School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1931/32. The classes were attended by: Juda Levi, Jakov Levi, Gavro Mandil, Hajim Pinto, Josif Hajon.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1934/35. The classes were attended by: Berta Alkalaj, Lenči Alkalaj, Matilda Almuzlino, Palomba Aron, Sarina Arueti, Sunha Arueti, Malka Bararon, Perla Beraha, Olivera Dajč, Sarina Jakovljević, Blanka Kario, Ester Kafitin, Erna Kolman, Frida Konfino, Luna Levi, Matilda Mandil, Mazal Mačora, Dona Pijade, Sara Saso, Mirjam Semo.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” women‘s ward in the school year 1938/39. The classes were attended by: Erdana Altarac, Relika Alšet, Ester Almuzlino, Sterija Baruh,
Roza Vinkler, Rašela Demajo, Berta Eškenazi, Olga Levi, Rašela Mandil, Stela Cevi.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1919/20. The classes were attended by: Albert Albahari, Biti Konfino, Buni Zaharija, Isak Šemanov, Josif Benaroja, Lazar Šimon, Rafailo Levi, Ruben Rubenović, Haim Koen, Živojin Jontović, Naka Koen,
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1934/35. The classes were attended by: Estera Almuzlino, Rakila Talvi, Sofija A. Baruh, Sofija D. Baruh, Lenči Bejosif, Rašela Demajo, Merjam Elazar, Zlata Katalan, Rahela Levi, Rašela Nahmijas, Rejna Ovadija, Rahela Hazan, Lenka Tuvi.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Rakila Almuzlino, Sultana Bencijon, Matilda Bogdanski, Marica Beraha, Merjam Vidas, Dora Kazes, Rifka Levi, Solči Levi, Dolika Mandil, Sara Mandil, Oru Arueti, Fani Pinkas, Ženi Tajtacak, Sofija Baruh.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1935/36. The classes were attended by: Dona Almuzlino, Rebeka Altaras, Rakela Benvenisti, Perla Vinkler, Ženi Koen, Maca Levi, Rifka Ovadija, Zlata Džoja Ovadija, Matilda Talvi, Mirjam Testa.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Irena Altarac, Perla Vinkler, Katica Gergelj, Nehama Kalderon, Rašela Koen, Ester Mevorah, Helena Rotbaum, Paula Reves.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1sт grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1926/27. The classes were attended by: Sado Baruh, Sanji Elijas, Samujlo Amodaj.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Avram Albahari, Moša Albahari, Aleksandar Birnbaum, David Mandil, Isak Mašijah, Alkalaj Mešulam, Josif Holender, Zdravko Katarivas.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1919/20. The classes were attended by: Emil Medina, Žak Koen, Živko Levi, Izrailo Adanja, Izrailo Jontović, Izrailo Hazan, Ignac Hirš, Izahar Avramović, Isak Albahari, Isak Alađem, Isak Afar, Isak Beraha, Isak Levi, Isak Mandil, Isak Ruso, Isak Solomon, Jakov Afar, Jakov Kazes, Jakov A. Koen, Jakov I. Koen, Jakov N. Koen, Jakov Levi, Jakov Mandil, Jakov Ruben, Josif Avramović, Josif Amodaj, Josif Baruh, Josif Beraha, Josif Zunana, Josif M. Judić, Josif S. Judić, Julijus Gabaj, Isak Alfandari.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Benjamin Alkalaj, Sabitaj Asael, Avram Jakov, Moša Jakov, Isak Baruh, Isak Darsa, Mois Ergas, Danilo Josifović, Menahem Levi, Jakov Majo, Gavro Mandil, Nisim Mandil, Samuilo Mešulam, Aron Papo, Isak Pinto, Jakov Pinto, Isak Simonović i Bernhard Frank.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1927/28. The classes were attended by: Solomon Brajner, Solomon Levi, Solomon Rafajlović.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1920/21. The classes were attended by: Avram Baruh, Aron Be Isak, Bubi Pesah, David Kalef, Ezra Adut, Isak Pesah, Jakov Baruh, Kalman Konkoli, Menahem Izrael, Moša Pijade, Nisim Atijas, Samulo Samuilović, Haim Baruh, Šeul Konfino, Sabitaj Zaraja.
