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The Jewish Synagogue Filed a Complaint Against Tasa Belopoljac

Samuel S. Koen, Haim A. Konfino and Jahijel B. Ruso, the tutors of the Jewish Synagogue, filed a complaint to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against Tasa Belopoljac, a clark at the Administration, related to the decision Belopoljac to stand a side of Avram Jakovljević against whom a lawsuit was filed over a flour distribution to the poors, and to null his guilt.

25 January/17 March 1865


Document folio 30


Tutors Appointed For the Property of the Late Gavrilo Leon

Correspondence of the Belgrade Town Court and The Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the appointment of David S. Ruso and Juda Aroeti for property tutors of the late Gavrilo D. Leon. When Aroeti died, Samuilo Haim Alvo was appointed instead.

20 April 1862/20 April 1865


Document folio 22


Tax Exemption of Elijas Avram Azriel

Correspondence of the Reconciliation Court, the Administration of the Town of Belgrade and the Ministry of Finances regarding the tax exemption of Elijas Avram Azriel who lived in Zemun and had no assets in Serbia.

20 December 1865/3 February 1866


Document folio 4


Tax Collection From Belgrade Jews For the Year 1864

Lists of Belgrade citizens, taxpayers in 1864. Among persons who were exempted from tax paying was also a widow of Bohor Amar. The list of newly weds, new taxpayers included Salomon Koen, Salomon Benbasa and Jozef Isak Lazar. The list of deceased taxpayers included Jakov Aroeti and Jakov Beraha. The documentation comprised statements on weddings and deaths of the persons mentioned above.

9/20 March 1865


Document folio 7


Theft in the Store of Bohor Alkalaj

The Town Precinct reported to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade on the theft committed in the store of Bohor Alkalaj, in the night between 18th and 19th January 1864.

25 January/17 March 1864


Document folio 23


Tax Collection From Moša Jakov

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax amount collection from Moša Bukus Jakov who moved from Belgrade to Smederevo.

12 March/11 August 1866


Document folio 7


The Brothers Đorđević Filed a Lawsuit Against Rakila Avramović

The Đorđević brothers submitted a complaint to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade related to the decision of the Belgrade Municipal Court associated with the lawsuit they had filed against Rakila Avramović, over the debt collection for the merchandise taken.

7 September/28 October 1865


Document folio 5


The Financial Audit Commission Reviewed the Accounts of the Synagogue

The Financial Audit Commission informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that it failed to accurately determine the revenues and expenses of the Synagogue, because its accounts were kept together with the school and hospital accounts. Therefore the Commission requested the Administration to obtain the authorization from the relevant authorities to review all accounts. The file comprised the correspondence of the Commission and the Administration related to the property, revenues and expenses of the Jewish institutions, likewise the relationship of the tutors of the Synagogue and the Commission members.

8 June/21 September 1865


Document folio 38


Tax Collection From Daniel Nahmias

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the collection of municipal taxes from Daniel Gavrilo Nahmias who resided in Šabac at that period.

30 March 1868


Document folio 4


Tax Collection From David Tajtacak

The Šabac District Headquarters informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade that David Tajtacak, a merchant apprentice from Šabac, was registered as taxpayer in Šabac, but had paid taxes in Belgrade.The Administration was requested to speed up the Court of Belgrade Municipality to return the tax amount. However, the Court informed the Administration that Tajtacak was registered as a Belgrade taxpayer as well.

24 February/10 March 1867


Document folio 6


Tax Collection From Samuel Pops

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from a physician Samuel Pops for the year 1866/67 when he worked as a physician assistant in the Mental Hospital. Afterward, Samuel Pops worked as a physician in Čačak.

4 October 1867/23 May 1868


Document folio 12


Tax Collection From Isak and Julija Kojen

Correspondence of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade, the Belgrade Town Court and district headquarters regarding the tax collection from citizens. The file comprised statements of witnesses that Isak J. Kojen and his wife Julija were of poor material situation, too old to earn for living and that Julija‘s son and Isak‘s stepson Moric Crebič from Vienna financially supported them.

13 June 18663 January 1867


Document folio 34


Tax Collection From Avram M. Kojen, Azriel Almuzlino and Samuilo Albahari

Correspondence of the Administration of the Town of Belgrade and the Požarevac District Headquarters regarding the tax collection from Avram M. Kojen, Azriel Almuzlino and Samuilo Albahari, who did not pay taxes to Belgrade Municipality for the year 1867 prior to moving to Požarevac.

4 May/9 July 1868


Document folio 4


Tax Collection From Rahila Nahmijas

The Ministry of Finances communicated to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the complaint of Rahila, a widow of Gavrilo Nahmijas, against a decision which bounded her to pay taxes for the last several years. The complaint was rejected because Rahila inherited a house from her husband and sold it to the Administration, and she didn‘t live in community with her sons.

