The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Jewish Religious-School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period of 11th do 20th October 1892. Avram Albahari got a baby boy. Rakila, a widow of Solomon Levi, and Rakila, a daughter of Isahar Isak, died.
The Dorćol Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred In the City
The policemen reports of the Dorcol Precinct for the July 1898. The reports recorded that Karlo Levi was caught for theft, the children of David Elijas took off one electrical bulb, some drifters were caught, among them Jakov Katarivas, Marko and Josif Almuzino.
1 August 1898
The Dorćol Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred In the City
Policemen reports of the Dorćol Precinct for the June 1898. They recorded that Jahijel B. Ruso was reported by the constable for the uncleanness in front of his house, that Moša Almuzlino, a grocer, was reported for selling goods on the street, also some persons kept their stores open on the Vidovdan ("St. Vitus Day"), a Serbian religious holiday, among them was Naftali Levi.
1 July 1898
The German Jewish Community Reported On Born, Dead and Married
The German Jewish Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that in the period of 10th to 20th November 1892 no child was born, nor a person died, neither marriages were performed.
21 November 1892
The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons
The Assembly of the Jewish Religious-School Community in Belgrade reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born and deceased persons in the period 11th to 20th November 1892: Samuil Melamed got a baby girl, Menahem Anđelo a baby boy; Lazar, a son of Jakov B. Moren, died.
The Dorćol Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred In the City
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: Đorđe Ilić, a blacksmith, was forwarded to the Court for sentence reading over imposing light injuries to Roza, a wife of Isak Levi; criminal investigation against Isak Avramović, a former grocer, against whom Samuil D. Ruso and Avram Nahman had filed a lawsuit, was annulled.
The receipts for the salaries of the teachers paid form the account of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade during 1898. The list of teachers included also Estira Ruso, Jelena De Majo and Moša Pinto.
Receipts for the salaries of teachers received paid by the Administration of the Town of Belgrade for September 1898. The salaries were paid to Estira Š. Ruso, Jelena De Majo and Moša J. Pinto.
26/30 September 1898
Turkish Passports with Visas
List of holders of Turkish passports who were granted visas from the Savamala Police. Josif Aladžem, a dyer, from Istanbul was on the list.
The report of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events occurred in the town during January 1899 sent to the Ministry of Interior. The report mentioned theft from Estera Pinto.
5/7 February 1899
Document folio 6
The Dorćol Precinct Reported On the Events In the Town
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: the overall property of Isak J. Kalmić was placed under the bankruptcy; Moni Buli was sentenced for not registering his workers.
The Tailor and Bed Cover Guild Sentenced Manufacturers For Misdeeds
The Palilula Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Pursuant to the lawsuit filed by the Tailor and bed covers Guild the following persons were sentenced: Jakov Avramović, Benjamin Rafailo, Moša Ovadija, Rafailo Avramović, Isak Avramović and Rafailo Isak for manufacturing bed-covers without previous disinfection.
The Ceremonial Office For the King Milan Was Held In the Old Synagogue
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: in the old synagogue the ceremonial office for the King Milan was held.
The City Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred in the City
The City Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City and the foreigners who arrived to Belgrade: Nisim B. Pinto, a former merchant, was forwarded to the court for stealing a coat of Milan Timotijin, a barber apprentice; Moša Abenun, a tinsmith fro Šabac, arrived to Belgrade and stayed in the Srpski kralj tavern.
The Dorćol Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred In the City
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Moric Polak was sentenced with 10-day imprisonment and exile to Stara Pazova, his birth place, for deception of authorities; Jakov Levi was fined for failing to register his tenant.
The City Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred in the City
The City Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Rudolf Fišer was sentenced with a day of imprisonment for breaking tree branches in the Kalemegdan; Elijas M. Levi, a mediator, was fined for spilling dirty water from his courtyard.
Theft Committeed in the Appartment of Marija Alkalaj
The City Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Lenka Baruh reported the theft in the appartment of her mother Marija Alkalaj in the No. 43 Dubrovačka Street.
The Dorćol Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred In the City
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: Bukus Demajo, a painter, was sentenced with the 8-day imprisonment for not responding to the call of the authorities; a theft was committed in the house of Estira Pinto, a widow.
Timotije Ilić Arrested For Stealing From Josif Danon
The Terazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Timotije Ilić, accused for stealing things from Josif Danon, the inn-keeper in the Dušanova Street, was arrested.
The Belgrade Municipal Court reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the decisions brought on the session of the Municipality Board. Among others, a decision to undertake the evaluation of the real estate of David Alkalaj for the needs of the regulation of the Kneza Lazara Street. Also, it was reported that the request of the Jewish Community for assigning the construction ground for building a synagogue, was forwarded to the Construction Board for reviewing.
The City Precinct requested the Administration of the City of Belgrade to issue a quest for pursuit after a person who committed the theft in the house of the former merchant Moša Medina, in the No. 49 Kosmajska Street.
The Brothers Pinkas Štajn Sentenced For Keeping the Area Dirty
The Terazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: the brothers Pinkas Štajn were sentenced for keeping the leased area in the Dvorska Street dirty.
The Brothers Pinkas Štajn Fined For Disrespecting City Rules
The Terazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade that occurred in the City: the Brothers Pinkas Štajn, a saddle manufacturer, were fined because their horse-carriage driver was not dressed properly.
The Dorćol Precinct Reported On the Events That Occurred In the City
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: Hajim Tajtacak was escorted to the court for sentence reading associated with the lawsuit Naftalija Levi had filed against him over insult; Mata Ruso, a clerk of the National Bank, was sentenced for spilling dirt on the street.
The Palilula Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: the geese missing from the shed of Sabitaj Mandilović, a petty dealer, were found.
The Brothers Pinkas Štajn Sentenced For Disrespecting Police Order
The Terazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: the brothers Pinkas Štajn, a saddle manufacturer, were sentenced for disrespect of the police order.
9 December 1904
The Jewish Religious School Community Elected New Management Board
The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the City: The Jewish Religious School Community held its gathering and the new members of the Management Board were elected, likewise their deputies.
Terazije Precinct Reported On the Events In the City
The Terazije Precinct reported to the Administration of the City of Belgrade on events that occurred in the City: Solomon Koen, a tobacco producer, was fined for selling without a permission; a bankruptcy case was opened for the property of Hajim Pinkas, a merchant.