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The Brothers Mordohaj and Solomon Anaf Settled the Debt To Sabitaj Kojen

The Niš District Headquarters dispatched to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade a debt amount collected from the brothers Mordohaj and Solomon Anaf, merchants from Niš, and requested to hand it over to Sabitaj Kojen, a merchant, for debt settlement.

2 April/16 May 1882


Document folio 2


The Belgrade Jews Organized the Aid For the Jewish Victims In Russia

A representative of Mojse D. Alkalaj, a rabbi, requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to allow a gathering of the Jewish citizens in order to organize the aid for the Jewish victims in Russia.

25 April 1882


Document folio 1


The Jewish Community Complained Against Mirko Miljković, a Teacher

The Ministry of Education and Religion requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to investigate a complaint of the Jewish Religious School Community against a teacher at the male elementary school in Jalija who treated the children and a teacher of religion Moša Alkalaj in an inhumane manner. The Administration investigated the case and suggested that the teacher Mirko Miljković should be transferred to another school.

16 December 1874/1 March 1875


Document folio 2


The real Owner of the Parcel in Zerek

The Administration of the Town of Belgrade was requested to cancel the scheduled auction of the parcel of Izrael Ruso located in Zerek, since the property was actually owned by Lea Ruso.

7 June 1874/26 May 1878


Document folio 5


The Brothers Sibinki To Settle Their Debt To David Farhi

The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to put a ban on vine and barrels, property of the brothers Sibinkić from Sremski Karlovci, worth a debt amount to David Farhi.

16 December 1865/6 March 1866


Document folio 12


Theft in the Store of Hajim Majkus

The Town Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: a thief broke into the store of Hajim Majkus in the Vasina Street.

23 July 1882


Document folio 2


Theft In the Haim Levi‘s Store

The Town Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: Haim Levi reported that someone broke into his store and took away money and merchandise.

27 October 1881


Document folio 1


Theft in the Store of Isak Pinta

The police report of the Dorćol Precinct submitted to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade for February 1882: the police was looking for the thief who had robbed the store of Isak Pinta.

1 March 1882

ИАБ-1- К1905-1882-Ф25-114

Document folio 164


Theft in the Store Owned by Moša Medina

Police report of the Savamala Precinct sent to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade in December 1881: unknown thieves had broken into the store of Moša Medina and had stolen the merchandise worth over 2400 dinars.

3 January 1882

ИАБ-1- К1905-1882-Ф25-114

Document folio 164


The Belgrade Journal Wrote About a Jew Who Collected Contributions

The Dorćol Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that it failed to locate a crook Jew, who allegedly collected contributions for purchasing a candle for a church, about which the Belgrade Journal wrote as well.

22 December 1881


Document folio 1


Theft From the Courtyard of Isak Izrailjević

The Palilula Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on events that occurred in the Town: a kettle and a copper pot were stolen from the courtyard of Isak Izrailjević in the Hilandarska Street.

19 December 1880


Document folio 2


tax Collection from Šajlon Kalderon

The Požarevac District Office delivered to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade money collected for taxes from Šajlona Kalderona.

15 March/24 April 1881


Document folio 3


Tax Collection from Avram Pesak

The belgrade Municipality requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect unpaid taxes from Avram Pesak. Pesak lived in Požarevac, but he was registered as a taxpayer in Belgrade.

8 April/9 June 1881


Document folio 2


The Debt Collection

The Administration of the Town of Belgrade and the Commercial Court communicated regarding the debt collection from Izrailo B. Avram in favor of the bankrupted company Alfandari i Anđelo.

4 August 1880/11 March 1881


Document folio 5


Terezija Bek - Citizen‘s Card

Certificate of residence of Terezija Bek, née Špicer, homemaker.

3 October 1941


Document 1 item


Theft In Front Of Leon Medina‘s Store

The Savamala Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the events that occurred in the Town: Leon A. Medina, a merchant, reported the theft of goods in front of his store.

