The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect tenancy rent for a shop from the creditors of Solomon Melamed, i.e. Haim Beavram, Duka Pešika, Mojsej Kalderon and Isak Beavram. The creditors had taken the obligation to cover the amount of 24 talirs for the tenancy of a shop in which Melamed had stored his goods.
The Aleksinac District Headquarters requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the autumn taxes from Solomon Simonović, a former citizen of Aleksinac, who had failed to pay. The Administration could not execute the request due to a very poor financial situation of Simonović.
Tax Collection From Isak Alkalaj, His Son Bokor and Moša Nisim
Correspondence of the Smederevo District Headquarters and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from Isak Alkalaj, his son Bokor and Moša Nisim, who moved away to Belgrade without paying taxes in Smedervo where they used to live.
The Čačak County Court communicated the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision the debts of the brothers Kaluđerović be settled from their property to Antonije Pajović and Mišolan Levi. The Administration was requested to inform the creditors that they could collect their debt amounts in person or by their representatives in the Court.
The Davidović Brothers Agreed Over the House Partition
The Belgrade Town Court ordered the Administration of the City of Belgrade to establish a commission which would investigate the dispute between the brothers Haim and Leon Davidović regarding the partition of a house. The brothers Davidović reached the signed the arrangement in the presence of the commission.
Exerpt from the lawsuit documentation and the court decision the Belgrade Town Court brought against Nikola Milović, Rade Gavrilović and Miloš Milanović, accused for a theft done to David Alkalaj.
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to provide a letter written in Hebrew to be translated into Serbian, which Avram Koen had dispached to Isak B. Avram .
The Ćuprija District Headquarters informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that Tasa Simić, a merchant from Paraćin, and Bohor Levi, a merchant from Belgrade, had settled their dispute.
The Aleksinac District Office informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the case of Avram Josifović who was detained when he had crossed the border with Turkish travel document, claiming that he had lost the Serbian passport somewhere near Niš, on his way to Vidin and that Turkish authorities issued him the document.
18 January/1 February 1851
Document folio 2
The Court Decision Issued to Moreno Magris
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade issued to Moreno Magris the court decision.
26 August 1848
Document folio 3
The Merchandise of Moša Solomonović to Be Sold at the Auction
The Belgrade Town Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to organize the auction of the merchandise owned by a merchant Moša Solomonović, in presence of his creditors Panta Kanara, Duka Pešika, Moreno Konortić and Čelebon Halfon.
20 September/4 December 1848
Document folio 8
Transportation Accident
The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade at the request of Isak Ajbel, Gaijan Albahar and Semo Demajo, the Jewish traders, that the boat by which their goods were being transported, got crashed in the vicinity of the border, near Kupinovo. Mustafa Ibraimović which had had an accident near border in Kupinovo. The goods were found and returned to Mustafa Ibraimović who operated the boat.
The Brothers Barlovac Filed a Lawsuit Against Jakov and Avram Elijas
Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the decision brought in a a lawsuit the brothers Barlovac had filed against Jakov A. Elijas and Avram S. Elijas, over debt.
The Brothers Čelebonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Vujica Ranković
Correspondence of the Čačak County Court and The Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the lawsuit the brothers Čelebonović, merchants from Belgrade, had filed against Vujica Ranković, over debt.
The Belgrade Town Court instructed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to research for the heirs of the late Isak I. Adanja and to deliver them a court decision. The Administration responded that Isak had a son Jakov, who had left his father long time ago.
Upon the request of the Smederevo Court, the Administration of the Town of Belgrade collected the court fees from Moša Kum Avramović, who filed a lawsuit against Filip Stanković from Smederevo.
The Brothers Leon Haimović Company Filed a Lawsuit Against Petar Bajlović
The Belgrade Town Court communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the court decision reached in a lawsuit Kuča H. Koen, a representative of the Brothers Leon Haimović company, had filed against Petar Bajlović, over debt. The Administration was requested to collect a debt amount and a court fee from Bajlović.
The Brothers Čelebonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Marko Petrović Over Debt
Correspondence of the Court in Karanovac and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the decision reached in a lawsuit the brothers Čelebonović from Belgrade had filed against Marko Petrović from Čačak, over debt.
The Quarantine in Aleksinac Informed on People Travelling to Belgrade
The Quarantine in Aleksinac communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the arrival of Mevra Halderov to Belgrade from Niš, his 20-day stay in Belgrade, at his brother Moša‘s house, for a trade business. The Quarantine also confirmed the arrival of Berha Josifov from Bucharest, who would be practicing a tailoring in Belgrade, likewise the arrival of Simon Ilić, a Jew from Constantinople, who was visiting his brother Mihel.
The Brothers Čelebonović Filed a Lawsuit Against Rufim Golemović
The Čačak County Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect the court fee from the brothers Čelebonović who had filed a lawsuit against Rufim Golemović, over debt.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade communicated to the Aleksinac District Headquarters regarding the theft committed in the store of Isak Heskijan Albahari, a bedcover manufacturer. The Albahari‘s neighbor departed to Aleksinac immediately after the theft had happened, so he became the main suspect. The Headquarters was requested to check if the suspect appeared in that area and if he had the stolen items with him.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade informed the district headquarters about the theft committed in a store of Isak Majer Pinkas, with a request to search for the thieves on their respective territories.
The Administration of the Town of Belgrade investigated the accusations against Todor Milovanović, a grocer, made by Mojsej Koen for insulting him in public and destroying his overcoat, and consequently the Administration sentenced Milovanović with 12 days of imprisonment i.e. 6 talers, and to pay for his destroyed overcoat.