Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Tanasije Danić had filed against Moša Hason, over debt, likewise the inability to collect the debt from David Adut, who was the guarantor to Hason..
Toma Stojanović Filed a Lawsuit Against Isak Pinkas Over Debt
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit Toma Stojanović, a tailor, had filed against Isak Pinkas, a merchant, over debt. Due to the lack of means, the Administration collected the debt from Mišulan Koen, a guarantor of Isak Pinkas.
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from the indebted Samuilo Mišulan Levi.
The Ministry of Finances and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade communicated regarding the taxes which the Jewish citizens hadn‘t paid. The Administration was instructed to collect the taxes from 156 persons and to inform the Ministrywhich persons could not pay taxes due to poverty or some other reasons.
The Jewish Community in Belgrade Collected the Taxes For 1855/1856
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade issued a certificate that the Jewish Community had paid taxes for the years 1855 and 1856. Tax amount, which had been collected from 176 persons, was delivered on behalf of the Community by Moša A. Ruso and Jakov Maer Koen.
The Jewish Community informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that several members of the Community had moved away from Belgrade and accordingly they paid their taxes in those towns to which they had moved. Jakov and his son moved to Kragujevac, Jakov Arueti to Požarevac and Moša Pesah to Smederevo. The Administration communicated the headquarters in Požarevac and Smederevo to confirm those statements.
Tax Collection from the Members of Jewish Community
The Jewish Community requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to provide tax-exempt status for certain members of the Community who weren‘t able to pay the taxes. The documentation included the letters of the Smederevo District Office and Kruševac District Office requesting to be informed whether Jakov Aroeti and Jakov Jozefović were paying taxes.
Belgrade Town Court informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that Isak M. Pinkas could not settle his debts and consequently it ordered the seizure of his property.
Transportation Tax To Be Collected For the Wheat Export
Correspondence of the Ministry of Finances and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the collection of the transportation tax for the wheat Haim Davičo exported to Austria.
Tax Collection From Belgrade Jews For the Years 1857/1858
Correspondence of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade and the Belgrade Reconciliation Court regarding the collection of taxes from the Belgrade Jews for the years 1857/58. Attached to the file were the lists of Jewish taxpayers.
The Brothers Ozerović Filed a Lawsuit Against Đorđe Belkić Over Debt
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision brought in the lawsuit Moša Ozerović, a legal representative of the brothers Ozerović, had filed against Đorđe Belkić, a merchant, over debt.
The Brother Leon Koen Took Oaths in the Presence of a Rabbi
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade informed the Kragujevac County Court that the brothers Leon Koen had taken their oaths in the presence of a rabbi and confirmed that the late Todor Živković, a money dealer from Kragujevac, was indebted to them.
The Brothers Popović Filed a Lawsuit Agains Isak Levi Over Debt
The Commercial Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Isak Levi, against whom the brothers Popović had filed a lawsuit, over debt.
Correspondence of the Commercial Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the requests filed by the creditors of Tasa Ilić, a tailor. Attached to the file were lists of sold possessions and the debts settled to the creditors, among them to Moša Ruso and Solomon Suzin.
The Brothers Bodi Filed a Lawsuit Against David and Samuilo Haim
The Belgrade Commercial Court reached a decision regarding the lawsuit filed by the brothers Bodi against David and Samuilo Haim, money dealers, over debt.
The Brothers Ozerović Opened Two Tobacco Stores Without a Permission
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade reported on the interrogation of the Ozerović brothers regarding the openning of two tobacco stores without a permission from the authorities. Both brothers Ozerović made a statement that they didn‘t apply for the permission because they had no knowledge that the Guild of Tobacco Dealers existed at all.
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to inventory the assets of the late Avram
Josif Ozer, without including the capital invested in the business he was running with his partner Moša Ozer. The documentation included the list of assets.
The Brothers Barlovac Filed a Lawsuit Against Mordokaj Halfon Over Debt
The Commercial Court in Belgrade reached a decision in a lawsuit the Barlovac brothers had filed against Mordokaj Halfon, a merchant, over debt. The court decision could not be executed nor administrative fee collected due to the fact that Halfon lacked resourses or property.
The Brothers Barlovac Filed a Lawsuit Against Solomon Koen Over Debt
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect a court fee from Solomon Koen, related to the court decision by which he had to settle his debt to the Barlovac brothers. The Administration failed to collect the fee because Koen had bankrupted.
The Ozerović Brothers Gave a Power of Attorney To Mo[a Kalderon
The Ozerović brothers, the merchants, gave the power of attorney to their apprentice Moša Kalderon to collect loans given to their consumers and to represent them in the legal matters in Serbia and Turkey.
The Jewish Community Filed a Lawsuit Against Mark Rozemberg Over Debt
The Court in Smederevo requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to deliver a court decision to Josif Šlezinger, a legal representative of the Treasury of the Jewish community, reached in a lawsuit he had filed against the late Mark Rozemberg from Smederevo, over debt.
A Written statement on the termination of the partnership between the merchants Avram Suzin and Haim Pardo, submitted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade for the verification.
The Jewish Community Gave a Power of Attorney To Dimitrije Popović
The Jewish community gave the power of attorney to Dimitrije Popović to legally represent it, and submitted it to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade for a verification. (copy)