo.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1938/39. The classes were attended by Leon Kario and Marko Kraus.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by Marko Nisim.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1937/38. The classes were attended by Nisim Mandil.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Benjamin M. Alkalaj, Sabitaj J. Asael, Avram S. Bejakov, Moša
A. Bejakov, Isak R. Baruh, Isak B. Darsa, Jakov M. Demajo, Mois I. Ergas, Danilo
M. Josifović, Menahem D. levi, Avram N. Majer, Gavra B. Mandil, Samuilo A.
Mešulam, Aron J. Papo, Isak B. Pinto, Jakov B. Pinto, Bernard G. Frank, Leopold
R. Hajduški, Nisim L. Mandil, Isak M. Simonović.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Samuilo Almuzlino, Samuilo Cevi, Sima Mačoro, Hajim Amar
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by Nisim Mandil.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1938/39. The classes were attended by Mojis Majo and Moša Berubi.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: Moric Ergas, Moša Albahari, Moša Almuzlino, Moša Pinto.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Solomon Levi, Hajim Haravan, Hajim Amar.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1940/41. The classes were attended by: Robert Farhi, Samuel Šam, Samuilo Gabaj.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1937/38. The classes were attended by: Samuilo Almozlino, Samuilo Jakovljević, Samuilo Kalmić, Samujlo Cevi, Solomon Aladžem.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1938/39. The classes were attended by Šimun Abinun.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1939/40. The classes were attended by: Hajim Medina, Šaja Ašendorf, Hajim Beraha.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1937/38. The classes were attended by: Solomon Bril, Solomon Koen, Solomon Levi, Solomon Konforti, Solomon Saso, Tibor Šosberger, Hajim Gabaj, Hajim Mevorah, Šimon Abinun.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1934/35. The classes were attended by: Salvator Levi, Sima Mačoro, Šaja Adanja, Šalom Abenšon.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Rafajlo Avramović, Rafajlo Altaras, Rafajlo Zunana.