19 November 1882

ИАБ-1- К1917-1882-295

Document folio 1


The Jewish Community Reported on Newly Born and Dead Persons

The Jewish Religious School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the newly born and dead persons in the Community in the period 10th to 20th July 1885: Samuel Lazar got a daughter; Rivka, a widow of Moša Demajo, died.

22 July 1885


Document folio 1


Tax Collection From Binja Mandil

Receipt for the tax amount paid by Binja Mandil, a merchant assistant.

22 May 1885


Document folio 1


The Jewish Community Reported On Newly Born Children

The Jewish Religious School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of children born from 20th to 31 August 1885. Avram Solomon and Rafailo Almuzlino got sons and Avram Tajtacak got a daughter.

3 September 1885


Document folio 1


Tax Collection From Nisim Testa

The Šabac County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect tax amount from Nisim Testa, a shoemaker, for the second semester of 1885

5 October 1885


Document folio 1


The German Jewish Community Reported On Newly Born Children

The German Jewish Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of born, diseased and married members of the community from 10th until 20th July 1891: Josif Akselrad got a daughter; there were no deaths or weddings in that period.

21 July 1891


Document folio 1


Tax Collection from Binja Mandil

Receipt for a paid bachelor tax by Binja Mandil.

11 March 1885


Document folio 1


Tax Refund to Solomon Pinto

Solomon Pinto, a trade apprentice, filed a request to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to get a refund of the overpaid bachelor tax. Receipts for the paid bachelor and regular taxes were enclosed to the file

3/27 May 1885


Document folio 4


The Jewish Community Reported on the Newly Born and Deceased Persons

The Jewish Religious School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the number of births and deaths in the community in the period of 1st to 20th June 1884. Children were born in the families of Jakov Mevorah, Hajim Majo, Hajim Pinto, Josif Hajim, Bencijon Hajim, Benvenista Jakov and Samuilo Pijade. Nahama, daughter of Hajim Aron, and a newborn child of Anđelo Levi died.

21 June 1884


Document folio 1


The Jewish Community Reported on Newly Born and Diseased Persons

The Jewish Religious School Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the births and deaths in the community in the period from 20th until 31st May 1885: children were born in the families of Jakov Rubi, Samuilo Almuzlino, Jakov Minto, Jakov Arueti, Moša Koen, Juda Benado and Avram Katalan, Neti F, Josif Pučin and a newborn of Leon Jakovljević died.

2 June 1885


Document folio 3


The Jewish Community Elected of New Members of the Administration

The Jewish Religious School Community informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to have appointed new members of the community administration, in the presence of the representative Isak Barukić, for the period 1884/1887. The appointed members were Hajim Azrijel, Samuil Hajim, Avram Ozerović, Samuilo Pijade, Avram De Majo, Jakov Alkalaj and David Buli, and deputies David Levi, Jovan Melamed and Jakov Mevorah.

29 April 1884


Document folio 1


The Essence Bought At the Public Auction Resold to Marković Šapčanin

Bukas Demajo requested the tavern controller to examine the quality of the essence bought at a public auction and then resold to Marković Šapčanin and the Company.

20 June 1885


Document folio 1


The Brothers Davičo Had a Real Estate Property in Dorćol

Samuilo, Rafailo and Moša Davičo requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to issue them a certificate that their real estate in Dorćol, called Davičin Han, was not under the mortgage.

4 August 1887


Document folio 2


The Jewish Community Reported on Births, Marriages and Deaths

The Jewish Community reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on births, deaths and marriages in the Community in November 1878.The children were born in the families of Jakov and Ori Alkalaj, Jakov and Rejna Pinto and Aron and Sara Kojen. Semtov Kazes and Rakila, maiden Talvi got married. Rakila, a wife of Jakov Majo, Izrael J. Hazan and Šmile Nahman died.

3 December 1878


Document folio 2


Theft in Synagogue

The Dorćol Precinct informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that it caught the thieves who had robbed the Synagogue.

1 December 1878


Document folio 2


Total records 1811