27 March 1867


Document folio 10


Tax Collection From David Tajtacak

Correspondence of the Court in Šabac, the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the collection of taxes from David Tajtacak for the year 1868/69. Tajtacak moved from Belgrade to Šabac with wife Klara, sons Isak, Nisim, Samuilo and a daughter Bukar.

20 February 1869/22 January 1870


Document folio 21


Tax Collection From Ašer and Izrail Leon

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection for the year 1886/87 from Ašer and Izrailo Leon. The Court determined that Ašer lived in Austria, that he was single and that had no property in Belgrade, so the Court removed him from the list of taxpayers. Also, it was determined that Izrailo‘s property was registered on his father, the late Gavriel Leon.

15 October 1869/13 February 1870


Document folio 9


Tax Collection From Aslan Đerasi

The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect taxes from Aslan Leon Đerasi. The Administration informed the Court that Đerasi was registered as a taxpayer in the town of Šabac where he paid his contributions regularly.

28 February/8 May 1867


Document folio 4


Tax Collection From Moša Salomon

The Administration of the Town of Belgrade requested the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs to collect tax amount from Moša B. Salomon who lived in Zemun, but possessed a real estate in Belgrade, The Ministry determined that Salomon lived in Vienna and asked the Administration to find out his address in order to collect the tax.

19 March/2 July 1868


Document folio 5


Tax Collection From Persons Who Left Belgrade During Its Bombardment

The Belgrade Municipal Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect tax amounts from people who escaped from the town during the bombardment in 1862, returned afterwards , but at that moment they did not reside in Belgrade. The list included Iskija Pijade who resided in Niš, Leon Haim in Timisoara, Menahem Amar in Zemun and Gavra Marković in Pančevo.

2 Novemer 1866/1 April 1867


Document folio 15


Tax Collection From Mordohaj Jakov Ozmo

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court, Požarevac District Headquarters and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from Mordohaj Jakov Ozmo, registered in the Belgrade tax register, but he moved away to Požarevac.

16 February/3 May 1867


Document folio 4


Tax Collection From David Sabitaj D. Majo

The Belgrade Municipality Court requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect tax amount from David Sabitaj D. Majo, a butcher. The Administration at first searched for Majo in Smederevo, but was informed that he had moved to Požarevac. However, the Požarevac District Headquarters informed the Administration that he has returned to Belgrade.

20 August 1868/22 January 1869


Document folio 6


Tax Collection From Jozef Alkalaj

Correspondence of the Požarevac District Headquarters, the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade related to the collection of taxes from Jozef Alkalaj who resided in Požarevac, was of poor material situation and of bad health. The Municipal Court iinstructed the Administration that Alkalaj should submit medical certificate and certificate regarding his material situation in order to get the tax exemption.

28 April 1867/16 August 1868


Document folio 17


Todor Nikolić Complained Against Avram Eskinazi Over Debt

Todor Nikolić, a merchant from Požarevac, complained to the Administration of the Town of Belgrade against his former partner Avram Eskenazi from Belgrade, over debt for the sold wool.

13 May/2 July 1866


Document folio 6


Tax Collection From Jakov Kazas

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court, the Administration of the Town of Belgrade and the Court in Valjevo regarding the collection of tax and contributions from Jakov Kazas, who moved from Belgrade to Obrenovac and back to Belgrade again.

20 April 1868/13 March 1870


Document folio 6


Tax Collection From Jakov Finc and Jakov Maer Koen

The Municipal Court in Belgrade requested the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to collect tax amount for the year 1867 from Jakov Finc and Jakov Maer Koen, who at that moment resided in Šabac.

20 April/13 September 1868


Document folio 6


Tax Collection From David De Majo

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from David De Majo, who moved to Smederevo with the family.

18 July 1867/19 December 1868


Document folio 22


Tax Collection From Avram Semo

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Ćuprija District Headquarters regarding the collection of taxes and municipal contributions from Avram Semo from Belgrade, with a residence in Svilajnac.

15 June 1871/30 June 1872


Document folio 8


Tax Collection From Solomon Albahari

Correspondence of the Belgrade Municipal Court, the Požarevac District Headquarters and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the tax collection from Solomon Albahari, a Jewish teacher who moved to Požarevac from Belgrade. The Headquarters informed the Administration that Albahari had returned to Belgrade but had died.

8 December 1869/28 May 1870


Document folio 7


Tax Collection From Jozef Rufko Magris

Correspondence of the Ministry of Finances, the Belgrade Municipal Court and the Administration of the Town of Belgrade regarding the request of Jozef Rufko Magris to get tax exemption. The Ministry of Finances denied the request claiming that Magris was capable of working and that he paid small tax amount.

9 January/23 June 1870


Document folio 12


Tax Collection From Hananel Baroh

The Belgrade Municipal Court informed the Administration of the Town of Belgrade to have requested by mistake a tax settlement from Hajim Baroh, instead from Hananel Baroh, a petty dealer from Šabac. The Šabac District Headquarters informed the Administration that Hananel Baroh had moved to Vlachia.

15 June 1871/24 April 1872


Document folio 6


Total records 1811