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 3rd grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Relika Alšeh, Oru Ašerović, Viktorija Alšeh, Netika Avramović, Matilda Amiras, Rifka Bararon, Klara Afar, Klara Koen, Sara Konforti, Venezija Mandil.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1922/23. The classes were attended by: Ana Kapon, Berta Isaković, Vinka Gabaj, Matilda Cevi, Olga Koen, Berta Jakov, Paulina Konfino, Rena Medina, Sofija Benjamin, DŽamila Sid, Matilda Altaras.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1920/21. The classes were attended by: Izrailo Alfandari, Isak Albahari, Isak Mandil, Jakov Albahari,
Jakov A. Koen, Jakov L. Koen, Jakov Mandil, Josif Amodaj.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd and 3rd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1922/23. The classes were attended by: Gracija Altaras, Zumbula Jontović, Ela Almuzlinos, Matilda Albahari, Žulika Levi.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1928/29. The classes were attended by: Rafailo Mandil, Samuilo Levi, Solomon Bril, Hajim Baruh, Herman Levenberg.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1921/22. The classes were attended by: Isak L. Alkalaj, Isak S. Alkalaj, Jakov Koen, Jakov Levi.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1920/21. The classes were attended by: Berta Zaharija, Ema Almuzlinus, Matilda Albala, Gavra Koen, David Kapon, Žak Tajtacak, Jakov Bararon, Solomon Levi, Solomon Alšah, Samuilo Koen, Haim Koen, Mika Nisim.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1927/28. The classes were attended by Hajim Baruh, Hajim Koen, Hajnrih Holender, Šalom Finci.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1923/24. The classes were attended by: Blanka Beraha, Berta Konfino, Vinuča Albahari, Žana Elas, Matilda Beruben, Leja Pinto, Eleonora Munk, Sarina Kalmić, Bežanka Albahari, Netika Lazar, Viktorija Mevorah, Matilda Kojen.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1930/31. The classes were attended by: Isak Albahari, Hajim Talvi, Jakov Žan Baruh, Filip
Bogdanski, Moric Moša Demajo, Jakov Koen, Gavra Koen, Hajim Mevorah, Benjamin
Mandil, Izel Grimberg, Reja Alkalaj, Rahel Altarac, Mirjam Albahari, Neti
Agranović, Rejna Ašerović, Rahela Birnbaum, Berta Baruh, Delisja Baruh, Rahel
Hela De Majo, Regina Dajč, Rejna Demajo, Simha Sofi Davidović, Ester Jakovljević,
Berta Karić, Blanka Kario, Džoja Kapon, Rejna Levi, Lea Levi, Rašela Nahmijas,
Lenka Lija Solomonović, Mici Malka Jeušua, Ileana Eškenazi, Klara Nehema, Fani
School Register Book of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović”
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 4th grade of the Elementary School “Janko Veselinović” in the school year 1936/37. The classes were attended by: Sarina Alkuser, Isak Adanja, Buna Berubi, Solomon Demajo, Moša Eškenazi, Isak Koen, Josif Kalderon, Berta Levi, Malka Levi, Elijas Lauterpaht, Matilda Majer, Solomon Mandil, Rašela Nahmijas, Rejna Ovadija, Palomba Kamhi, Matilda Ruben, Sara Ruso and Perla Saso.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1921/22. The classes were attended by: Avram Bararon, Aron Be Isak, Bubi Pesah, David Kalef, Isak Pesah, Jakov Baruh, Menehaem Izrael, Moša Pijade, Sabitaj Zaraja, Sabitaj Koen, Šeul Konfino, Nikola Kapon, David Demajorović.
School Register Book of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 1st grade of the School of Trade of the Belgrade Trade Youth in the school year 1924/25. The classes were attended by: David Kalef, David M. Koen, David A. Koen, David Levi, Dragutin
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1921/22. The classes were attended by: Avram Hajduška, David Ovadija, Elizar Aris, Isak Amar, Isak Levi, Jakov Isak, Jakov Pinto, Moša Kalef, Nisim Pelosof, Nisim Koen, Nahum Majo, Sabitaj Konfino, Samuilo Amodaj, Solomon Rafael, Šalom Kalef, Jovan Almozlino, Batševa Gedalja, Bela Baruh, Bojana Jakov, Venecija Gaon, Greta Levi, Ela Levi, Leja Kalmić, Lujza Alkalaj,
Klara Nahmijas, Klara Ruben, Nina Leović, Paula Alkalaj, Rašela Koen, Rašela Ruso, Rašela Franko, Rejna Benarojo, Sofija
Demajo, Stela Demajo.
School Register Book of the Dunavska Elementary School
Class attendance and grade book of students attending the 2nd grade of the Dunavska Elementary School in the school year 1923/24. The classes were attended by: Buna Albahari, Berta Zaharija, Berta Marković, Bukica Kalderon, Vinuča Nisim, Vinka Benarojo, Vilma Majer, Edika Justić, Lenka Izrael, Lea Levi, Mazel Ašerović, Matilda Medina, Merjam Jakov, Sara Avramović, Tereza Šatner, Matilda Levi, Lea Kalmić, Netika Lazar, Matilda Beraha, Sarina Semo.